Submitted by scaredofkthulhu t3_xwdcai in nosleep

I'm coming here for advice.

My friend, who we'll call 'C' for privacy's sake, has been tubby her whole life and recently started putting off weight pretty fast. At first I was concerned that C may have developed an eating disorder, not only because of how quickly she's losing weight but also because she'd been insecure about her size for her whole life, and had just gotten her first boyfriend around the time she had started losing weight. I dismissed these concerns, though, because I didn't notice anything wrong with her. She always finished her plate, had three meals a day, and overall didn't seem to have an unhealthy relationship with food. Her boyfriend was proud of her and was careful to make sure she wouldn't push herself even harder for him. I never heard her throwing up or gagging when we went to bed on the days I sleep over, even though her bedroom is near her bathroom and I'm a light sleeper. That ruled out both bulimia and anorexia.

But last week, when I visited her, I woke up in the middle of the night after a nightmare. It wasn't exactly a nightmare; nothing happened, it was just red. A blank red 'screen', and then I woke up with the feeling of having to pee. So I go out in the hallway and see that the bathroom light is on.

You might think this next part is weird. But we've been close our whole lives, even taking baths together when we were kids. And yes, she is the only one who uses that bathroom.

I go into the bathroom silently. I wanted to scare her, laugh about it, ask to pee, then go back to bed.

She was kneeling over the toilet. I thought she was just going to throw up, maybe she had bulimia after all. But I could hear her chewing. Her breathing was ragged and gravelly like she was just getting over a bad cold. I took one step closer.

She was chewing her arm. I almost laughed, thinking, How itchy could it be?

And then I saw red. Dripping onto the toilet seat, dripping into the toilet, and making those little feather-like dripping noises that water makes.

I couldn't move. I stopped breathing when I saw it. I was sad for her and how bad her mental state was in order for her to even think of doing things like that. I was mainly terrified that she would be chewing me next. But those were all just basic instincts. My first real thought was that what I was seeing was DEFINITELY self-harm, and suicidal idealization, the same things I went to the hospital for.

My second was that I absolutely could not interfere. I know her, and I know how things like this go. I know that when I got caught doing something similar, albeit more 'normal', I lashed out at everyone who tried to get me help. So I would tip her parents off in the morning, tell them to look at her wrists while she's still sleeping.

Then, she paused, moved her arm as if she was raising her hand, blood pouring down her arm and soaking into her light blue sleeve, and spat out her flesh in the toilet. It landed with a sickening plop.

I was disgusted. The red clumps of flesh and the thick smell of blood permeated the room and made it humid. I was sad, seeing the tattered, chewed-up flesh on her arm. I was alarmed, disgusted, seeing the bone, and the yellow fat scattered about.

I'm not the best author. I know I should show, and not tell. But how else do I put this? My best friend is an auto-cannibal. I witnessed my friend auto-cannibalize herself. I'm sorry that I don't feel like making this all flowery for you, though I know this automatically makes it less interesting.

I should've left before this. But I stayed long enough to see her pluck the yellow globs out of her flesh and carefully wrap them in a large velvet pouch with a weird sigil on it that I'd never seen before.

Again, disgust, sadness, the feeling of being rooted in place. But an animal part of me, or whatever other being that has existed in the same material I'm made of now, knows that she is almost done and is about to turn around. I'm smart enough to listen to it. I ducked out, careful, silent, all my pee suddenly evaporating into thin air, the pressure in my bladder turning into a cold, heavy, dreadful mass lining my gut.

Quickly, on silent feet, I get into my sleeping bag and roll over to my usual position which thankfully doesn't face her bed or the door. I even out my breathing. I stab my fingers into my palm to make sure they don't go through and that I actually am awake right now.

I hear the toilet flush. The sink runs. Footsteps, a door opening, footstep, door closing, footsteps, and on and on until she finds her way back into bed. I don't notice any unusual sounds, no crying or sniffling or anything that usually accompanies self-harm. She goes from the bathroom straight to her bedroom.

I wait until I hear her snoring softly to release some of the tension in my body. It took about 10 minutes of staring into the blackness and chewing on my lips, but I finally work up the courage to check her out. For her safety. I remember specifically the thing that got me out of bed was: "Remember this is still your C."

So I get up and tiptoe over to her bedside. Cautiously, muscles burning and my heart about to implode, I fold her blanket in half and check her wrist.

It was gone. Her skin was... well, I'll skip all the flowery language. Her skin was actually there. There was no trace of her teeth or of blood or anything. I checked her other arm. No bandages, no blood, nothing. I would've smelled her breath, but getting that close to her might have actually sent me into anxiety-induced cardiac arrest.

So I tuck her back in, tiptoe back to my sleeping bag. At this point I'm seriously concerned that this was an episode of hysteria or psychosis, but nothing particularly out of the ordinary has been happening with my lately. No other symptoms, though, and there are usually signs before someone experiences psychosis that vivid. I mentioned I've had a history of mental illness before, but nothing related to shizophrenia.

But now there is no doubt in my mind that everything I smelled, heard, and saw in that bathroom was fake or imagined. My imagination when I control it isn't even that vivid. Even my dreams are blurry, like I've taken my glasses off. That was real.

So you can imagine my confusion when not only was her flesh intact, but there was no sign of it ever happening in the bathroom, even though I woke up before her. It's reasonable enough to deduce that she cleaned it up herself, but that fast? She left the bathroom moments before I did. I scoured the bathroom but couldn't find the pouch.

Her mother was downstairs making breakfast. I don't think I need to clarify this, but I didn't have any sort of appetite. I went back into the bedroom to get dressed. She was sitting up, awake earlier than ever, no blood on her, no teeth marks. She was wearing the same pajames as last night, not a speck of blood on them, just the gravy stain she'd gotten last night during dinner. She could not have gotten up to clean it. I was awake the whole night.

She was oddly happy to see me, even though she was the exact opposite of a morning person. She was usually grumpy when she woke up and insisted on the 5-more-minutes rule, but this morning, she practically dragged me downstairs for breakfast (which she never threw up, and I was there until noon when my parents started pitching a fit over my absence). I couldn't stop looking at her. She was glowing, healthy, smiling, joking with her mother, planning what to do for today. At one point I was staring so hard she had to ask me what was wrong and, jokingly, if there was something on her face. Her mother was worried about why I wasn't touching my food after they had all finished. I couldn't tell her. How could I? Who would believe me? I told her I didn't feel well or something lame like that, I don't know.

Fast forward to today. She looked amazing. No loose skin and she was even developing an hourglass figure and a thigh gap. Her clothes were looser. She was healthy and whole. She was happy. And I love seeing her happy, I love that she's proud of how far she's come and how well her life is going, but whenever I see her, all I can think of is her bent over that toilet and eating her arm.

It's ruining everything. I cannot enjoy myself around her. I find myself constantly worried about her mental and physical health, and worrying about how to proceed in a careful way so that I don't lose my closest friend.

I don't know what to do. Is this a psychological issue, even though she's happier than she's ever been? How do I help? Do I have a right to interfere? How do I get proof? Who will believe me? What is she even doing?

Please let me know what to do. I can't lose her.

EDIT: This will be a series. Thank you for your help.



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randauum t1_ir6hmzu wrote

Ask her where I can find a pouch like that Cuz my belly fat has got to go


GaiasDotter t1_ira5eo9 wrote

Same! Imagine being able to loose weight without damaging my shitty shitty joints! Can it also build muscle because that would just be perfect! Or maybe strengthen ligaments that are loosing their strength and elasticity?


HorrorJunkie123 t1_ir6v3r8 wrote

I wonder how she came to possess that pouch... maybe she made a deal with a certain some one? Perhaps at a crossroad?


scaredofkthulhu OP t1_ir7galr wrote

With who? Should I call the police?


r33f3rz0mb1e t1_ir9vcta wrote

I live in a nicer town now and always forget the police here would probably help. So if your town isn't super shitty go for it.


NinetySixBiscuits t1_ir6qt72 wrote

You would if you could though, wouldn’t you? Eat yourself?


Dark_Night_280 t1_ir7f4f2 wrote

The fact you were less concerned for your own safety and more concerned about your friend makes me see just how much you actually love her.

And honestly, I'm puzzled too. One thing my brain is telling me for sure though is that do NOT bring it up, it might turn ugly.

And I hate to say this but..... of no one is getting hurt, maybe leave it be.... unless you suspect she's in danger or she "has" to do this and can't stop, then step in...... I don't like to think of "where" she got that pouch, but for now, for everyone's happiness and safety, maybe you should leave it alone...... talk to her about it if you feel she won't flip but I have a feeling it won't end well for you if you do.....


scaredofkthulhu OP t1_ir7gmds wrote

Someone else mentioned something about a crossroads deal. And honestly I don’t think anything good can come out of anything like that


Dark_Night_280 t1_ir7ib0z wrote

It really can't and it's beyond worrying but intervention without information is just as dangerous so I'll stick to my previous words, find out what you can if possible but for you own safety I say leave it alone. That sounds self centered though..... I really don't know what advice I can give to help you help your friend..... just be careful, yeah ?


scaredofkthulhu OP t1_ir7imd5 wrote

I appreciate your advice, but she’s saved me more than once. Helping her now is the least I could do


Jazenide t1_ir6ljbe wrote

Sounds like a magical pouch. I would try to find one and sell it. could make you rich.


jamiec514 t1_ir89o42 wrote

As of right now it doesn't seem to be hurting anything other than your peace of mind but the thing I wonder is what will happen when she gets down to the weight she wants to be and stops "feeding" the pouch. Somehow I don't think it's going to be a very happy pouch at that point and the sigils on it are very concerning. I think before you bring it up to her maybe try to see if you can catch her again but get a closer look at the sigils on the pouch because I think that might help give you more answers about who or what she's dealing with so when you do talk to her you aren't going into the conversation blind 🤷🏻‍♀️


scaredofkthulhu OP t1_ir8aspx wrote

That’s what I was worried about, that this was some kind of sacrifice. I’ll stay over tonight.


jamiec514 t1_ir8rf0w wrote

Let us know if you find anything else out please.


skyguy2002 t1_irb7mb6 wrote

Putting some of her flesh in the pouch feels like it's some sort of tithe in exchange for her new body. Whatever this other party wants with her meat can't be good.


Catqueen25 t1_ir8nequ wrote

You could mention a strange dream you had about her eating herself in the bathroom to see how she reacts. You can mention how odd it was and you don’t know how your mind came up with something like that.

You could draw the sigil and show it to her saying since the dream, you’ve been seeing it everywhere since that dream.


Food-4-Thot t1_ir6o19j wrote

throw the whole friend away


MrJennyV1 t1_ir7i1bb wrote

What the heck? How could she possibly not have a scratch on her?

Maybe you should check her bookshelves and desk? If there some sort of weird supernatural something going on, maybe she has a book about it.


scaredofkthulhu OP t1_ir7i7j5 wrote

That’s a good idea! I’ll try that if I can next time I stay over


FilmProfessional7323 t1_ir9ejli wrote

Try to find some people who know these kind of magic. Ask ur friends or someone you know closely about people who do magic and stuff. Go to them and describe the sigil and what she applied to her arm. Dont draw the sigil, it could be dangerous.


Anubisrapture t1_irah0e4 wrote

What do you think or remember about your VERY weird dream that night you stayed over? w that red screen? Maybe it has a connection somehow bc you are so bonded w your friend!


xTkAx t1_ir8boas wrote

First, send her a msg saying something like "Read this spooky story <link to this story>!". Then probe, eg: "What do you think?", "Could you imagine?", "you lost so much, is this you? haha". Then keep going as much as you can to find out what you want.


[deleted] t1_ir7af0f wrote



[deleted] t1_ir7n5yk wrote



Shadowwolfmoon13 t1_ir8tz29 wrote

I think leave it but observe. Copying the sigil could be dangerous to you. It could be attached to a curse and it could be drawn to you also. If you can check secretly, safely for a book, do it. But be careful! You don't know what/who you're dealing with. Maybe check her computer histories to see if there's anything there? Discreetly!


TymenBr t1_ir989bl wrote

Jezus thats crazy, but on an off note you're writing style is very nice ever thought about writing a book? This is some Stephen King shit. Sorry I can't give any advice..Edit: I actually can. And it's going to suck but you have to tell her what you experienced. It's probably not what you think, how can it be?


hryinft t1_ir8pbl1 wrote

Bit worried she might keep eating until there's nothing left..


milkradio t1_ir91gd1 wrote

Where can I get one of those pouches because I gotta lose weight too :/


benjaminpfigueroa t1_ir95ps9 wrote

what is her family like? are they also thin, or are they larger like she used to be? it could be that this pouch you saw isn’t just being used by her.


blackmindseye t1_iraj6yf wrote

You need to call Sam and Dean. That is some old school crossroads demon shit.


regrettibaguetti t1_ir8xlr8 wrote

so uh what did that sigil look like OP? asking for a friend


Bunnyjax67 t1_ir9efoi wrote

What do u mean tho there was no marks or nothing to prove it the next day… are you sure u actually seen it it wasn’t phycosis or something of the sort ?? Sorry just bit confused


unique_plastique t1_ir9xjls wrote

The yellow gobs is fat. She’s literally taking the fat out of herself. Seemingly selectively. That explains why she’s getting such a popular figure


puccipalace t1_iragtnr wrote

I believe you dreamed this so lividly that you lost what was real and what was the dream


jojocandy t1_irdhz35 wrote

Can you ask her what deity she is working with please? Thank you


vainasf t1_ir7mwlu wrote

If shes that far she needs to go in a psych ward.


FlyNo7268 t1_ir8ynyg wrote

This is honestly so terrifying to me, simply reading this. gives me chills. Seems like some sort of sleep paralysis night-terror.. it’s unexplainable… good lord 🫠


Budget-Battle-4755 t1_ir94oqx wrote

Maybe she's feeding someone/something in exchange for being beautiful. It'll consume the contents of the pouch and in exchange make her look good or something idk


Tabassum5092 t1_ir99qal wrote

You should definitely talk to her about it. You owe herself and yourself this much. You’re not taking any actions against her but having a simple conversation and asking for an explanation.

As someone said, it might get ugly. But it can’t get uglier than the act you just witnessed. This is straight up cannibalism and you have to talk to her about it. What she’s doing isn’t only illegal but EXTREMELEY violent and self destructive. It’s a call for help.


LauraMHughes t1_iracxk8 wrote

Have the conversation in a public place though. That way you’re safer from immediate repercussions if things turn ugly.


skyguy2002 t1_irb796t wrote

This pouch seems to be some sort of artifact related to The Flesh. Have you asked her how she managed to loose so much so fast?


soupymuffin007 t1_irbneyb wrote

What the actual fuck.. considering I just finished the Dahmer episodes. I wouldn’t even ask ! I think I’d just run the fuck away. Put on shades to cover up your eyes OP!


criticallycrafty t1_is9k6hy wrote

Damn. I hope my friends don’t go around telling people I’m “tubby”.


momonikki333 t1_ir9lmqt wrote

you should maybe send her a link to this story, then start probing. ask questions like "youve lost so much lately, is this you?" or something related until yo ufeel like you have all the answers.

idk what to do after, maybe tell the police or smth??