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OuidOuigi t1_j3gf0uu wrote

And the cities manage water treatment.


Ad-Careless t1_j3gwnng wrote

And who allocates state and federal taxpayer dollars that pay for water treatment and water treatment plant upkeep and maintenance, professor?

So under your scenario, the leaders of Jackson, Mississippi just... want their city to be without water?


GlassWasteland t1_j3j1rxi wrote

And the state received federal funds to fix this problem, but spent it on a volleyball arena at a college because a rich football players daughter went there.

That is what people are currently mad about.

That and they are receiving another 75 million this year, 400 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill and it still won't be enough.

Part of this problem is that politicians no longer are willing to tell people hard truths like taxes have to go up to pay for infrastructure, part is corruption at all levels of Mississippi government, money that is supposed to be used for infrastructure gets stolen, but also Jackson is a dying city that the middle class has fled, leading to a tax base that can't support the infrastructure necessary for a city.