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IamLars t1_j1qnw0n wrote

Yes and no. I feel like people immediately set up GFM when things like this happen whether they actually need it or not.


Keylime29 t1_j1si103 wrote

Unless they are rich, they are going to need it. He drives for Uber at 57. Its safe to say they are poor and if they have insurance it’s probably crap. Even if it’s good, they are going to pay they max out of pocket twice probably for 2022 and 2023. Then there is meds and pt and all the copays for dr visits for a year or two. And he’s not working. Who’s going to look after him while he’s getting better? Does she work? How old are the children? Etc. this is the sort of thing that has ongoing effects that cause people to lose all their savings, job, retirement, even homes.

So yes. Sad as it is go fund me. But honestly that 10000 is nowhere near enough money


FightmeLuigibestgirl t1_j1r4ms6 wrote

I'm thinking about the case of the person dying because they set up a GFM page to get insulin but people gave money to a millionaire to be a billionaire even though it was a joke.
