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008Zulu t1_j0ds176 wrote

But he said some files would be kept under wraps until June 2023 to protect against possible "identifiable harm".

If Oswald was the assassin, who can they possibly be protecting?


BioDriver t1_j0ds4by wrote

Those two male models on the grassy knoll will be sleeping soundly.


Snaz5 t1_j0duagh wrote

Occams razor, it’s probably what ends up turning up with a lot of law enforcement today; some people were probably aware of Oswald’s plan/tendencies prior to the assassination, but didn’t act on it, not out of maliciousness, but out of or laziness or due to being frozen in bureaucracy.


Tchrspest t1_j0dunsb wrote

My money's still on "his head just did that."


SirHerald t1_j0dwzgw wrote

"These files have been hidden for half a century. We should keep them huge another 6 months to be safe."

I'm curious what is so bad to not be released now, but fine in June.


SirHerald t1_j0e5rr4 wrote

Some little thing is keeping them from taking care of this and now they need to get it and take care of it.

Now they need an odd couple sent in a mission filled with hyjinks to solve it.


neatgeek83 t1_j0e7c9f wrote

CIA wants to turn remaining documents into NFTS.


DarkMorph18 t1_j0e8uyp wrote

I think it was just Oswald but the government actually enjoys conspiracy theories to help with counter intelligence. I bet a few spies had to be hidden and the more we wait the more the government wins!


BioDriver t1_j0e9v9f wrote

Think about it, BIG-BAD-BEETLEBORG. Male models are genetically constructed to become assassins. They’re in peak physical condition. They can gain entry to the most secure places in the world. And most important of all, models don’t think for themselves - they do as they’re told.


A-very-old-dog t1_j0ebrgl wrote

Anyone else read 11/22/63 by Stephen King? Such a good book. Broke my heart repeatedly.


Blenderx06 t1_j0eclg1 wrote

What's Chandler Bing doing there?


Osniffable t1_j0efsv8 wrote

I like the theory put forward by the crazy loner in the movie The Wrong Guy. I believe he called his theory the "no gunman theory," and believed Kennedy's head "just did that."


ironroad18 t1_j0egawx wrote

The incompetence has already been duly noted.

  • At the time, there were no extensive federal laws, policies, or training for protecting federal officials and their families.

  • The Secret Service was very small. Had limited authorities and training. At the time they, really depended on their agents having previous law enforcement or military experience. See interview by retired Special Agent Clint Hill, who worked on details for President Eisenhower's family, and President Kennedy.

  • Dallas police tried to treat the assassination like a run of the mill murder investigation, and fought federal agents over Kennedy's body. Worse, they were completely unprepared for handling a high-profile incident and failed to guard Oswald adequately.

  • The FBI dragged it's feet on all parts of the investigation, and its director spent more time trying to undermine other agencies, departments, and government officials instead of enforcing the law.


surfmoss t1_j0ehpm1 wrote

remind me in a week when you got the sauce


allegate t1_j0eouv4 wrote

Watched the show. There were typical Stephen King-isms that I was familiar with as a Constant Reader so I was a little surprised to see them make the leap from the page.

The rushed ending, for example. Granted it was a television show but it looked and sounded like a two-parter at least and instead it was crammed inside of one.


atomboyd t1_j0fd93b wrote

My money is still on super hungover and incompetent junior secret service agent accidentally finished the job Oswald started.


SlashThingy t1_j0fepn8 wrote

It's not so much incompetence as it is just thinking you'll never need those things. It's like the massacre at the 1974 Olympics: Germany didn't have a special forces police unit, and the German army isn't allowed to operate on German soil, so they couldn't do anything to prevent it. They just didn't think they'd ever need something like that.

Naivety is perhaps a better word.


A-very-old-dog t1_j0frw86 wrote

You know, something I've noticed about King, and people who like King, is that he is super hit or miss even to the people that like him. Don't know why you're being downvoted for sharing an honest opinion. If you tell me your favorite King book I'll read it if I haven't already.

I think a lot of what I liked about this one is the concept of time itself being obstinate and resistant to change, and that changing something big might cause the universe to come flying apart at the seams. In most time travel you find people trying not to change anything because even the smallest change might have unforeseen consequences for the future. In this one, time itself is the monster, and this faceless, unknowable monster hates change. It'll screw up your whole entire day if you screw around too much.

I also liked the approach to time travel taken, here. No mad doctors, no fancy science, just an inexplicably weird thing. How does it work? It just does. Why? Fuckall if I know.


LionHeart911 t1_j0hjxra wrote

If I remember correctly these files were set to release twice under trump but got pushed back and once already prior to this release under biden but he pushed them back citing the same or similar things. Hopefully they don’t get delayed yet again next year. My guess is the government had more knowledge or involvement in it then they want the general public to know


julianriv t1_j0hlyij wrote

This. Remember this is Biden making the decision. What do Trump supporters love more than a good government cover up conspiracy theory? They will get so tied up with this they will forget about everything else. Even forget that Kennedy was a Democrat and they are supposed to hate democrats.


petit_cochon t1_j0imprh wrote

Yeah, I agree. I read it and thought, "Okay, I guess this is fine for King fans. The premise is interesting." I re-read it when I was bored on a plane and thought it was unbelievably bad. King cannot write women, for one thing. The ending was terrible and vague. It is dragged and dragged in parts. He has this unique ability to take an interesting idea and just beat it to death. It's like he and JJ Abrams have some sort of mind meld.


FindingMoi t1_j0j3vc6 wrote

Secret Service Agent Clint Hill comes to mind. He was in the motorcade, and is still very much alive (just released a new book he wrote).

Not that it’s protecting him, but there are still people directly involved who are living.


Nf1nk t1_j0n187c wrote

Odds are some of their kids are involved in politics and finding out that it really was this guys dad who shot JFK would be bad for their career chances.

Or not.