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TheMilkmanCome t1_jbpabrf wrote

There is literally no danger in being sensationally isolated for an hour. People do it as a form of meditation. Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sell you something


Scaredycatkim t1_jbrn0ec wrote

It’s not the isolation that really does it. It’s having absolutely nothing to put your mind towards. Nothing to read, write, everything is monotonous, and there’s no sound at all. Maybe an hour is a stretch though

That’s why when people say solitary confinement is torture, and should be abolished…well, it is. The inmates that go into solitary confinement have things to read, write, they can hear other inmates or even officers. It isn’t torture. And then you have to take into account where the solitary is taking place.

I know someone that works in a max federal prison and inmates want to go to the super max nearby because officers are basically their butlers. There was a TedTalk saying how fucked up this specific prison was but the inmates in an interview are gonna say it’s horrible so they get more privileges.