Fyrefawx t1_j6k7bta wrote
People should believe the experts this time. Russia has been preparing for another major offensive. They know they need to do this soon before the western weapon shipments arrive and the Ukrainians are trained to use them.
It will likely be Russia and Belarus this time though.
[deleted] t1_j6ka3ei wrote
SlouchyGuy t1_j6kazom wrote
Which is why NATO should have been giving more weapons and ammunition earlier
[deleted] t1_j6kcg50 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kfi1u wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kfk6s wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kgaj7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kl4q9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kp81p wrote
IAmAPaidActor t1_j6krazt wrote
There is no binding defense treaty except the one Russia signed.
Russia remains wholly responsible for every death on both sides. Russia signed a binding treaty promising to respect Ukraine’s independence and sovereignty of their existing borders (violated), refrain from the threat or use of force (violated), refrain from economic coercion (violated), seek immediate Security Council assistance should the signatory become a victim of aggression (violated), refrain from use of nuclear arms (threatened), consult with another treaty member should questions arise regarding those commitments (violated when they violated all of the above).
Russia has a literal obligation to shoot itself for invading Ukraine that was signed by the current government. It’s not some cheap “Well we’re the successor of the USSR” as if California takes over the USA’s international slot following a fifty state breakup.
[deleted] t1_j6krwrw wrote
Sreg32 t1_j6ku8hz wrote
Putin is in for the long game. Throwing his citizens into the fodder machine as long as it takes, while counting on NATO and other countries arguing and discussing amongst themselves the best way and procedures to go about things while Ukrainians die.
[deleted] t1_j6kvyo6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kwz8q wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kx25h wrote
[deleted] t1_j6kx4jz wrote
[deleted] t1_j6ky2mv wrote
Sabertooth767 t1_j6l1a8d wrote
That's the exact opposite of playing the long game, Russia has one of the worst population growth rates on Earth. They need every young man they can get. If Western estimates are accurate, they're going to feel this war bad in 20 years.
Sreg32 t1_j6l1nu9 wrote
No doubt their country is being run into the sewer and will be be for a long time. But he does have the advantage of throwing bodies at the war for much longer than Ukraine can afford, unless the Russian attrition rate is maintained and NATO support is maintained
I just don’t get the waffling with western countries regarding support. They should know by know nothing will change with Putin, so the quicker they more forcefully support Ukraine, then maybe the quicker Russia is pushed back and a peace agreement is signed
gs181 t1_j6l1rid wrote
They attacked in February last year and backed off when winter came, they will repeat again
[deleted] t1_j6lfyem wrote
[deleted] t1_j6lgvxy wrote
[deleted] t1_j6li0de wrote
[deleted] t1_j6lswof wrote
[deleted] t1_j6m0jn7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6m0lu9 wrote
ivytea t1_j6mixc9 wrote
>peace agreement
No agreement will ever work this time, especially with Putin. It's only defeat or die
TonyJZX t1_j6mj268 wrote
yeah but Putin is gonna be long dead by then
he's thinking short term... doesnt he have some kind of cancer?
putin wants a 'win' before he croaks
illiter-it t1_j6mnlr4 wrote
That's why they're kidnapping Ukrainians
RBVegabond t1_j6moonz wrote
That second sentence is why they’re stealing children
Bitter_Director1231 t1_j6mpd9t wrote
Russia has absolutely nothing to gain by doing this. They will be living in squalor for decades. No meaningful economic growth will happen there. They aren't going to win anything.
Flames57 t1_j6mrxk2 wrote
lukashenko knows he will lose his grasp on the country if he attacks Ukraine.
CwazyCanuck t1_j6myngv wrote
Well, no doubt that peace agreement will include Ukraine joining NATO.
Remember, it’s not about NATO expanding closer to Russia, it’s about not being able to take over countries that NATO has expanded into.
[deleted] t1_j6nn62x wrote
noodles_the_strong t1_j6oc3fh wrote
The real end of this is going to have to come from the Russian people themselves. We can send Ukraine every manner of nasty weapon system and they can grind the Russians to cookie crumbs. I have no doubt Putin will sacrifice a million or more Russians to met out his end goal. Maybe when they see there is bo young people left they will start to think about change.
Girth_rulez t1_j6p2gvd wrote
>while Ukrainians die.
...and are kidnapped.
Girth_rulez t1_j6p2jyq wrote
>Russia has one of the worst population growth rates on Earth.
Why is this?
StickyBeaverJuice76 t1_j6k6yvo wrote
Putin prepares for another offensive to fertilize Ukraine, NATO’s Stoltenberg warns