Submitted by likeeyedid t3_yerkt9 in nosleep

"Please, just let me in, it's getting cold!"

The voice was familiar, only older than I remembered. Very close to detail.

"Lala, please."

Using my old nickname was a nice touch as well.

I sat on the floor next to the door, my arms wrapped around my legs. Or course this had to happen the one week my parents left me alone. They hadn't gone on vacation for years, I practically begged them to get away for a while. For their own good. If I called them, they'd come right back but I don't think that would have helped me anyway.

Besides, I wasn't an idiot. I heard the knock and I would not open that door.

When someone comes to your house, they will ring the bell or knock a few times. Most people like to play safe and simply use the bell. And then you open the door as you normally would.

But never, absolutely never, should you open the door when there's only one knock. It was the very first thing we were told when we moved to this neighborhood all those years ago.

There are a bunch of rumors, of people disappearing or suddenly dying after opening their doors though they all supposedly happened before we even lived here.

I never believed in it, not even when I was little. This town was simply insane, most people here were a little eccentric and unusual. Well, that's what I believed until I heard my lost sister call for me, after the one loud knock on our front door.

"Please, go away," I whispered.

Even after all those years, I recognized her voice. And when I heard it I jumped right up, ready to open that door wide. But I knew it wasn't her.

I'd looked through the window. There was nobody in front of our door.

I don't know how much time had passed before I finally grabbed my phone and called Max who's not only our neighbor but one of my closest friends.

"She's here," I said. I knew I wasn't making much sense, I didn't know how to word my thoughts.

"Who? Where?" He answered.



"Wha-," Max started speaking but stopped.

"She knocked."

That was enough information for him.

"You didn't open, did you?"

I shook my head which of course he couldn't see.

"I'm coming over now, okay?"


I'm not sure how many minutes passed but Ruby had stopped asking me to open the door.

"Hey, Lainey, I don't think the bell is working," I heard Max. "Maybe they screwed with it."

I swallowed.

"You could knock."

There was silence for a little while, followed by one loud thud.

When I didn't open the door, the sound of Max started shouting loudly.

"Open the fucking door!"

His voice became louder and louder until it hit a frequency that almost made my eardrums explode.

I didn't move, I didn't speak and finally, the doorbell rang and the voice became silent.

Slowly I got up from the door to look outside.

This time it was really him.


"The last time I saw her we had the biggest fight of our lives."

We were sitting in the living room with tea that had already turned cold. I don't open up about Ruby often but hearing her voice today really messed me up.

"And all because of stupid Jack," I rolled my eyes.

Max smiled.

"A boy?"

I shook my head and laughed.

"Jack was a stuffed toy in the shape of a pumpkin."

I’d never told Max about the fight, in fact, nobody but my parents knew about it.

"I loved that damn thing. Won it at the Halloween carnival. When Ruby saw it she begged me to give it to her, she cried for hours because she hadn't won it. And even when my parents said they'd buy her another toy she wouldn't stop. She wanted mine."

"Well, she wanted to be just like you. It's sweet."

I nodded.

Ruby was a year younger than me but she used to act as if we were twins. She wore my clothes, played the same sports, and always wanted to hang out with me and my friends. When I think about it now I think it was adorable, of course back then I found it insufferable.

I sighed.

"For days I took Jack everywhere with me, even to the bathroom. It was probably just out of pettiness but that toy became everything to me. So when I came home from school one afternoon and saw that Ruby had cut it in half I screamed at her like never before. She only looked at me with big teary eyes."

Max put his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on Lainey, siblings fight, it's normal. I saw you with her though and you were a damn good big sister."

I nodded. Of course, I knew it was just some stupid fight between kids but if I could turn back time I'd give her every shitty toy I owned.

This happened five years ago. Ruby would be sixteen now.

My parents have tried everything for years to find her. I believe the only reason we still live here is that they never entirely gave up the hope that she'd come back home one day.

Maybe now she was. Just in a different way.

"Do you think I'm losing my mind, Max?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"I think you lost that a whole while ago," he joked.

"No, I'm serious. I mean it's not possible that I actually heard her earlier?"

He shrugged.

"I mean, you did hear a knock. I don't think it was actually her though."

Max and I used to make fun of the superstition. When we were younger, before Ruby disappeared, we once played ding dong ditch. After a few houses, Max decided to knock once at the door of our neighbor Mrs. Tellski. Someone saw us though and Max got the biggest lecture of his life from his grandpa. Like it was a really big deal. My parents weren't happy either, but Max was grounded for two months, during which his grandpa told him all sorts of horror stories from this town.

"I don't think it was her either. But I do think it was mimicking her, or trying to," I said.

"For what it's worth, I think it was smart that you didn't open the door. Maybe we're all just a little crazy but better safe than sorry, right?"


Max offered to stay the night and I immediately said yes. We got the air mattress and watched movies until I started to hear him snoring.

The good thing about Max was, I never felt awkward around him. He regularly stayed over since we were little. Especially often after Ruby was gone. Having him here really helped against the silence.

My mind became easier, and my body heavier. Real thoughts started to mix with dreams, I was beginning to fall asleep.

And then there was another knock.

It came from the front door downstairs but I heard it loud and clearly

My heart started racing just like it did this afternoon.

"Max, did you hear that?" I whispered but he didn't answer.

"Lala, it's dark. Please come and get me," Ruby's new voice cried from outside.

"Max, please tell me you hear this."

I looked over at him, but he didn't move. Finally, I collected the courage to get up and turn on the lights.


The eyes of my friend were wide open but he didn't speak. He didn't move.

"I ran over to him and tried to shake him but his whole body was stiff. Only his eyes moved."

"LET ME IN!" The voice from downstairs screamed. I didn't know what to do anymore. Max was clearly awake but it seemed as if something was holding him back. Almost like he was having sleep paralysis but with his eyes open.

"They're pulling me away, Lala, please help me."

I don't know what happened then, but I immediately jumped up and ran downstairs. Some kind of instinct kicked in. Maybe it was her. Maybe I could pull her back inside. But if this was really Ruby, was she also the one doing this to Max?

My hands touched the cold door handle, moving almost as if I was in a trance.

"I have Jack. They fixed him, Lala. We don't need to fight anymore."

Those words pierced through my body and woke something up inside of me. I stepped away from the door and walked back upstairs passing my room where Max was still lying still. But I didn't stop, I walked to the next room. Ruby's old bedroom. Everything there looked just the way it did when she was still here. My parents could never change it.

Everything was still the same. And Jack was still placed on her bed where I put it five years ago after I'd sewn it back together.

They almost got me.



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JustNoSleep2112 t1_itztxgf wrote

Horrifying that they could affect Max like that, but good that they seem not to be able to force anyone to open the door.

Do you think THEY got Ruby somehow? Either when she was home alone to open the door, or another way when she was out? Or are they just using her going missing to get to you?


TheSameG t1_iu0vgqu wrote

Regarding Ruby, that was my immediate thought.


[deleted] t1_iu0vp83 wrote



tina_marie1018 t1_itzlz8h wrote

It's a good thing she mentioned Jack


Rumbleroarrr t1_iu0ayhs wrote

Interesting she only mentioned Jack once Max learned about Jack…


Blizzzzz t1_iu17hhl wrote

I was thinking that it's likely that this entity can hear what people say in the houses. So it can't just know everything about people but instead thinks of ways to lure people out based on what it hears


FireflyArc t1_iu0fr8r wrote

Im wondering if he's the source maybe. Maybe not but it's cool how serious the town takes it like a better version of the town from IT


Picurs t1_iu0iqll wrote

Maybe him having done the "one knock" in a door in the past made him part of "them" too somehow. Like he partook in their ritual and now he's a little bit of us and a little bit of them.


koentus t1_iu3yydt wrote

This could be potential explanation for how he became paralyzed just when she needed him most. Entity didn't want him to interfere.


TrailMomKat t1_iu1xe5w wrote

Yeah, but it was happening well before Max was even born, since his grandpa told him stories from the old days


Princesskhalifa89 t1_iu23hda wrote

I thought the same. Like perhaps Max has more to do with this than either of them know..or at least more than she knows. It wouldn’t really make sense for Max to stay the night and attack if he knew though. I sense a sequel.


MissionCreeper t1_iu3y1kd wrote

Maybe it isn't just Max, but it's anyone in town who has the knowledge about the person they're trying to mimic. So in other houses it could be different people paralyzed getting their memories sucked out.


JestTanya t1_iu3d7x5 wrote

Or until she mentioned Jack out loud— or maybe even until she started thinking about Jack.


tessa1950 t1_itzxhro wrote

Amazing self-control to resist opening that door when your heart really wants it to be your sister.


ndg5800 t1_iu013m3 wrote

Close call OP, I'd have opened that door in a heartbeat.

The things we do for love.


h_elios t1_iu2rqgx wrote

Reminds me of something that happened when I was very young. I don't remember if it was a dream or not, my asian family are very superstitious but as an adult now I'm assuming it must've been. I had a lot of weird dreams at this house, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

Anyway it was extremely late. Everyone was still asleep, and I had just woke up in the middle of the night. Everybody slept upstairs, but occasionally in the early morning my mother could be found cooking in the kitchen. I was thirsty, so I started making my way downstairs for water. The house was completely dark and I couldn't see much of anything. I turned on the stair lights and went downstairs.

On the way down, I heard my mother's voice "Bang, is that you? Can you help me for a minute?" (Abang is like "brother") Oh, so she's already awake, I thought. At the bottom of the stairs, the view of the living room was completely dark, and the light switch was on the opposite side of the room from the stairs. But the kitchen light was off too. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and asked "Is that you ma? Why are the lights off?" To which the voice responded: "I need some help, can you come and help me nak?" (Anak like child/son)

As a child, this situation felt very strange to me. It couldn't be a black out (which were frequent in my area) because I turned the lights upstairs on. So why would she be cooking in the dark?

In my increasing anxiety, I suddenly hear a voice from above: "Bang? Why are you shouting? Do you know what time it is?" And I shoot back upstairs.

That's all I remember from that night.


MoonEvans t1_iu3rv53 wrote

That’s a “ma chài” or at least what we call it in our country. Basically the idea is that it only appear at night and cant walk on stair. Or it can be other things too….


FacelessArtifact t1_iu0d8g1 wrote

What happened to Max? It has to be the creatures. Maybe it never was Max! And once you let “him”, his body was no longer needed.


Savage_Assassin t1_iu3batq wrote

But the Max that entered rang the bell and could be seen... so that means that there is a second creature?!


FacelessArtifact t1_iu4yw7h wrote

No one who has lived has ever seen it. So it could become visible when let in. No where does she say others have seen the creature impersonating their loved one/friends. Either they never live to tell, or they are afraid to. It’s unlikely that having her friend paralyzed on the floor is unique. If it has happened before, it’d be part of the legends (if anyone lives to tell the tale). So…..either Max is gone when she goes back or….she’ll be next and both will be gone before her parents return. IMHO, there’s a very good chance there’s more than one.


Lanliik_JLX t1_itzx8xy wrote

Wow that was a close call, could be the same kind of bear wich is in the movie Annihilation


Gallop67 t1_iu26pli wrote

This is horrifying. I’d suggest at the very least that you get a few outdoor cameras with floodlights, better yet get tf out of that town.


randauum t1_iu0uo1k wrote

I feel like you should maybe, MOVE?


LatterTowel9403 t1_iu1k1n2 wrote

If the people disappeared when they opened the door to a single knock then how did others know that they did? Would the entity take somebody in front of someone else who heard the single knock also and spread the alarm?


chunkytapioca t1_iu2e024 wrote

That's what I want to know too. There must have been at least one other person home at the time who also heard the knock.


Wijike t1_iu2r8mh wrote

Maybe they resisted the first couple of times and told people about it. Then they succumbed one day and disappeared.


Pixel4t3 t1_iu4773q wrote

I reckon after the first couple disappearances, people started looking outside their windows when people knocked. When it was one knock they saw that no one was there and started to see the pattern.


LikeThemPies t1_iu1ul4n wrote

I have to think Max is involved somehow. The creature imitated Max when you called him, and it only talked about Jack once you told Max. Obviously there's the big one of him going into a trance when the creature arrived, too. Be very careful around him!


jaaxpod t1_iu3setf wrote

nah the creature was just eavesdropping, that’s how it knew


JennyRedpenny t1_iu1tyiq wrote

My guess is they want you, not Max, and that's why he was paralyzed. Man I wish I knew some more of the other stories in town


Suspicious_Cat4200 t1_iu1i0l6 wrote

Super close call! I'm glad THEY didn't get you! Reminds me how my mom always told me never to open the door after dark. I've heard the door being knocked on multiple times in the past but never open it if it's dark outside. She said you would be inviting evil spirits into your home if you opened the door and no one was there.


Swankified_Tristan t1_iu2ryfi wrote

Powerful enough to restrain Max but too dumb to learn how to use the doorbell.


Corey307 t1_iu3h4fk wrote

Supernatural thing are often constrained by for one reason or another. Like how vampires have to be invited into a home.


Wishiwashome t1_iu2wtmx wrote

I personally would love an update OP, about what the history/ story is behind the one knock?!!


aflyonthewallll t1_iugp7j2 wrote

coincidentally i sneezed right when i started reading this and my husband shot up out of a dead sleep and said “DID SOMEONE JUST KNOCK ON THE DOOR????” there goes any chance of sleep i had tonight 🥲


Mysterious-Yoghurt37 t1_iu8mna0 wrote

If I was that ghost / monster / alien and I could hear the conversations happening inside the house, I would just wait untill someone had decided to come out of their house anyway and knock once right before they were about to open the door 😈


AccomplishedSmile785 t1_iu3hicd wrote

Remember “max” said I think they messed with the doorbell. Then rang the doorbell. Max would have seen the person knocking right? Maybe max was taking over and that’s how he was controlled in the house. Paralyzed


Gloria_Elise t1_iu3wxgt wrote

They hadn't gone on vacation for years, I practically begged them to get away for a while


gestapolita t1_iu55s9h wrote

If it was really your sister, she would open the door herself and come inside. It is her house after all.


mike8596 t1_iu5fyf0 wrote

That's some story.

Hope Max is okay.

Maybe they'll leave you alone now.

Good luck


EducationalSmile8 t1_iu5tei3 wrote

Either Max is a victim of "those" entities, or he is one among them. I guess he's a victim, the entities tried to make sure that he couldn't stop you from opening the door. Good that you didn't open.

Be Careful...


ASnowballRunning t1_iu70how wrote

Max came over while it was still out there. He didn't ring the bell he knocked once. Maybe they already got ahold him and used him. Be careful.


M0n5tr0 t1_iu8qe86 wrote

So what exactly did you do to your sister? You would have given her all stuffed toys she wanted now but why? Did you perhaps overreact when you saw she had cut jack in half?


kinadidit t1_iuadb0k wrote

Did you kill your little sister?


osdomingos t1_iugesie wrote

Really hope there is a follow up to it. Would like to know more about this entity Be safe OP


jaaxpod t1_iu3rztc wrote

so is max dead or what
