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simikon t1_j24p03r wrote

Rich Kid. Most likely the parents already smuggled her to non-extradition country.


tetoffens t1_j24ptor wrote

Why is that most likely? Do we live in a spy movie now?


simikon t1_j24rm14 wrote

Why does it have to be a spy movie. First class ticket to a new country with the girl mostly holed up in an airbnb mansion. It's what rich people do.


kristoferen t1_j24ss2n wrote

1st class ticket... Without a passport?


simikon t1_j24w9q6 wrote

You can buy a passport with enough money. Oh and no one crosses borders illgally? Ugh too much work to justify myself. The downvoters are right. Canadians are to wholesome or dumb to do anything illegal.


Koss424 t1_j25t0ql wrote

it's just unlikely, as all of these conditions had to be met, and assured by the prosecution before Bail was even granted.


indoninja t1_j24sqtn wrote

How many Ruch kids pull off shit like this?


simikon t1_j24vdek wrote

Rich kids with smart parents.


TraditionalGap1 t1_j24x9uc wrote

Can you name one? Because off the top of my head I can only name rich folk who didnt flee the country


simikon t1_j24yl6z wrote

Ethan Couch


TraditionalGap1 t1_j24zc9t wrote

The American who did not flee the country before his trial? Who was sentenced to probation?


simikon t1_j25gmr5 wrote

He fled to Mexico where he was extradited. Next time limit your search criteria. I was going by rich kid.


TraditionalGap1 t1_j25hn8t wrote

YOUR claim was that kids with rich parents abscond before trial. You provide as evidence the story of an American who didn't abscond before trial and only disappeared after being caught on video violating the most lenient manslaughter sentence in history.

Plus it's the fucking affluenza kid, not exactly a representative sample.


imageless988 t1_j24vypa wrote

If parents were rich bail would have been set much higher then this. This is poor people bail.


simikon t1_j24wybr wrote

You're right. Pretty cheap bail for killing a man. Canadia.