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flaker111 t1_j6lenz2 wrote

tbh WWWIII will happen at some point. we as a species waste so much time, energy and skill into killing each other.....

really wish we had aliens so we can all finally have the same goals ie not die by aliens


rookie-number t1_j6lfbyc wrote

If aliens could make it all the way here theyll likely be able to obliterate us all from orbit


strik3r2k8 t1_j6lnmsc wrote

More likely they’ll just start a global conflict without even announcing their presence.


Draker-X t1_j6llesm wrote

>tbh WWWIII will happen at some point

Then let's try to make it 150 years from now rather than, say, tomorrow.


monogreenforthewin t1_j6mhjxe wrote

honestly it's probably safer to have now then 150 years of WMD development before we do. not saying i want to happen or anything but massive damage and loss of life is better than world ending damage and loss of life.
