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ANewStartAtLife t1_j57b1gy wrote

It was on campus: "...Slonim Woods 9, a drab two-story brick dorm in the middle of campus."

/u/Asoto408 is spot on with his/her question.


Martholomeow t1_j57bm7y wrote

if not off campus then the campus isn’t really a closed campus. More like an area in the neighborhood that owns a lot of property. No gates. Similar to NYU


MidnightSlinks t1_j57m3sg wrote

Similar to almost every college? I've been to a lot of college campuses (athlete) and have never seen one that had gates or restricted movement to/from campus.


RyVsWorld t1_j59op1d wrote

I mean there are plenty of schools that are gated. But tired ping still stands OP is just taking it off his ass


BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j57r2p3 wrote

> if not off campus then the campus isn’t really a closed campus. More like an area in the neighborhood that owns a lot of property. No gates.

...what college campus has gates? I am not saying that there are zero that fully gate their property, but I have never seen this at a college. I really think you are thinking of private high schools and preparatory schools.

There are a million reasons why it wouldn't make sense to try to gate off an entire college campus:

-Colleges host regular events for the community: sporting events, plays, traveling speakers, concerts. People have to be able to come and go as a variety of events are taking place all day long all across campus.

-Delivery drivers need to be able to reach dorms.

-You have visiting alumni and prospective students or teachers showing up all year-round.

-Staff that can number in the tens of thousands.

-Many students have cars, and unlike private schools or prep schools, they need to be able to come and go whenever they want.

-Many colleges have shuttles that ferry students around campus or off-campus to certain places.

-You frequently have unrelated, third-party businesses in the middle of campuses: think Subway, pizza places, coffee shops, art galleries, book stores.

-On top of all of that, a lot of college campuses (like my two alma maters for instance) are growing fast. New buildings being built, purchased or repurposed almost every year. You think they would want to totally relocate a giant fence a few times a year?

It just makes no sense for college campuses to be fully gated off... and I have never personally seen one that was.


RyVsWorld t1_j59oqdt wrote

Hofstra University and Fordham university are both gated college campuses


Dangerous_Golf_7417 t1_j5967xz wrote

Harvard is mostly gated, they close the gates for major events and only let you ok campus if you have a student id.


BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j5978ac wrote

Hmmm, I swear I walked through Harvard's campus in Cambridge in 2006 when I visited my friend in Boston, but if you say so, sure.

EDIT: I just googled it and Harvard is spread across three distinct campuses across Boston and has 15 museums that claim to be open to the public and they have a self-guided tour that you can activate online as your peruse their Cambridge campus.

I swear you guys are mistaking the tiniest parts of these massive universities' "campuses" as their entire campus... it's a little silly.


Dangerous_Golf_7417 t1_j597fvm wrote

Like I said, they only close the gates for major events (graduation, VIPs on campus, etc--i wasn't there but I think they also locked down during the Boston Bomber search). 99% of the time it's open to the public who walk through one of 10 or so open gates to get to the museums, statues, etc. And I'm talking about Harvard College, which contains most undergrad classrooms and dorms and is most relevant to this article, not the med school across the river or anything. Hope you enjoyed the campus tour!


BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j597oox wrote

My bad! I read too quickly and I thought you said they have it gated except for major events. (ie your first sentence was "it is mostly gated" and I skimmed after that.) I guess I could see that they would have more than enough resources to shut down access to campus for major events. That does make total sense.

Thanks for clarifying!!


Dangerous_Golf_7417 t1_j5ajetr wrote

No problem. Guess my clarification wasn't that well received by anyone else, lol.


[deleted] t1_j58m4q8 wrote



aroc91 t1_j58muwv wrote

I've been to a ton of colleges and universities in WI, IL, and TX and none of them have had globally restricted entry to the campus. Some have parking lots that are gated off after hours and stuff like that, but not wholly closed or even close.


[deleted] t1_j58n5zb wrote



BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j58o7nq wrote

It's not an East Coast thing. I went to school in Massachusetts, and interviewed at schools in Maine and New Hampshire. Visited friends at Dartmouth, Brown, George Washington, American. Went to sports competitions at Whitman, Reed, Pacific, Gonzaga, Stanford (on the west coast). None of them are gated. Gating an entire college campus would make no fucking sense (except maybe in very rare exceptions). You seem to not understand how large many colleges and universities are.

Can you show some pictures or provide some examples or evidences of schools that are fully gated?


[deleted] t1_j58oznv wrote



BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j58pclb wrote

You said TWO examples. Out of 4,300 colleges in the country. TWO. And yet you claim that, let me quote you:

>Almost all campuses are gated…what?

...and your evidence... so far, is TWO. Out of 4,300.


aroc91 t1_j58niuh wrote

East coast thing maybe? I don't know what to tell you. I can drive freely through any major university here in TX and have done so through quite a few.


Teantis t1_j58yzos wrote

I went to college in the east coast. Visiting friends at other schools all up and down the east coast. I've never seen a gated campus, like the whole campus.


[deleted] t1_j58nn99 wrote



aroc91 t1_j58o0jh wrote

I was originally simply responding to your assertion "Almost all campuses are gated", which was a bit of a bold claim and entirely contrary to my own experience, not denying there are gated campuses.


[deleted] t1_j58o3pd wrote



aroc91 t1_j58ob8v wrote

The issue is you made a pretty absolute claim that most colleges are gated. I'm not looking for an argument, just pointing out where you painted yourself into a corner. Peace.


BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j58p108 wrote

Which other colleges have you been to that have this? Since you have been to so many that do. I really believe you that some do, but there's just no way that it's the norm. No way. I have been to schools in huge cities, tiny towns, mid-sized cities. It just isn't practical to gate a massive school and direct all traffic through an individual gate. Most college campuses are bustling hubs of activity, with people coming and going all day long. It just doesn't make logistical sense to throttle traffic at a gate around the entire thing (rather than, for instance, having card readers on individual doors on individual buildings).


[deleted] t1_j58p51m wrote



BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j58pghz wrote are you just talking about swiping an ID card to enter a building??? Because that is pretty clearly not what the rest of us are talking about.

Yes, obviously needing ID cards to access certain buildings is common. (And I bet that even on the campuses you've talked about, there are certain buildings that certain times of day require no ID to access... eg the student union building or the administration offices).


[deleted] t1_j58pkbq wrote



BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j58prz2 wrote

Okay then no. That's not remotely common.

You think a university of ~50,000 students like University of Michigan can hire 4,000+ security guards to stand at all entrances at all hours of the day???

And it certainly isn't common at smaller private schools like my alma mater or Sarah Lawrence (both of which have student bodies around 1500).


[deleted] t1_j58pw78 wrote



BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j58qa64 wrote

It totally does make sense for some campuses in rougher parts of some cities to do this. I didn't know that any did, but now that you share it, and I have clicked into your link, I can see how it makes perfect sense for some schools. Thank you for sharing your experience. It's cool that we both got to learn something today.


Martholomeow t1_j588dyc wrote

have you been to NYC?


BloodBonesVoiceGhost t1_j58ofz3 wrote

Yes. Columbia isn't gated. Cooper Union isn't gated. NYU isn't gated. The New School isn't gated. Hell even a lot of the high schools in NYC aren't gated.


Teantis t1_j58ywow wrote

So weird. What a weird belief that guy has.


NYR_LFC t1_j587xyq wrote

Just stop. You're making yourself sound even more dumb