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known-to-blow-fuses t1_j4ilhhl wrote

I don't believe that banning certain styles of guns is going to stop anything, nor that banning all guns is fair or right.

The politicians may "want" to stop it, but they can't. There's no little rule they can write into law that would stop it, so they push laws that they can convince their constituents will help by appealing to emotion. Lots of phrases like "weapons of war", "destructive devices", "assault weapons", "killing machines", etc. and they reference children being shot in schools as the "mass shooting" pandemic we have when, as we've discussed, the mass shooting pandemic we live in is really more of an issue of gangs in low income communities. There is no simple solution to our violence problems. The best I can come up with is to raise standard of living for the poor so that they're less desperate. Politicians definitely don't want that. Kind of like how your employer will pay you just enough so that you won't quit, politicians will do just enough to get reelected. No more.


HarEmiya t1_j4kkahd wrote

>I don't believe that banning certain styles of guns is going to stop anything, nor that banning all guns is fair or right.

It will stop something, but not everything. True, it isn't fair or right, that's why I'm against it. Gun control legislation however would be a huge improvement. Things like universal bgc and closing existing loopholes is sensible, but even those are rarely voted for because weapon manufacturers would lose a percentage. And they own quite a few politicians.

Just because something can't be 100% fixed right now doesn't mean it can't be improved, even if in steps. Perfect is the enemy of good.