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tremoring_ganglion t1_j1ggbej wrote

In Buffalo, NY we’re currently dealing with 5 foot snow drifts and 70 mph gusts with a -15°F windchill. People are stuck in their cars and are running out of gas. Emergency vehicles are stuck and are mostly unavailable. It’s pretty bad.


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j1i46m1 wrote

I cannot understand why anyone was on the road. If businesses forced their workers to be out they should be held criminally liable


Dolthra t1_j1k6zfs wrote

> If businesses forced their workers to be out they should be held criminally liable

Sorry, you seem to have mistaken the US for a sane country where it's considered bad to sacrifice your worker's lives for profit.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_j1i4nmx wrote

Blows my mind why anyone would even be out. Fuck work, parties, seeing friends, etc when it's literally your life. Not being fired doesn't help when you're dead, or missing limbs/extremities due to frostbite. Was reading about how this was going to be a rough storm for places like that a few days ago and decided to stock up then just in case we got hit, hopefully most people did that as well.


[deleted] t1_j1h3tme wrote



deletable666 t1_j1h5w6z wrote

That is simply not true. Your body puts out far more heat than a candle. I’m not sure where you heard this, but it is terrible advice to start a fire inside your car. Bad advice like this leads to deaths every year of people trying to keep warm. Keep food and very warm clothing in the car, and lots of blankets. That will create magnitudes more heat for you than a candle. Please do not go around spreading bad information like this. Somewhere out there is a person who will read this and keep a bunch of useless candles in their car.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_j1i4x0k wrote

> I’m not sure where you heard this, but it is terrible advice to start a fire inside your car.

Holy shit, yeah, not a great idea. If you run out of gas and the batteries dead with zero ability to restart it, maybe? I guess if you have candles/one of those little stovetop things. Even then it's a huge risk, and living in an area like that you should have hella blankets/spare jackets prepared for weather like this. I don't live anywhere that gets severe weather and still stock up for seasons just in case.

Were they talking about a stovetop/candle, or just literally lighting random shit on fire in your car? Sounds like a great way to die from the toxic plastic fumes and such quickly at least.


deletable666 t1_j1iglk3 wrote

They were talking about lighting a small candle. That just does not put out a meaningful amount of heat compared to the risk of knocking it over and setting the interior of your vehicle on fire, especially if you will be sleeping. Every year people die trying to keep warm in emergency situations or non emergency situations.

To be safe, eat food before you go out on the road, bring calorie dense snacks, and bring way more warm clothes than you’d think you’d need along with whatever other gear you need!