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billpalto t1_j5tnd9g wrote

Good thing they spent all that money on missiles and weapons to threaten their neighbors. That should keep them safe.


InkDaddy2 t1_j5wen4q wrote

They have the lowest military spending in the region, they're just poor. It's a resource poor area, and they don't exactly cultivate many trade relationships. Isolation is not a strong economic choice, apparently.


FaustsAccountant t1_j5tqnnr wrote

Would it be a mistake to think their weapons are rusted and decrepit like Russia’s?


billpalto t1_j5ttfbv wrote

I'm not sure. I saw one documentary about a NK soldier who defected and got away to the South. He was grossly underfed, and had worms. Soldiers supposedly get better food than the regulars.


LeVin1986 t1_j5w1yt8 wrote

Their normal stuff and tanks and aircraft are done and likely looted for parts. Their missiles and rocket artillery is likely maintained enough for their purpose.