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t1_j28p9jm wrote

I wonder what kind of hold the CCP must have on the Australian government to extract that kind of concession. Not requiring tests from a place where the hospitals are overflowing is unwise.


t1_j296uwr wrote

Probably the same hold that led the Aussie government to pursue Zero-Covid, too. They're the largest overseas owner of Australian agricultural land, but I doubt that's the cause, rather a symptom.


t1_j29tu3j wrote

I don't get it either but at the same time all of these places, if it's the same thing around(with a full blown surge) then they will blame America/Americans for it. Like they did during the 2020-2021.


t1_j28lygr wrote

Australia’s new government doing a lot of sucking up to China lately. Imagine letting hundreds of people into your country you know have covid and are going to infect the people you are responsible for. Some of those people will probably die.


t1_j28b4ar wrote

So? Do it as a precaution. How long does he want this pandemic to go on for? Pretty sure China didn't think it would get this horrible again either but there they are.


t1_j28exqn wrote



t1_j28fkda wrote

I'm unsure what you mean, this is clearly another huge wave of covid cases over in China because of the new variant. I did hear that alot of people were given fake vaccines before which is why it's so bad now. I'm unsure how it didn't count as it getting bad again when they had their original outbreak in 2020 under control farly quickly compared to other countries. It's chaos ATM with so many new cases and deaths per day there now.


t1_j29v8u8 wrote

Their vaccines (both Sinnophram and that other company) had, at best 50% effectiveness against the original strain of of COVID but not against the newer variants. But yes, they had a series of scandals of fake vaccines being given out in China and aboard because they were scammers. Yes, China had, in the past, major vaccines scandals that ended children up in hospital. Yes China and their legions of Wumaos (internet trolls. Some paid some were just hyper nationalists) went online with VPNs (which is illegal for the average person in China to have/use) spreading disinformation on Western vaccines, along with the Russian trolls (one of the biggest lies being, "Western vaccines won't work for Asian people" etc...) But the Chinese government had mandatory vaccinations, but with the weaker Chinese vaccines. Now that they just drop all Zero COVID policy it is spreading but it's not wrong for Western countries be cautious about this situation.


t1_j28fy4j wrote



t1_j28kf9k wrote

>No, it's not another huge wave for them. It's the first big wave for China because they isolated this whole time.

So it's another wave then. I haven't heard anyone including experts say this isn't a wave for China.

China COVID wave could kill one million people, models predict

Experts worry China's COVID-19 wave could spur new variant

>Omicron is nothing new at this point which is why Australia is not requiring testing of incoming travelers.

Omicron hasn't been the dominant strain for a few months now. the new strains are much much much more contagious and can hide from antibodies.

Currently, the dominant variant nationwide is BQ.1.1. "The original omicron variant is gone now," says Dr. Rupp. "Currently subvariants of omicron are circulating, including BQ.1.1, BQ.1, BA.5, BF.7 and XBB.)


t1_j28kufj wrote

Those are subvariants. Omicron is still the dominant strain. The article explains this is why Australia is not changing policy like the US and Italy.

China is learning you can't hide from Omicron.


t1_j28lcn4 wrote

Responding to your edit I honestly don't trust china to self report on this lol sorry but that source isn't reliable imo because they keep lying about their case I'm general.


t1_j28l2rp wrote

Omicron itself is a sub variant, they are all sub variant. Omicron as it was isn't the dominate strain at all. The new strains are more contagious and more deadly which is why omicron wasnt as serious. It was more contagious than Delta but not as deadly. But the new stain is more contagious and more deadly than omicron.


t1_j28lahv wrote

>The new strains are more contagious and more deadly which is why omicron wasnt as serious.

This is not what's going on at all. China is experiencing widespread COVID for the first time right now.


t1_j28lizl wrote

>This is not what's going on at all. China is experiencing widespread COVID for the first time right now.

Did you forget the start of the pandemic? The white lung x-rays were happening back then as well.


t1_j28lnre wrote



t1_j28mrgt wrote

>You are scaremongering and there are no reputable source stating that there are new, more dangerous variants of COVID spreading in China currently. It's Omicron, which exposure and western vaccinations protect from serious cases.

There are several new variants right now. >But what is this new variant, and should we be worried? Although reports from China(opens in new tab) about this variant's characteristics are concerning, it doesn't appear to be growing too much elsewhere in the world. Here's what we know. >BF.7, short for BA., is a sub-lineage of the omicron variant BA.5.

>Reports from China indicate BF.7 has the strongest infection ability(opens in new tab) out of the omicron subvariants in the country, being quicker to transmit than other variants, having a shorter incubation period, and with greater capacity to infect people who have had a previous COVID infection, or been vaccinated, or both.

Since this article used that website as well I will assume it's probably legit. These new variants are subvariants of Omicron but they have their own names because they aren't like the original omicron variant anymore. They mutated and are more contagious and more deadly because it can hide from vaccine antibodies. This article is a little older so I'm unsure how much it's changed since. You seem to be saying that they have the original omicron before the new mutations which isn't true.

>Omicron BF.7 has become the main strain in Beijing's latest COVID-19 flare-up, with the virus possessing the strongest infection ability across the family of Omicron sub-variants in China and posing the risk of hidden spread, causing difficulty on virus prevention and control, according to Beijing Daily on Monday, citing a Chinese medical expert.


t1_j28n3mw wrote

omicron = variant

BA.x = subvariant

That's the convention.


t1_j28o4jp wrote

.....I've been saying it's a subvariants this whole time. You seem to not understand that the new subvariants aren't like the original omicron. omicron was the most contagious when it became the dominant strain but was less deadly than the other variants.the new subvariant that mutated from the original Omicron,however, are much more contagious than the original omicron and far deadlier than the original omicron. You suggesting that the vaccine will protect people the same way it had before is just not true. Before there was a high chance of someone not getting covid at all if they were vaccinated. Now it's just that it may keep people out of the hospital and ICU if they are vaccinated with a boosters. Most people didn't get a booster at all let alone the new boosters that just came out. But these variants have shown that they can hide from the antibodies as well. Which is why Pfizer and the like were scrambling for a better vaccine overall.


t1_j28oysz wrote

Did we just skip the whole Wuhan situation in 2020. You know what she means, why even argue. I agree with the rest of the paragraph besides the first sentence.


t1_j28pds6 wrote



t1_j28xd44 wrote

Lol, you must work for the CCP. China fucking started the pandemic. This is not their "first big wave." Stop spreading misinformation.


t1_j297u5f wrote

You haven't paid attention to what has been China's COVID experience. But you do use ad hominem, of course. Weak.


t1_j28mwp9 wrote

So let’s get back to the stage of forced lockdowns so people can riot and such, sounds like a smart choice jackass. 🤦‍♂️

Edit: If untested infected people come in to the country and infect residents IT SPREADS AGAIN, if it spreads again lockdowns are put in place. Not having people required to have a negative test is stupid. What are you not picking up about this? I’m calling the PM a jackass and responding to the title OF THE POST stating no negative tests required.


t1_j28naec wrote

>So let’s get back to the stage of forced lockdowns so people can riot and such, sounds like a smart choice jackass. 🤦‍♂️

That's literally not what this article is about. If you wanna avoid lock downs, then require people to test before coming into the country just like many countries including Australia have been doing the past 3ish years. Especially from China where people are dying in the street from covid right now because of how contagious and deadly these new strains are.


t1_j28ngu7 wrote

If you are frivolous with this it spreads out of control again hints lockdowns hints people losing their shit hints riots. Was that not clear to you?

Edit: I’m being downvoted because the headline says “Australia will NOT require negative tests” and I’m saying that’s stupid. What is wrong with you people? That makes zero sense


t1_j28okic wrote

>If you are frivolous with this it spreads out of control again hints lockdowns hints people losing their shit hints riots. Was that not clear to you?

What are you talking about? if they required international travelers to tests negative before entering the country, then obviously that would help keep the spread of covid down. Which would help avoid needing to lock down again if they can preemptively stop a huge wave from happening there. They had this travel requirement before so it's not a new concept to them.


t1_j2911v4 wrote

The headline straight up says Australia will NOT require negative tests and I’m saying that’s stupid. What’s the issue here


t1_j293uca wrote

Guess I wasn't the only who thought you were against requiring negative test proof.

The first poster seemed to be saying required or not travelers should do it anyway and voluntarily not travel while infected.


t1_j2948lg wrote

I was responding to the title of the post….


t1_j2a36oq wrote

>So let’s get back to the stage of forced lockdowns so people can riot and such, sounds like a smart choice jackass. 🤦‍♂️

Oh okay, you replied to me directly so it sounded like you were disagreeing with what I said and suggesting that if they did travel requirements then that would lead to lockdowns and calling me a jackass. That's why people were downvoting you. If you were replying to the OP, then you should have made that more clear and not posted under a comment but created a stand alone comment instead. So if you read it in the context of it just bring a reply to a comment, you can probably see why people thought that.


t1_j28s4p9 wrote

you sound like the jackass here, bud


t1_j28on25 wrote

Testing incoming traveler is not lockdown…


t1_j294m54 wrote

If untested infected people come in to the country and infect residents IT SPREADS AGAIN, if it spreads again lockdowns are put in place. Not having people required to have a negative test is stupid. What are you not picking up about this?


t1_j292x7j wrote

Wait. Aussies were authoritarian about Covid testing and isolation a year ago, and now, stats are showing the Chinese travelers are atleast 50% positive with Covid and this is ok?

Either faith in inoculations of its populace is being gambled on, or Australia has become a Chinese puppet.

Xi is up to something...


t1_j2bgtdu wrote

Not only this but from 1 Jan 2023 we've stopped allowing people to get Covid tests without a referral from a GP

Plus no longer any need to report a positive test. And no need to self isolate anymore.


t1_j28scss wrote

Selling themselves like prostitutes, all for the almighty dollar. Imagine being so reliant on china. Woof…


t1_j28m8gv wrote

How else are they going to lockdown the population again? They don’t even hide it anymore.


t1_j2985o7 wrote

That is because their government are right-wing morons.


t1_j2cdaht wrote

We had an election this year mate, the right wing party had their asses kicked.

The current government is centre left, far left communists who hate freedom by American standards.