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Marthaver1 t1_iwnaine wrote

Legacy admission and pay to play admissions is broad day life corruption, plain and simple.

Imagine being a poor student, working your ass off to get excellent grades, entrance exams scores (another corrupt shit btw), active in 5+ extracurricular activities per semester, and just to be rejected over little Baron with mediocre grades because daddy is an alumni and or is a generous donor of that school. These schools have no shame. Ethics my ass. With what moral grounds can they even enforce plagiarism when they are doing shit this?


Ok-Tap-4824 t1_iwotd8k wrote

>Legacy admission and pay to play admissions is broad day life corruption

Pretty sure you're just describing capitalism.

No one is surprised when the Ferrari dealership doesn't care about your grades. They'll take a check, thanks.


_Happy_Sisyphus_ t1_iwoyb8l wrote

But universities claim to be not for profits


Ok-Tap-4824 t1_iwoyjv2 wrote

Yeah, and they don't make any profit. They reinvest all that money back into the university.

That doesn't mean they don't care about money.

If you want to test this, here's a nifty experiment -- go swing by a non-profit hospital, whichever is closest to you, and ask them to give you all their money. See what they say.