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killerewok76 t1_j2l8o1g wrote

Acadamy Award Winning Three 6 Mafia. How soon we forget.


Nick_Full_Time t1_j2lqm3t wrote

“Pulitzer Prize winning musician Kendrick Lamar”. I like to pull that one out since so few people know.


finally_not_lurking t1_j2na8n7 wrote

Or Grammy Award winner Hillary Clinton


DirtyDoctrine t1_j2nfed9 wrote

Wait, you two are just fucking around right? Did Hillary win a Grammy and did Kendrick Lamar really win a Pulitzer?


Nick_Full_Time t1_j2qflfx wrote

Nobody ever directly acknowledged it in this thread , but yes, kung fu Kenny has a Pulitzer Prize. 2016 for music, DAMN.


makeshift8 t1_j2nh1jt wrote

Obama got a Nobel peace prize so I guess anything is possible.


DirtyDoctrine t1_j2np4nq wrote

I still don't understand why that happened. Like I voted for him, but the Nobel Prize? Be realistic here.


makeshift8 t1_j2npnre wrote

Everyone who had a reason to feel strongly against it was either a racist or was blown up.


fadufadu t1_j2o2vtn wrote

This comment is as ignorant as the people you are describing


Isosceles_Kramer79 t1_j2o0oym wrote

Oh the irony of that second clause. :)

And it was a mind boggling decision by the Nobel Committee, almost as bad as giving one to Arafat.

When Obama got the prize, he had just taken office and did not actually do anything yet.


razorirr t1_j2o8q0z wrote

yeah once he got the award, he could really ramp up those drone strikes, its not like people win it twice in a row or anything.


Haunting-Ad788 t1_j2otc8f wrote

Obama did jack shit to earn it when he got it and he definitely didn’t deserve it after he droned two US citizens without due process, one of whom was a teenage boy.


Apprehensive-Hat5979 t1_j2nzmeo wrote

I love how people just are blind to history. Do you know how many people were upset that we had a black president in office. Do you forget how racist people were and how scrutinized he was for any kind of wrong doing he commited in their eyes? Do you remember how him wearing a tan suit was such a point of contention among conservative white folks. God he deserved better.


Isosceles_Kramer79 t1_j2o0yqi wrote

Criticizing giving the Nobel Prize to Obama is not racist even if there were instances of actual racist attitudes toward him.

What had he actually done by 2009 to justify that prize?


Apprehensive-Hat5979 t1_j2o1z98 wrote

Well this is from Norwegian Nobel themselves...

"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama’s initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened."


makeshift8 t1_j2o0mzg wrote

I remember when he said we were pulling out of Afghanistan. I agree it was a big moment. I’m white and I was pretty young in 2008 so it might not have hit as hard for me as for black folk or POC in general, I’m just saying that Obama overall didn’t contribute much to peace outside the US when looking at his overall policy decisions.


Bokth t1_j2o9tu5 wrote

Kanye West...the voice of a Germany circa 1940.


Junior_Builder_4340 t1_j2mwwuk wrote

I remember the night they won the Oscar. The news anchors in Nashville were so angry that "a song about a pimp", beat out Dolly Parton.🤣


KP_Wrath t1_j2nhz3w wrote

Somehow, I get the feeling Dolly didn’t care that much.


Junior_Builder_4340 t1_j2ninv1 wrote

She didn't. They put the camera on her and she was laughing and applauding. Dolly stay getting paid!


Darth_Wayne_ t1_j2o0oqs wrote

Somehow I think Dolly was bumping that track all year.


daywalkker t1_j3rh2ea wrote

You really think Dolly Parton listens to Three 6 Mafia? I highly doubt they are on her playlist, lol. She is wholesome and kind, Three 6 is... not. I've listened to Three 6 since HS in the 90's, but it really doesn't seem like something Grandma Parton would be in to.


d_e_l_u_x_e t1_j2peoen wrote

Because Dolly is awesome, I bet Three Six love her too.


DJ_Moore_2 t1_j2n08ck wrote

They won an Oscar before Leonardo DiCaprio won one.