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fellowcrft t1_j4unayv wrote

I have swam and dived with pods of dolphins. Many times . I am weary as fuck of dolphins. Sure... Awesome sentient beings... Friendly, playful and inquisitive yet at the end of the day they are fucking Apex Predators. I have seen three dolphins kill a 4 meter tiger shark before...


Portalrules123 t1_j4wj6gu wrote

Dolphins are the humans of the sea.

Meaning you SHOULD be at least mildly nervous at all times around them, I would say. I think some dolphins have been shown to kill just for fun too, another human analogy there.


MattyEC t1_j4wua7a wrote

I feel like Orcas should get that nod. Slicing out shark livers and dumping the rest of the body, passing on cultural memes to learn how to hunt their surrounding wild life... freaky smart and right up there with dolphins.