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xeno66morph t1_j3ilq51 wrote

Why tf are we so worried about due process and extradition and all this other legal bullshit? 29 dead for one arrest? I’ all for justice but that is Goddamned ridiculous. At a certain point they should just find him blow that sum’bitch up and be done with it


queso1296 t1_j3jsmdq wrote

But 19 were cartel criminals. El Chapo, his father, was responsible for 2,000 -3,000 murders. Seems like a win for Mexico


koreamax t1_j3kb0lf wrote

That's the difference between a sovereign state and a drug cartel.


McDuschvorhang t1_j3lttfh wrote

This doesn't have anything to do with sovereignty, but rather with a state respecting human rights and the rule of law.


Raammson t1_j3k2x7d wrote

Literally if you blow him up with a drone you could just lie and say another cartel did it too. Problem solved.