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t1_ixy7r5i wrote

Should have, and no, it's not a type of influenza. As the other guy said, it's a coronavirus, completely unrelated to the flu.


t1_ixy8hs0 wrote



t1_ixy8rqv wrote

So are you a troll or an idiot? Coronaviruses and influenza viruses are different families of viruses and always have been. That's a scientific thing and not a political thing, and nothing has changed.


t1_ixyeb9q wrote

Complaining about efforts to save lives being attempts to control people - definitely a troll.


t1_ixy8xx8 wrote



t1_ixy9f2c wrote

H1N1 is not a coronavirus, it's a flu virus. SARS is not considered to be a flu strain, it was suspected very early in to be one because of the symptoms. Once it was studied it was confirmed to be a coronavirus


t1_ixycthh wrote



t1_ixydrvl wrote

None of that is true. You're assuming I wasn't around when H1N1 blew up. I was, and it was always referred to as flu. No-one has changed the definition of coronavirus and you're using the standard conspiracy theorist trick of "do your own research" because your have zero evidence to back up your outlandish claims.


t1_ixygtc7 wrote

Must be a troll. Nobody is actually this dumb.