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t1_ixxxdm0 wrote

Japan just hit 117,840 new cases on November 25th.

I hope for a speedy recovery to S. Korea and Japan!


t1_iy14scz wrote

Hope Japan doesn’t close their borders again. Was hoping to return to visit soon


t1_ixxy9x8 wrote

I just don’t understand how countries like Japan and Korea are getting hit this hard. Especially when hygiene and masks are so popular.


t1_ixy69mz wrote

Because they're still testing. Other countries probably have this much as well but they're not doing that much official testing and tracking.

Just left Korea for the UK. It's completely different here. If I get COVID here, and it isn't serious enough for hospitalisation, I don't think anyone is even going to know or record it.

Also population density doesn't help.


t1_ixy8zac wrote

I got covid a couple months ago for the first time. I looked into telling the government - found out theres no way to do it.


t1_ixyunuy wrote

>found out theres no way to do it.

For US:

You just call/message your primary care provider and they'll either order additional testing for you at your doctor's office if you're sick or you can get lab testing at nearby pharmacies.

>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “strongly encourages” everyone who self-tests to report their positive results to a health care provider, who may order a P.C.R. test or otherwise report the data to state authorities. But only a few state health departments, including those in Colorado and Washington, collect data from home tests. Others, like in Massachusetts and New York, allow individual county health departments to decide whether they want to collect home test results.

But yes, doctors are only required to report lab tests to the CDC.

>CDC strongly encourages everyone who uses a self-test to report any positive results to their healthcare provider. Healthcare providers can ensure that those who have tested positive for COVID-19 receive the most appropriate medical care, including specific treatments if necessary.

>In most jurisdictions, healthcare providers who diagnose COVID-19 are required to report those cases to public health.

>The US Government does not want to construct any barriers that would deter the use of self-tests.  COVID-19 surveillance continues to be based on results from laboratory testing. The primary role of case reporting is to allow public health agencies to take actions to mitigate disease spread. The public health community, including CDC, is confident that situational awareness remains strong without receiving self-test results.

In Massachusetts, for example, you can use the state's app to share your test anonymously, but it won't be counted towards official numbers.


t1_ixyynmd wrote

My parents live in a rural red county. They got COVID (verified by at home testing) about a month ago. They were planning on just toughing it out, but I bullied them into at least contacting their primary care physician to inform them and under the assumption the PCP would report the result. The PCP requested no lab testing or anything though, and I have no idea if they reported the cases or not.


t1_ixyjwr1 wrote

Lol what? I live in S Korea and there's a million avenues for reporting covid. My local city hall has a direct line specifically for reporting personal cases if you tested at home.


t1_ixz8naz wrote

Ontario, canada. We have a trump-light premier of our province, doug ford. You might have heard of his brother, rob ford, the crack smoking mayor of toronto who died a few years ago, Rob Ford.


t1_ixyw5kk wrote

I was just in Korea for a few weeks, I hate how emergency mobile alert broadcasts were abused daily or every few hours just to tell people how many local cases there were.


t1_ixzb22w wrote

And now you’re reading headlines about a surge in cases. Almost as if they saw an emergency coming.

How dare they use an emergency system to portray a coming emergency. Shame on them.


t1_ixzg806 wrote

A surge in cases is no longer an emergency as in 2020. Is using an emergency system to basically broadcast regular news, causing some to turn off the alerts entirely, in a locality where storms and tsunamis matter, not counter to the point of having an emergency system? The broadcasts weren't even large numbers, more like "there were 8 cases in your neighbourhood yesterday" and "here is your nearest vaccination center", as 2 separate alerts.


t1_ixz85q6 wrote

If you tested positive for PCR and provided your home address, then your info & test results will go directly to your local health department & state health department through electronic lab reporting. There’s no need to call them because most of them will not take at-home results.


t1_ixz998m wrote

We dont have any states in canada.


t1_ixz9y0u wrote

Pretty sure Canada has electronic lab reportings because it has a more advanced epi system than the US. We envy your universal healthcare.


t1_ixzak4s wrote

Its not as great as its crcked up to be, but i never think about going to my doctor, as it costs nothing.

If i test positive with a takehome test, they say to stay home, and only certain groups of the population have ever been eligible to get lab tests.


t1_iy0oso8 wrote

Thats the beauty of the push for rapid test kits.

Our country would be screwed if everyone was still PcRing. The numbers would be insane.


t1_ixydotm wrote

Eh. I’m an ICU nurse in the US. We’re getting a hospitalization spike, it’s just not bad enough to hit the news yet.


t1_ixyejev wrote

I never said you weren't getting a hospitalization spike. But if 100,000 people got covid today and in the US 1000 went to the hospital, then the US might only think they've got 1000 new cases because that's all they track. In Korea they still track positive tests regardless of whether or not you went to the hospital. That's why certain countries are still showing large numbers like this because they're tracking all cases, not just the ones that wind up in hospital.


t1_iy1xlvm wrote

I went to a PCR test ran by Miami-Dade County in September. Was positive, got a call from the Florida Dept. of Health the next day.

The numbers are a lot higher, but with vaccinations, and prior infections, serious illness is not showing as much, and tons of people just never test, or just test at home. People are more worried about the FLU and RSV right now.


t1_ixyjtev wrote

That's not what he's saying though. The tracking mechanisms have been greatly diminished.


t1_ixyz025 wrote

>it’s just not bad enough to hit the news yet.

Here's the official data from the HHS data hub in the US:

Number Type 🏥 %
692,244 Inpatient Beds 5,293 Hospitals N/A
511,596 Inpatient Beds in Use 5,292 Hospitals ~74% beds in use
29,450 Inpatient Beds in Use for COVID-19 5,170 Hospitals ~5.76% patients with Covid

You can also search capacity for specific hospitals on this site:

And don't forget the beds are also getting filled up now with RSV and flu cases.


t1_ixy09f6 wrote

Because Covid-19 is now endemic like the flu and is here to stay.

It’s never going away and this is something that is going to wax and wane in virility for the rest of our existence most likely.


t1_ixyy60k wrote

That doesn't make it okay. That doesn't mean we don't need mitigation efforts. It doesn't mean we don't need to track it. We track the flu even though it is also endemic. How is any of that relevant? We already know that repeat exposure to COVID damages the immune system.


t1_iy1hr8i wrote

We also only track lab proven instances of the flu. If i catch the flu and it’s not bad enough to at least send me to doctors nobody knows I have it.


t1_ixzgxs4 wrote

I didn’t say that it is okay or that it shouldn’t be treated. And nor did I say that it isn’t dangerous or health hazardous. 🤷‍♂️


t1_iy24t6p wrote

Where is this idea that we don't track it? We just don't see it on TV. I got covid in September and was called and emailed by Fla. Dept. of Health. It is not like everyone with the flu takes a test that goes to the government.

We track what we can, but it is just part of life at this point.


t1_ixzjiw1 wrote

I see COVID and the US response to this as the reality of just how much of a failure our society has become.

We really cannot do big things anymore as a society. We cannot depend on people to fix big problems together. It's utterly disappointing.


t1_iy24mij wrote

> just how much of a failure our society has become.

Failing from keeping a virus that is many times more contangious than the FLU or common cold from being endemic is not a failure of socieity.

We basically shut down the world for a few months, and that did not work. It would have had to be a complete martial law, lock down, for months, no flights, no shopping, no school, no work, nothing. Not even take out dinner.

The virus was always coming for us. Lockdowns were just to keep numbers down, and not overwhelm healthcare facilities.

The virus will always be around, and has been becoming less and less severe, hopefully that trend continues.


t1_iy41dz8 wrote

yeah, in hindsight, i think the lockdown had some pretty good compliance before the vaccine came out, and the lockdown worked pretty decently, and we were able to contain it decently until the vaccine came out.

and the vaccine came out rather rapidly and the sensible people who wanted to get it could get it fairly easily.

I'd dare to say the system worked?


t1_ixy0lpz wrote

You can't develop covid can you? You can only catch it from others, how is it like the flu


t1_ixy6k00 wrote

surprise pikachu face

But... I thought....everyone knew.... That you dont develop flu.......


t1_ixygjwi wrote

Everyone around me and in the office is getting covid. But I think the government stopped keeping numbers so Google shows that numbers are way down but in reality I think they're going up a lot higher right now


t1_ixy7mxe wrote

They're also still gathering data for positive test results with a population that is highly likely to self-report if positive.


t1_ixzbiyd wrote

Re: Japan, where to begin? The government restricted the 4th shot to people over 60, blatantly lying that those were the only people who could be harmed by Omicron. Now that the Omicron shot is out, people aren’t bothering to get it because they believed that. Gov’t has been quite open about choosing the economy over people’s health. Everybody’s going back to restaurants and social gatherings. Most citizens are still uninformed about the fact that you can catch Omicron every 4-6 weeks, and about things like long Covid and high-filtration masks. There are tons of people who don’t know about the importance of ventilation. Lots of them even still think that kids can’t get sick, or that it’s not dangerous if they do. Fully half the time I’ve known someone to show up with symptoms, they say it’s just allergies or “a cold.” Almost nobody gets tested anymore unless they have a fever that doesn’t go down for several days (actually that’s pretty much been the case since 2020, but at least the threat was taken more seriously then). A lot of cities don’t even publicize case numbers anymore. Most people are expected to test at home and self-report results now using a bunch of paperwork and several steps, which of course isn’t happening much. So we’ve basically been in one long wave since January of this year, with a few minor dips. [edit: I forgot that over the summer the government conducted a misleading campaign that made people think masks caused heatstroke. Before scientists could debunk it, we were having record numbers.]


t1_ixzfyv2 wrote

that's what most of the world is doing though, UK for example, most of the year we've had all restrictions removed, nobody masks, only vulnerable or over 50s are allowed the 4th shot. life is back to normal here, for better or worse.


t1_ixzzrxh wrote

And yet we still have over 30,000 new daily cases and at least 300 deaths per day here in the US.

And that's just the reported numbers.


t1_ixy7asv wrote

Those places are extremely crowded, subways, apartments, restaurants. Also they have a culture of eating out, so you could get it at lunch/dinner etc.

Than there's the usual places like church and school, where ppl will attend even if they're feeling sick.


t1_ixyyg9v wrote

That sounds like every city ever in the US. It has nothing to do with location everything to do with testing.


t1_ixzfbsr wrote

School and church similar but restaurant, apartments, subways much less crowded in USA. Only NYC comes close, but you're right we should still see similar hotspots.

Even with no testing the hospitals should still show the same critical cases as Asia.

I wish there was more contact tracing to understand how this virus spread. Maybe the papers are still under peer review, love to understand this.


t1_ixydg0e wrote

Likely because the places where people are actually catching it are largely in private settings or other places where people would not be wearing masks (meals with friends at restaurants, clubs, bars etc). I highly doubt anywhere near as many people are catching covid walking through the grocery store as are catching it at family gatherings for example (even in western countries with no mask mandates). While masks are effective, far too many people act like they're a cure all when really they just improve the situation to an extent


t1_ixyyee8 wrote

We don't know that. You can't use speculation as evidence. 😂


t1_ixzjsrk wrote

No but we're allowed to speculate on the internet 🤷‍♂️. A lot of countries got hit really hard with omicron and covid in general despite mask mandates and high compliance so clearly masks either aren't that effective at stopping spread (I doubt this) or most people are catching covid where they aren't wearing masks. Ontario, Canada had by far its largest wave despite a mask mandate that had well over 90% compliance.


t1_iy2lorf wrote

Everyone knows how widely accepted masks are in Japan, but unfortunately there are misconceptions that go along with that acceptance. People will wear masks in a large restaurant with high ceilings, then go into a small poorly-ventilated bathroom and take the mask off to cough and blow their noses.


t1_iy1lff3 wrote

I had covid twice in 2022. I was masked up, etc. and boosted. That OMI doesn't like to take no for an answer.


t1_iy2h3bo wrote

People take off their masks and spend hours eating and drinking in bars and restaurants.


t1_ixy89w6 wrote

South Korea lifted its face mask requirement in Sept. The number of people who have contracted COVID is much smaller than that of the US. So, now they are catching up.


t1_ixye0cf wrote

We lifted all outdoor mask mandates. Still have to wear them indoors in all places outside your home. Thus, lots still wear them outside when they are going in and out a lot (commuting, shopping, etc).


t1_ixyjy74 wrote

Not true. You don't have to wear them while dining inside. It's also extremely lax, most people take off their mask as soon as they walk into a restaurant or don't even bother putting it on to begin with. Bars are also packed and nobody masks in them.


t1_ixyoq35 wrote

Correct.. We also don't have to wear a mask eating. (Have we ever??)

We still have the indoor mask mandate. That was my only point. It did not go away in September.


t1_ixy39h1 wrote

so please don't pile on me for reporting what happened to us in the last week (I quit Twitter over the anti-vax nut jobs sending me threatening messages for vaccinating my kids)...we are a family of 5 in the US that took Covid seriously, locked down, got fully vaccinated and fully boosted. It's been almost 3 years and none of us got it; until last Sunday. Our oldest was congested and flushed; pulled out a Covid test thinking it would be our hundredth negative...nope. It popped positive immediately. She has tested positive twice since. It was mild and she isolated for 8 days. My point-Covid is not done and I think going into the winter months, it is making a come back. I credit her vaccination status for it being super mild. No cough or respiratory anything. The rest of us continue to be negative and symptom free,


t1_ixydtgm wrote

Glad to see you giving credit to the vaccine. I have seen so many people say "Yeah, I got the vaccine and i still got covid. I'm not going to bother getting future booster because covid wasnt even that bad for me". It takes a certain level of intellectual failing to come to a conclusion like that.


t1_ixyymj3 wrote

Especially when COVID damages the immune system so every time you get it you're risking damaging your immune system.


t1_ixyn18v wrote

Considering how many young healthy people died before vaccines, or people that refused vaccines, it’s astounding how short peoples memories are.


t1_ixyamzm wrote



t1_ixzcc0r wrote

I hate to say it, but the milder-every-variant thing has been debunked.


t1_iy1ene8 wrote

Isn't that true of all pathogens, from an evolutionary perspective? It's better for the virus to evolve to kill fewer hosts, as that means more hosts to spread and reproduce from.


t1_ixyhd61 wrote

Wife and I both got it last week. (U.S.) We're retired and rarely go anywhere with crowds. Well, we're old folks, have all our shots, and it still kicked our butts. I don't want to think about what it would have been like without the vaccination. We had to seek medical assistance. I'm pretty sure, for this reason, it got reported as positive cases. Otherwise, who would have known, aside from ourselves? Bonus point: If you get it and they put you on Paxlovid, you'll really wish you had lost your taste.


t1_iy0075w wrote

I'm a 30-something in the US (New England) and just self-tested positive this morning... I've been pretty cautious so far, except for not getting my Omicron booster yet. I was hoping to do so soon, to get a sustained immunity boost through the winter, but alas... I should've just gotten it before Thanksgiving.

My sister had a mild cough and nasal congestion (she works in schools), so... I expect I was exposed on Wednesday, when she spent a single night passing through. Starting yesterday, I had a fever and splitting headache. Even a little heart flutter, which was weird, but no respiratory symptoms and fever under control with Tylenol. Daily tests now for my partner who works in a hospital - thankfully she's Omicron boosted, and has been testing neg with no symptoms.


t1_ixzrgca wrote

I'm young and had my shots and got it back in July. My friend gave it to his wife, and they gave it to me and my gf before they knew they were positive.

We also had to move that weekend with only the four of us sickly people. Chills, headache, cough, fever shot up to 102, etc.

Thankfully I got it when I did, because if I would have gotten covid without being vaxxed 2 years ago, my asthma would have probably sent me to the hospital, or worse.


t1_ixy3cfp wrote

If the world had responded to Covid the way it did to second-hand tobacco smoke this probably wouldn't have been an issue.


t1_iy0piho wrote

That’s what China is doing and look at how things are going there.


t1_iy1olkt wrote

No, they haven't. It's why they're having the same problem as everyone else.

Don't conflate lockdowns for preventative measures - they aren't the same.


t1_ixyxyse wrote

If you haven't done so yet, it's probably a good idea to check around for COVID booster and flu vaccine.


t1_ixy21qx wrote



t1_ixy4f70 wrote

>reporting on cases and keep to death rates?

What's more interesting to me is the number of active Long Covid patients. The data isn't updated nearly as often as general cases or Covid-related deaths. And the numbers, just in the U.S. alone, are scary high:

>Overall, 1 in 13 adults in the U.S. (7.5%) have “long COVID” symptoms, defined as symptoms lasting three or more months after first contracting the virus, and that they didn’t have prior to their COVID-19 infection.

>Older adults are less likely to have long COVID than younger adults.

It's not talked about nearly enough. For those that don't know about it:

>Long COVID has been described as having the potential to affect nearly every organ system, causing further conditions (sequelae) including respiratory system disorders, nervous system and neurocognitive disorders, mental health disorders, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, musculoskeletal pain, and anemia.


t1_ixycxgx wrote

Does 50k cases sound now alarming to you when your consider some portion of them don't die but have life altering effects develop?

What about all the cardiovascular damage that doesn't have an immediate impact? Should we ignore that too since you don't die acutely?


t1_ixzrt37 wrote

This article should be a template for all reporting. Clear and concise.


t1_iy000je wrote

What are the vaccination rates? And are people having boosters? I live in UK and had my 4th covid vaccination in October.


t1_ixzv76n wrote

They are just putting those numbers out to impact an election that was held two years ago.

Unless you are perhaps suggesting a WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC isn't fake and wasn't just created to change the election result (the same people that say the election was rigged) in one country.

What a turn of events.


t1_ixxzepu wrote

I for one am so excited for a new global pandemic and world war, this year has been so fun already /s


t1_iy08lgy wrote

They should implement a mask program, everyone knows masks will stop this spread.


t1_ixy1ueg wrote



t1_ixy5iix wrote

>Covid is a strain of the Flu.

It's a Coronavirus related to SARS; not a flu strain. Its other name is SARS-COV-2. It's in the family Coronaviridae while the flu is in the family Orthomyxoviridae.


t1_ixy6bbt wrote



t1_ixy7r5i wrote

Should have, and no, it's not a type of influenza. As the other guy said, it's a coronavirus, completely unrelated to the flu.


t1_ixy8hs0 wrote



t1_ixy8rqv wrote

So are you a troll or an idiot? Coronaviruses and influenza viruses are different families of viruses and always have been. That's a scientific thing and not a political thing, and nothing has changed.


t1_ixyeb9q wrote

Complaining about efforts to save lives being attempts to control people - definitely a troll.


t1_ixy8xx8 wrote



t1_ixy9f2c wrote

H1N1 is not a coronavirus, it's a flu virus. SARS is not considered to be a flu strain, it was suspected very early in to be one because of the symptoms. Once it was studied it was confirmed to be a coronavirus


t1_ixycthh wrote



t1_ixydrvl wrote

None of that is true. You're assuming I wasn't around when H1N1 blew up. I was, and it was always referred to as flu. No-one has changed the definition of coronavirus and you're using the standard conspiracy theorist trick of "do your own research" because your have zero evidence to back up your outlandish claims.


t1_ixygtc7 wrote

Must be a troll. Nobody is actually this dumb.


t1_ixye7xy wrote

6 million dead would like to have a word with you.

But they're busy being dead.