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xAtlas5 t1_j116dpf wrote

Hardly a bad faith argument. If you care about banning so-called 'assault weapons' because of the number of children who die, then it tracks that you should also feel similarly about cars. Judging from your response, that's very clearly not the case. The means shouldn't matter if your goal is to reduce the number of children killed per year.

The entire point of a motor vehicle is to get from point A to point B. That's it. Whether it's driving down a road or plowing through a crowd, it's fulfilling its purpose. Both guns and cars require a human operator to use or misuse.


kuroimakina t1_j11anka wrote

Did Tucker Carlson make this argument recently, because suddenly I’m hearing it nonstop from every frothing state the mouth gun nut.

But sure if you want to compare completely unrelated things, mosquitos kill a lot more people than both so let’s ban them right? And before you say “THATS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THING” well so are guns and cars.

Get back to me when a gun requires taking an exam, getting a permit, then shooting only with a licensed instructor or firearm owner, then taking a practical test, then carrying liability insurance, with a license that can be revoked if you prove not responsible enough to handle it.

And don’t go pulling a “shall not be infringed.” Because the very first part of that amendment is “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…”


xAtlas5 t1_j11d100 wrote

I wouldn't know, I don't watch Fox or Tucker. I mean I'm not "frothing state" but you believe whatever you want to lol.

> mosquitos kill a lot more people than both so let’s ban them right?

Fuckin A, how can I help? Mosquitos not only are fucking annoying they kill ~700k people worldwide.

> Get back to me when a gun requires taking an exam, getting a permit, then shooting only with a licensed instructor or firearm owner, then taking a practical test, then carrying liability insurance, with a license that can be revoked if you prove not responsible enough to handle it.

Then I guess I'll never be getting back to you as you can't and shouldn't one to pass a test in order to exercise their rights. That is a very, very dangerous precedent. You remember Texas' abortion ban, and the way they effectively skirted a constitutionally protected right? That opened up a whole-ass can of worms that people can now use to attack other rights.

> “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…”

Well regulated meaning functioning, in working order.