Submitted by therealdocturner t3_11x6012 in nosleep

“Stop killing yourself Lucy, stop killing yourself Lucy…”


I was ten years old when Lucy Rogers took her own life at the age of thirteen. She slit her wrists in the bathtub and her mother had to break down the door to get to her. She was an only child.

Lucy may have done that to herself, but my older sister Sarah and two of her friends helped drive her to it. Sarah had gone to school with Lucy since they were both five.

My parents had told me that Lucy was “slow”. She didn’t understand that a little teasing was all in good fun.

My parents had an extreme dislike for people with little to no means, and Lucy’s mom was no exception. It was their view that you made your own way in this world and if your life didn’t work out, you had no one to blame but yourself.

“They made their bed, now they get to lie in it.”

I guess that attitude transferred over to my sister. If Lucy hadn’t been “slow” I have a feeling she still would have been picked on because she was dirt poor. I remember Lucy coming to school on Halloween one year, and her costume was a rectangular laundry basket that she wore on her head. She told everyone she was an alien. That was a bad day for her.

When she was in kindergarten, Lucy had lost her father in a car crash that was apparently his fault. Everything she and her mother had was gone because of what he had done and they moved into the worst block of apartments in town. Lucy’s mother worked all the time to try and pull herself out of the hole that her husband had left her in.

Although she worked all the time, Lucy was the center of her universe. Lucy loved her mother. For as much shit as she got at school, she got just as much sugar at home. Unfortunately, no amount of sugar takes away all the shit, and one caring voice is always lost in the middle of a cacophony of torment.


Three days after Lucy was put in the ground, my sister and her friends had a sleepover at our house. They camped out in the backyard.

It was nice outside, so all the windows in the house were open. I could hear them laughing about Lucy from my bedroom. If I was hearing them, my parents must have heard them, but they said nothing. It made me sick to my stomach.

It was Friday the thirteenth and they all had the idea of trying to contact Lucy from beyond the grave. They wanted to ask her if she was happy, now that she was wherever suicides ended up.

Angela Carrey had brought a ouija board and CiCi Lawrence had raided her mother’s stash of Bath & Body Works candles and filled a duffle bag with them. They set up a card table in our backyard and as soon as it got dark, they lit all the candles. Within a few minutes, our backyard smelled like lemongrass and chocolate chip cookies. They put four chairs around the card table. My sister brought out a few things from our basement and I watched the three of them from my window on the second floor. I watched them make a life sized dummy.

They used an old ratty nightgown from my mother and some newspapers for stuffing the body. My sister placed a laceless pair of workboots under the nightgown to look like feet and a pair of black leather driving gloves for her hands. They used a paper grocery bag topped with some red yarn for hair as a head. Finally, my sister had copied off a picture of Lucy’s face onto a sheet of paper and taped it to the bag. Lucy was smiling.

They started a seance. I watched them from my bedroom window. They joined hands and fiddled with the ouija board and asked Lucy’s spirit to come into the dummy. They acted as if the whole thing had worked and then they began to taunt the dummy. It was disgusting.

“Stop killing yourself Lucy, stop killing yourself Lucy.”

They made the dummy motion as if it was slitting its own wrists.

“Do you guys think she went to hell?”

“Anybody can go to hell.”

“You’re so bad!”

It went on and on. They held hands again and asked Lucy to say something.

They were quiet for a moment, and then again, they asked her to say something.

There was nothing.

“Come on you moron, say something!”

The doorbell rang.

The girls heard it from outside, and I watched them slowly get to their feet. Their mouths hung open and their eyes were full of fear.

I walked downstairs to the front room and Lucy’s mother was talking to my parents asking them for my sister to apologize. She was drunk. My parents were as kind as people like them knew how to be.

“Lizzy, I think you need to go and sleep it off.”

“No please. I’m giving them a chance, don’t you see?”


“They know what they did and I’m giving them a chance to own up to it. I’m giving them a chance to apologize.”

“My daughter has nothing to apologize for.” There was venom in my mother’s voice.

“You saw what they did, didn’t you? Everyone knows exactly what they did to her. They’ve done it for years!”

“I think you’re drunk and you need to get the fuck off of our porch, right now, or we’re calling the police.”

As my father shut the door in the crying woman’s face, my mother told her to go get hammered somewhere else.

My sister and her friends had seen some of it, and after Lucy’s mom left, they ran to the window and stared after her while they smiled. My parents asked them to quit staring and go back outside.

They didn’t listen.

They just stared as the sobbing woman wobbled down the street.

“We conjured the wrong bitch, ladies.”, my sister said. All her friends laughed, and I watched them get up and go back outside, whispering to each other the whole way.


I heard my parents later that night complaining about how Lucy’s mother had no one to blame but her own daughter. I heard them say that a woman who drank like that was probably just going to raise another drunk anyway. It’s a hard thing for a ten year old girl, knowing your family are horrible people.

Before I went to bed, I looked back out of my window. My sister and her friends were in sleeping bags positioned around my parents' firepit. The fire was burning bright and I could see their smiles as they laughed and joked. Just a few feet away from them was the card table and four chairs. All the candles were still burning. The dummy was still sitting there, facing toward the fire pit.

They kept me up for a while with all of their chattering until I finally fell asleep in spite of it.


In the middle of the night, I woke up to the sound of a thump and then another. I got up to pee and when I walked back into my room, I took a look out of my window. The fire was almost gone but the candles were still burning. The three girls were still lying around the fire, finally silent.

I layed back down and closed my eyes. The wind had picked up outside and it was bringing the smell of the dying fire into my room along with the smell of chocolate chip cookies and something else, something rotten. There was also a sound being carried on the wind. The sound of scratching.

I tilted my head on my pillow and listened. Something was scratching on the side of our house. I thought that maybe a bird was out there, or maybe a cat was stretching itself upward, raking its claws along the siding, but then the sound got closer and closer.

It sounded like it was right outside of my window. There was another sound that accompanied the scratching. It sounded like labored breathing. I was scared. I slowly lowered myself over the side of my bed and crawled underneath it. I couldn’t see my window from under the bed, only the wall just beneath it. The horrible breathing got louder until it sounded like it was about to come into my room. And then there was silence.

I pushed my lips together and stared at the wall just underneath my window. For a moment, there was nothing. I had thought about waking up my parents and telling them I was having a bad dream, but then I noticed a shadow on the floor.

Something was looking into my room from outside.

I held my breath, even though I wanted to scream. I watched the shadow move back and forth on the floor until it finally disappeared. I waited for just a moment and then I quietly moved out from underneath my bed. I was going to go to my parents' room.

I heard a thump and two of my pictures fell from a shelf on my wall, and before I could take another step, there was another thump. It sounded like someone dropping a large rock into a bucket of jello. The whole shelf fell off the wall and it made a loud crash against the floor.

I ran out into the hall and into my parents room, which was right next to mine.I froze in their doorway and I saw it standing there over my mother; the dummy that my sister and her friends had made. The bag with the picture of Lucy turned toward me. Lucy’s eyes had been poked out, but she was still smiling.

It stared at me for a moment and then it started shuffling around my parent’s bed toward me, its laceless work boots leaving muddy prints on my mother’s perfect white carpet. It was dragging a bloody sledgehammer along the floor behind it. My mothers old nightgown was spattered and streaked with red and black.

Both of my parent’s faces were pulp and their bodies were twitching. My mother gurgled.

I screamed and ran back into my room and locked the door. I picked up my phone and dialed 9-1-1. There was a loud crash against my door, and then I heard a cracking voice.

“Stop killing yourself Lucy…”

Another loud crash, and the head of the sledgehammer busted through my door. As the dummy tried to pull it back out, blood trickled off of the sledgehammer and spattered down on the carpet.

“Stop killing yourself Lucy…”

I ran to my window and lowered myself down outside from the windowsill while I heard the door finally give way with one more hit. I could hear the ragged breathing getting closer. I took a breath and let go, and I hit the lawn and heard something pop in one of my ankles.

I got to my feet and looked up. The dummy was looking down at me and then it began to lower itself out of the window. I started screaming and limped my way to the side gate.

As I went by, I could see in the fading light of the fire that my sister and all of her friends were in their sleeping bags with their faces caved in.

I ran as fast as my ankle would let me, screaming all the way. I made it around to the side gate and let myself out. I could hear the sledgehammer dragging along the brick patio.

“Stop killing yourself Lucy…”

I ran two houses down to a neighbor and they let me inside. They said they were going to check on my parents, but I begged them to stay with me and just call the police.

The police were at the home within ten minutes, and my screaming had woken up the entire neighborhood. Everyone was out in the street wondering what was going on, but no one wanted to go anywhere near my house.

Of course the police found the bodies, but they hadn’t found the killer. The dummy was still sitting in the chair. There was nothing alive about it at all. The sledgehammer was never found.

When they asked me to tell them what I had seen, I told them everything. I told them about the dummy, but they didn’t believe me.

I told them that maybe it was Lucy’s mom dressed up as the dummy. I told them that she had been at our house earlier. I told them how my parents had treated her. I told them that my sister and her friends had made Lucy do the bad thing to herself. It had to have been Lucy’s mom.

The detective told me that was not possible. I found out later that Lucy’s mother had been drunk and stumbled into traffic six hours before, just after she had left our home. She had been struck by a car and died at the scene.


It’s been twenty years since then. I never got any answers about who killed my family. Some nights, I swear I can still hear that voice and the sounds of scratching on the side of my house.



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LittleSansbits t1_jd1wc44 wrote

Cursing out the soul of a damned is one bad thing. To rip them from their peace and force them to endure your mortal foolishness is a thing many souls find wretched.

But to rip the soul of one you tormented, one who died just to escape you, and who you're now forcing to endure more and more torture...

I'm surprised at how lenient Lucy was with the consequences.

They deserve no sympathy...


therealdocturner OP t1_jd2x5lf wrote

I like to think that I witnessed what could happen if someone let's hatefulness completely consume them. The thing tried to take me with them, but I refused. I know Lucy and her mother are at peace. I can't say the same for my family.


RowBowBooty t1_jd4z495 wrote

I guess maybe Lucy took them with her as friends, back to wherever she came from.


BathshebaDarkstone1 t1_jd1vbtu wrote

If only we could let Lucy know that you're on her side.


therealdocturner OP t1_jd2xa6z wrote

I think she does.


Thezza-D t1_jd56mhu wrote

I get the strong implication that you killed them. You witnessed such cruelty, such extreme abuse and narcissism, that something snapped in you that night. You needed to show them all retribution, but your mind couldn't accept it and so made up the story about the doll coming to life, in your minds eye. "The sledgehammer was never found". "The dummy was still sitting in the chair. There was nothing alive about it at all". Did they lock you up I wonder? What did the police go with in the end? You were the only person there after all, and Lucy's mother was dead already.


Tyrain3 t1_jd648mf wrote

Shes 10 years old. No way youre handling a sledgehammer like that with 10.


Shadowwolfmoon13 t1_jd6hyab wrote

She didn't do it! She was almost a victim herself! Lucy came from the seance and exacted revenge for herself and her mom thru that dummy. A 10 year old couldn't kill 5 victims - 2 adults - 3 older girls - with that sledge hammer. They summoned her, ridiculing her still tho she was dead, and got what the little shits and your parents deserved. Glad you got away.


Cimorenne t1_jd7a3ot wrote

Why did she try to kill you if she know you’re on her side though?


kittenmittenx t1_jdbmm0n wrote

Why do you think she knew you were on her side? She tried to kill you too so obviously she didn’t think so.


TheDarkness33 t1_jd2ahmb wrote

Well, he also didnt help her in anyways. And i think that in that state of rage she wouldnt listen to he


lumpyspacejams t1_jd2jsyr wrote

It might have helped, her telling the truth of what OP's parents and sister did to Lucy and her mother. Like she's still mad, but at least others knew what happened and how cruel OP's family was.

Hopefully, this post will ease her ghost further. Let everyone know what kind of people your family were.


Ghostgrl94 t1_jd4saei wrote

Well what could they do? Lucy’s tormenters were older than them and I don’t think their parents would’ve listened to them at all. Their family made their bed and they had to deal with the consequences of their actions. But to punish a young child for their family’s sins is too much


kaizokuseb t1_jd4yodp wrote

the kid was like ten. at that age, most kids wouldn’t be able to stand up to their parents and might still struggle with even their older siblings. i certainly wouldn’t have been able to do anything to help at that age


Lacygreen t1_jd4ojfj wrote

Lucy is a very new raging spirit so hasn’t learned to harness rage yet.


butcherbunbun10 t1_jd1tlgn wrote

Sounds like your family and sister’s horrible little friends got what they deserved.


Hadochiel t1_jd2g2jn wrote

The parents, definitely, but children, even cruel ones, should at least have the chance to redeem themselves.

Of course, if they're still cunts as adults, sledgehammer to the face


Reasonable-Pack1067 t1_jd35xxh wrote

bruh bullying a child as a child yourself is one thing. summoning their soul through paranormal means to torment them after they killed themself to escape you is a something else entirely. i know that often bullies are just children that only mirror what they see, but the extent of their hatred for lucy knew no bounds. allowing them to stay alive and live normally would not do poor lucy any justice. the bitches deserved it.


Hadochiel t1_jd37pb5 wrote

Again, they're children, and children are assholes. These girls went very much too far, but they deserve a chance at redemption, even if it's a slim one.

Especially when that behaviour could also be attributed in a non-negligible part to their shitty parents


Reasonable-Pack1067 t1_jd3jvi5 wrote

yes and i’m not saying any different. i too, said that their hatred for lucy was not their own, but rather, borrowed from and the parents, mirrored, and embodied. but you know what? those girls had enough the chance to redeem themselves when lucy was found dead in the bathtub. imagine, being the reason someone kills themself. wouldn’t that hit any sane person hard enough to motivate some change in character? they still went ahead, did what they did, to torment her soul after she died, because they had nothing better to do. they were given the chance to redeem themselves, but they never took it, instead, continued to afflict pain.


Artistic_Fall_9992 t1_jd45cng wrote

Yeah you are right, they deserved redemption but Lucy was a child too. So I don't think she understands this logic and I think that she would have only went for the children and not parents if their parents didn't force her mom out. For Lucy, her bullies were those children.


mia_elora t1_jd5fc3q wrote

I mean, considering the timing I don't think Lucy!ghost was going to do anything until her own mother died due to the adults in the house.


alkatori t1_jd3gjgs wrote

As a parent, I can't imagine being okay with my kids doing something so cruel after someone died.


mad_mad_madi t1_jd54et0 wrote

Sounds like they were given an opportunity and didn't take it.


popgirlwitchcraft t1_jd1ue5i wrote

i am supposed to feel sorry for those bitches? because i don't!


Flaky-Ad-9388 t1_jd1vuge wrote

quite a satisfying ending


Reasonable-Pack1067 t1_jd37478 wrote

i feel like the parents should’ve been spared to live in extremely poor conditions only to see the death of these girls, want to justify it, but only be able to say that they were to blame for the way their fate turned out. only in this case, it would have been the black-and-white truth..


Radirondacks t1_jd23mh7 wrote

Interesting that the mother seemed to expect Lucy to end up doing something, with the whole "I'm giving them a chance" line...I wonder if Lucy wasn't "slow," but more..."special."


TheDarkness33 t1_jd2alxb wrote

Oof, and maybe ween the mom died she decided that was time to do something


broken-markers t1_jd20qs9 wrote

This is such an incredible story. Thank you for sharing. I think if you're brave enough you should somehow let her know you have always been on her side. And though you were terrified that night, you understand why she did what she did. I don't know if the seance was ever finished properly. If you can, find a way to close her time here on earth and finally let her spirit rest. If you can still hear scratching at night, she probably hasn't had the chance to go to the afterlife. She deserves to rest and finally be at peace.


high_off_helium t1_jd3gku9 wrote

After rereading I can't help but feel that it wasn't Lucy who did this. I think her mom took "get hammered somewhere else" a little too literally.


Mmswhook t1_jd6vt54 wrote

Yeah this was my thought as well. Because “Lucy” did nothing at first, not until the mom died. So perhaps the mom is the one who made them all pay.


NicIsMyDamnName t1_jd21ci8 wrote

Tbh, the family and friends deserved it- But man, I feel bad for the mc :(


LupaWulf t1_jd2m9ho wrote

Sounds like the perfect ongoing motivation to forever live your life better than your family and your sister's friends.

Spread kindness, be gentle and understanding. Lucy AND her mother both passed due to cruelty. Perhaps the more you work to be better than that, the less the voice and noises will appear.


ShaxiaxPugTrident090 t1_jd2ix49 wrote

Well at this point your family had no one to blame but themselves :/



RagicalUnicorn t1_jd3iiqr wrote

Finally a story on here with an uplifting wholesome outcome. Hopefully anyone like your sister reading this will learn the important moral of 'talk shit, get hit, sometimes by a ghost with a sledgehammer' and decide to just get therapy instead.


ImThatMelanin t1_jd23wnj wrote

i’m not saying it was deserved but… your sister and her friends absolutely suck ass. they couldn’t even let her rest finally. sick.


Crazy_Tomatillo18 t1_jd2vsct wrote

This gave me chills. Your family is so wrong for making fun of her. I hope she never comes back to finish what she started 20 years ago.


therealdocturner OP t1_jd2wpnr wrote

I don't think it was Lucy. I think her and her mother are at peace. I've come to think that it was my family's hatefulness that came for them that night. I think the sounds that I hear sometimes are a reminder of what my life could come to if I let hate and bitterness consume me.


FumiPlays t1_jd3vf0n wrote

If you still hear the voice or scratching it may mean Lucy couldn't move on after your sister so callously called her back into this realm.
Maybe try to apologise to her for what your family did and send her forward, towards where she should be? She seems to have no ill intent towards you right now.


moonbunni24 t1_jd3952c wrote

this could’ve happened because they didn’t end the ouija session and didn’t say “goodbye”, so the spirit is still connected.

your sister and her friends drove her to it, they get the vengeance. your parents were hateful and excused the behavior, driving her mother to her death. vengeance. you, however, have never wronged her.

maybe set up a seance of your own. print out a nice picture of lucy again, but don’t edit it. set out some water or a drink, and other things on the board to summon her. maybe put some bandaids on there, since she keeps saying “stop killing yourself”. add some protection for yourself, like herbs or a ring of salt so she can’t leave the circle.

summon her again, but this time, apologize on behalf of your family. apologize to her and her mother. and then end the session. say something like “rest now, lucy and lizzy rogers” and make sure the planchette goes to “goodbye”. should put the spirits to rest.

burn the dummy too for good measure. if supernatural has taught me anything, it’s always burn the remains.


Stitchlover1810 t1_jd4n5oa wrote

I think its best not to summon her just to apologize. I think lucy knows that the author is sorry for what her family did to her


Shadowwolfmoon13 t1_jd6j4mb wrote

Leave the seance alone. Don't mess with it further. You don't know what else will come thru. Put flowers on their graves and talk to them telling them the truth and apologize for your parents/sister/friends and release her to move on. Then leave it alone.


LittleManhattan t1_jd3pz1l wrote

I feel bad for you, OP, but your family and your sister’s friends got exactly what they deserved. Bullying someone to the point of suicide was bad enough, but they continued the abuse into the afterlife? Your parents raised an epic fail in your sister, turning her into a hateful and cruel person. And your sister and her friends messed with things far beyond their understanding, and paid the price.


Satyinepu t1_jd2vcf7 wrote

My question is why are you not evil like the rest of the family was


therealdocturner OP t1_jd2vu73 wrote

I had wonderful grandparents. They never stopped trying with my mother and I recognized it very early. Their kindness had a very big impact on me. I went to live with them after everything.


Satyinepu t1_jd559qo wrote

I'm glad to hear that🥰 at least someone in your life showed you what kindness was. Try making an alter for Lucy and her mother and leaving her offerings to appease her.


Ghostgrl94 t1_jd4rtps wrote

The only ones I feel sympathy for is Lucy, her mom, and you OP. Your family on the other hand had what was coming to them. I’m sorry you had to go through that but I’m not sorry they got themselves killed. I sure hope Lucy continues to spare your life and that you don’t let your kids (if you want them) follow in your family’s footsteps


NordrikeParker87 t1_jd62d4o wrote

So Lucy had her revenge, good for her. 😌❤️ #GirlBoss


Stitchlover1810 t1_jd3mtp1 wrote

Your family deserved it, Lucy was just a child and she died with misery and to finally find peace but your tormentors insist on letting you out is cruel


Ok-Warthog-9991 t1_jd54ti1 wrote

Lucy wasn't so slow with the sledge. Sorry for your loss.


Flamberge3000 t1_jd6lnnw wrote

The true horror was the appalling behavior of everyone besides the OP. It's a miracle you didn't take after them.


Quarky014 t1_jd2sgsm wrote

Your family are psychopaths


The_Qwerty_4840 t1_jd3fr9j wrote

Damn...thank the gods that you weren't asleep when she was searching for you what are the chances of you being awake at exact moment are? everybody got their karma...your family got bad karma while you got good karma...


Japjer t1_jd55a2b wrote

For what it's worth, I'm fully on Team Lucy here. We need a spirit of vengeance once in a while


Tialby t1_jd7ld5o wrote

Maybe Lucy's mom died then took revenge.. Cos u know, bitch ass childs mom said "get hammered somewhere else" Lucy's mom died and was just like "maybe u should ALL get hammered right here u filthy strumpet"

I'd be looking for professional help to help Lucy and her mom find peace and move on tho, don't want to go at it all thumbs/amateur style and accidentally piss them off.


67noskcaz t1_jdn7ggw wrote

I'm not saying they deserved it, but they definitely deserved it.


JoelMB12 t1_jd5k8bd wrote

That wild you still here her.


ToasterIsBisexual t1_jd60i6b wrote

no sleep stories don’t make me this sad usually, but i’m so glad lucy got justice. i hope she is resting peacefully with her family and some ghost friends. for your family and sisters friends, i hope they are rotting in hell and having their organs ripped out daily


ihatepineaples t1_jd64ed5 wrote

i’m sorry you almost died because your family is a bunch of assholes


Fieldofscreams85 t1_jd6axbw wrote

I hate to be harsh but you're better off. I'm just sorry the dummy came for you; you were innocent.


Solareclipse06 t1_jdggn3i wrote

Maybe she came after them because they didn’t really stop their family some people consider people who don’t act just as guilty


Rebeccalon787 t1_jd9id90 wrote

Since Lucy's mom was dead at this point and seemed to threaten your family, if you believe in these sorts of things, perhaps she did it.