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LeinenRates t1_j1t4u4o wrote

The thoughts of some idiots i know:

  1. Global warming isn’t real

  2. Even if earth is heating, it is just a natural heat cycle

  3. Even if its not a natural heat cycle, our country changing anything won’t do anything.

There is a special kind of mind out there that is capable of discounting reality.


VyrPlan t1_j1t74wd wrote

knowing there are people out there in the wild who, upon hearing something like this will drop several grand modifying their truck to produce more pollution, are why sometimes floods and tornadoes cheer me up a little


BruceRee33 t1_j1vufwk wrote

My dad passive aggressively says shit like this all the time. I had a text exchange with him on Christmas day and he casually brings up that where my sister in-law lives just had record breaking cold and of course he throws in the "but Global warming right?!? LMAO" I really tried not to bite, but I couldn't help it. Mentioning that climate change is not just about warming in addition to the fact that it's a slow inexorable process doesn't phase him. "They've been talking about rising ocean levels for 40 years but I haven't seen any difference. Funny how they never talk about the scientific theories that contradict global warming." He usually then proceeds to blame Democratic environmental policies and calls it a sham. I just kind of try and avoid any political discussions because it is impossible to make any headway.


PenguinSunday t1_j1wgcaa wrote

Start linking him articles about people dealing with sea level rise and other effects of climate change. They were indoctrinated through repetition. The only way we can hope to beat lies (besides stopping the liars) is to literally use the truth as a cudgel and beat the information into their heads.

Or national level cult deprogramming. But we're never getting that.


FlatpickersDream t1_j1tpr20 wrote

Maybe we should all stop flying for vacation and keeping our homes cool during the summers.


aledba t1_j1v5ky0 wrote

I only turn on the air when it gets above 30 with the humidity. Humidity is not causing a problem then it is OK. If it wasn't for our cat we probably wouldn't put it on. He gets way too hot. Our back patio stays open at night in the summer and we turn the ceiling fan off in that area so the cool air can sink in. Then in the morning, I try to trap the cool air in the house. We have really great blinds to block out the Sun during the hottest parts of the day.


contactclosure t1_j1wm3i3 wrote

I wish I was making this up but I had someone tell me, with a straight face, the earth needs the hole in the ozone because the earth needs to pass gas sometimes, just like humans do.