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j821c t1_ixydg0e wrote

Likely because the places where people are actually catching it are largely in private settings or other places where people would not be wearing masks (meals with friends at restaurants, clubs, bars etc). I highly doubt anywhere near as many people are catching covid walking through the grocery store as are catching it at family gatherings for example (even in western countries with no mask mandates). While masks are effective, far too many people act like they're a cure all when really they just improve the situation to an extent


Grouchy_Occasion2292 t1_ixyyee8 wrote

We don't know that. You can't use speculation as evidence. 😂


j821c t1_ixzjsrk wrote

No but we're allowed to speculate on the internet 🤷‍♂️. A lot of countries got hit really hard with omicron and covid in general despite mask mandates and high compliance so clearly masks either aren't that effective at stopping spread (I doubt this) or most people are catching covid where they aren't wearing masks. Ontario, Canada had by far its largest wave despite a mask mandate that had well over 90% compliance.


authentic_mirages t1_iy2lorf wrote

Everyone knows how widely accepted masks are in Japan, but unfortunately there are misconceptions that go along with that acceptance. People will wear masks in a large restaurant with high ceilings, then go into a small poorly-ventilated bathroom and take the mask off to cough and blow their noses.