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dragonbits OP t1_j2srzod wrote

Back in my youth criminals were smarter.

The gov isn't always out to help you, though they did give these people a ride.


mywan t1_j2t9hvi wrote

I'm older than 911. And cameras were a rarity and limited even in places that had them. It didn't used to take much brains to get away with most crimes.


UnlawfulStupid t1_j2tqqi5 wrote

> I'm older than 911.

Dang, that's old. Suspiciously old. Like, "made a profane deal at a crossroads" old.



AvramBelinsky t1_j2uy1fc wrote

Not necessarily, 911 was only in certain parts of the country for a long time. I was born in the 80s and we didn't have 911 until probably sometime in the 90s. Instead we had an emergency number that was a full 7 digit phone number, taped to the wall next to our kitchen landline phone.


Ksh_667 t1_j2ydw2k wrote

Omg I read this as 9/11. Was thinking "but surely it all took place on one day? Hence why it's called 9/11" my poor uk brain is still on holiday mode.