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TailRudder t1_j6cckfl wrote

Uh.... The only reason why this kind of thing becomes an issue is because Muslim governments ARE far right governments. Russia does this to remind them that.


Most-Hawk-4175 t1_j6cdlzm wrote

These publicity stunts like the book burnings are to create rifts in the West and Muslim countries allied with the West like Turkey. Russia does this to poison and diminish the West and Muslim relations.

Muslim countries are religious and have their own unique internal politics very different from the West and far right western groups.


ZealousMajestic t1_j6cxj9c wrote

Could you explain why you think they're "very different" from far-right western groups?

Honest question.

It seems like they have very similar stances on lots of key issues.


Takeonlyone t1_j6dn1u1 wrote

The Muslim world is not run by government. It’s run by their religion or religious leaders. The west is run for politicians. However if DeSantis gets his way it will be run by Christian Clerics.


GibbysUSSA t1_j6f20li wrote

The west is run by politicians, many of whom are working for religious leaders and various religious groups. There is a growing Christian Nationalist movement in the west that has infiltrated our government.


Most-Hawk-4175 t1_j6d4s8w wrote

Far right political movements and groups in the West have wealth, power and influence and push fervent populism, white supremacy and nationalism that believe Western Democracies are tyrannical and oppressive to their way of life because of various policies like pro immigration, gay marriage, government welfare, voting rights. They are also fervently against Muslim immigration especially in Europe.

The Muslim world has no far right wing populism brewing within society. In fact, it's the complete opposite. The Arab spring was uprisings and revolutions from the poor and workers demanding elections and human rights. And recent protests in Iran were demanding women's rights among other things.

And Muslim governments are diverse and complicated. Some are obviously oppressive that are guided by religious fundamentalisum and are authoritarian like Iran. But others are more like progressive Democracies and others are monarchies with kings and royalty.

Some Muslim countries may share hatred for gay marriage and trans people and have authoritarian governments that far right Western groups aspire to but just because a few Muslim countries happen to support a few issues that far right groups do in the West does not make them comparable at all. They are not in most cases.

Painting with a broad brush that Muslim countries are far right are comparable to the political philosophies and aspirations of Western far right groups is just wrong on every single point.


TechSquidTV t1_j6d2v71 wrote

You're not getting my vote to team up with religious nations, we have too much religion at home.