Submitted by fainting--goat t3_zeoek1 in nosleep

We have a group chat to figure out what to do about the scratching. Me, Maria, Cassie, and Daniel. Cassie asked why I didn’t invite Grayson and I told her I didn’t think that was a good idea right now. She didn’t question why, for which I was immensely relieved. I’m not a very good liar and I’m not ready to tell Cassie that Grayson is the son of the university’s president. He’s hidden that information for a reason and I want to know what it is, be it because he doesn’t want to be treated differently or for more sinister reasons. Besides, I swore I wouldn’t get my friends involved in this any more than I have to. Not with the devil, not with the administration.

Not after what happened to the Rain Chasers.

Because the more involved I get, the more I think I’m making myself a target.

(if you’re new, start here, and if you’re totally lost, this might help)

I’ve mentioned that the geology building is right next to the graveyard, right? I can’t remember. With the graveyard being in the middle of campus, there’s quite a few buildings right next to it, so maybe I didn’t list them all out. There’s not a lot of campus lore surrounding the graveyard, surprisingly, so I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s not accumulated its own creatures. It’s kept locked so students can’t get in, so it’s taken on the role of a landmark rather than a source of stories.

I’ve also been considering that perhaps it’s taken the role of sanctuary. Unfortunately I don’t have my own collection of fairytales to reference - and also I kind of have classes to study for and adding more work on top of that seems like a bad idea - so I can’t go back and figure out exactly what the conditions for that are. I just vaguely remember that sometimes the hero can find safety in the graveyard and there’s also creatures that actively protect graveyards from evil.

Okay the ones I’m specifically thinking of protect the graveyard from the devil so that might get awkward someday.

I don’t know if the graveyard is a source, shelter, or neither. But I do think it’s time to consider it as part of the big picture and figure out what its role on campus is.

I’m still clearing out a lot of general education requirements, but since I settled on a major I’ve got a handful of classes towards that end. The geology building isn’t that big. It’s sandwiched between the graveyard and the mathematics building, a narrow strip of a building with no interesting architectural features. It feels like it was added as an afterthought. The mathematics building was clearly designed with… something in mind. I’m not sure what their vision was, but its massive bulbous pillars flanking the entrance make me wonder if the architects went ‘hey what if we did classic ancient Greece… but warty?’ Then they all stepped back and realized there was a narrow strip of land they’d forgotten about and tossed a boring two-story rectangle into that space because they needed something to block the view of the graveyard from the Grecian toad next door.

I know two of the geology professors so I think that means I’ve met half the department now. There’s my current professor, who we’ll call Professor Monotone because that’s how he lectures. And then there’s my professor from last year, who we’ll call Professor L. because I don’t have a good nickname for him yet and I don’t want to use the real names of people who are easily searchable online. While I have some issues with Professor L., he’s still the more approachable of the two.

Also I think I’m his favorite student on account of being the only one to pass the midterm exam last semester and the only woman in the class that followed his field trip instructions.

I stopped by his office during his office hours to ask about the curriculum. I have an academic advisor but honestly I don’t feel like they’re actually giving me good advice. They’re just sending me the list of classes I need to have completed to graduate and I’m worried about which ones to take in which order and making sure I finish in the next three years. So I went to Professor L., because judging by how well my class did in terms of grades, no one else was making use of his office hours.

The building is divided roughly in two. On one side are the classrooms and the professor offices are on the other. I’m not sure what’s on the second floor. The big lecture hall - the one I struggle to stay awake in twice a week - is at the very end of the building. The classrooms are on the side of the graveyard so we get a scenic view of the gravestones during class. The professor’s offices are either against the main corridor and windowless or open to the lovely view of the behemoth mathematics building next door.

I’d just turned down the corridor that ran between the two rows of offices and was making my way to Professor L.’s room when I realized I wasn’t alone.

There were footsteps behind me. Not far. Close enough that I felt a jolt of fear, for I hadn’t heard them approaching.

I turned, like anyone would have. I turned, hoping that it would just be another student and I’d laugh at how I’d been startled over nothing and then go on about my day. But that’s not how it works for me. I was alone in the hallway and the sky was overcast and there’s something wrong with me, I’ve seen too much and now I was tied to the inhuman. I saw them wherever I looked and they saw me. We recognized each other and they were drawn to me like moths to a flame because they need people like me and you, people who make them real, who make them last, even as they consume us to sate their endless hunger.

This is what I fear. That there’s no going back once you cross that threshold and I crossed it long ago. I never stood a chance at an ignorant and happy life.

So I turned and at the end of the hallway stood the creature whose steps had echoed just behind me moments before.

It was at the very end of the hallway. It took a step and I heard the shuffle of its feet on the linoleum far down at the end of the corridor, no longer directly behind me. I stumbled backwards, looking to the left and right desperately, searching for an open office door, because I did not want to be here when that thing caught up to me.

It was a student. Or… it used to be a student. I couldn’t tell the gender, because its body was covered in clotted blood. Thick streams that all joined together until it formed one solid sheet, soaking their jeans until the fabric dried and cracked. The blood came from dozens and dozens of wounds, the handles of the weapons used to create them still sticking out of the pallid flesh.

I think they were butter knives from the cafeteria.

They covered the student’s torso and face, jutting out haphazardly. A handful protruded from its limbs and one in particular was angled just below the knee so that the leg wouldn’t bend. Its steps were agonizingly slow, but it was determinedly shuffling towards me.

I stared at it for a long moment, my brain slowly churning through what I was seeing. Slowly, it came around to the conclusion that I needed to leave, and quickly. I almost turned my back on it to run when another thought tumbled loose and stopped me.

I’d heard its footsteps right behind me right up until the point I turned around.

What if it could catch up the moment I wasn’t watching it?

I walked backwards instead, heart pounding, casting furtive glances at the doorways as I passed them. I counted the numbers. Professor L.’s office was only a few doors down. These were his listed office hours. He had to be there.

He was not there. His office was shut and the door was dark.

Did I keep going? Continue backing away until I reached the other end of the hallway? I didn’t know where it led. I didn’t think it looped back to the main corridor, as I didn’t recall seeing it when I went to the lecture hall at the end of the building. Then I’d be lost in this building with that creature inexorably pursuing me, its pace slowly strengthening and its footsteps coming quicker the closer it got. Would I be able to outrun it when it began to sprint?

I put a hand to the side and pushed on the door.

My professor had the poor sense to leave his office unlocked.

I didn’t hesitate. I dove inside and shut the door behind me as quickly as I dared, trying not to make any noise. It didn’t have eyes, but that wasn’t a guarantee that it couldn’t see me. I had to balance speed with silence and hope for the best. I quietly crawled away from the door, putting the desk between me and the entrance. I listened intently to the shuffling footsteps out in the hallway. They were coming closer. They were definitely coming closer. I clasped both hands over my mouth to stifle my breathing.

Quiet. I had to be quiet.

It couldn’t see me, I desperately told myself, trying to hold back panic. It sat thick in my throat like a stone.

The footsteps continued to approach. They paused just outside the door. It was like everything went blank in my head. I sat there, not thinking, not feeling, lost in my own private world of helpless terror. For the door handle was turning and then a sliver of light spilled into the office.

Then Professor L. turned the light on and screamed a little when he saw someone huddled inside on the other side of his desk.

We sorted it out when we both stopped freaking out. I told him I’d heard footsteps behind me and panicked and found a place to hide. I didn’t mean to startle him. He had no problem buying my story, probably because I was still pale and shaking and stumbling over my words as the adrenaline crashed out of my system.

“Oh, that’s just how this building is,” Professor L. laughed once I was done explaining. “There’s a hallway upstairs directly over this one and the footsteps carry through the ceiling. It can sound like someone is behind you, but it’s actually just someone walking around on the second floor. I hear it all the time.”

“I was really scared,” I mumbled.

“It’s a quirky building and makes a lot of noises, but I’ve been working here for long enough to know there’s nothing out there. See?”

He stood and walked to the door. I watched numbly as he opened the door to the hallway and stepped out. I wanted to believe that everything was fine now. I really did. He’d showed up and I guess that frightened off the creature - strength in numbers and all - and he’d open the door to an empty hallway and it would all be fine.

Instead, I sat there in the office, frozen in place, unable to even speak. For directly overhead hung the creature. It clung to the ceiling with cracked fingers and pointed toes, belly almost touching the tiles. Its head was rotated about on its neck, staring down at the top of the professor’s head. If the wounds hadn’t clotted long ago, it would have been dribbling blood directly onto his face.

“See?” he proclaimed. “Nothing there.”

Then he stepped back inside and shut the door.

He hears footsteps all the time, he’d said. Does he not look up? Can he not see it? How long has this been going on?

“So are you okay now?” he asked.

No. Not really. I didn’t want to go out into the hallway again. Fortunately, I’d come to see him with a specific purpose in mind and that could buy me more time. I asked him about my schedule and he was happy to go over what classes I’d need to take and we even had a great conversation about what career opportunities exist after graduation. It was reassuringly normal.

But eventually I ran out of questions and it was time to leave. I stalled, trying to turn the conversation back to the footsteps, trying to learn more about them in the hopes that I could get out of there without encountering that thing again. I had to learn how to navigate around it, after all. This was my major. I’d be in this building quite a lot.

But Professor L. just brushed my concerns off.

He didn’t want to indulge my fears, he said. Thinking overly much about the things we’re scared of just makes it worse, he continued. It was better to just acknowledge the thought, then set it aside and not give it any more space in my head.

Which I suppose would be good advice, if it wasn’t also so patronizing. Set my teeth on edge. I think it was only my lingering fear of talking back to a teacher from my elementary days that kept me from saying something dumb. That or my fear of confrontation.

Probably more of the latter.

“How about this?” he said. “I sympathize with you being afraid, but you can’t let that get in the way of your life. So let’s start getting over these superstitions, okay? I won’t walk you down the hallway, but I’ll stand by my door and watch your back so nothing can follow you.”

‘I’m not imagining things!’ I wanted to scream. ‘There’s monsters out there! This building is right next to a graveyard and now there’s a dead student lurking in the hallways that was stabbed to death and maybe you can’t see it but that your ignorance won’t protect you forever and it sure as hell won’t save me!’

Instead I just nodded like an idiot.

I’m sure he thought he was being very clever, giving me a way to confront my fears without wholly giving into them. It seemed like that was the best concession I’d get from him, so I’d have to take it and hope that he didn’t do anything sneaky like go back into his office and then tell me later that I’d walked down the hallway all by myself and wasn’t that easy and isn’t there nothing to be scared of???

Well, he didn’t do that, because at the end of the hallway I couldn’t take it any longer and I turned back to look. He was still there, standing in the hallway, waving at me cheerily. And the student was on the ceiling above him, its broken face staring down at where I stood at the other end.

I turned the corner and broke into a run. I ran out of the geology building, to the overcast sky outside and into the scattering of raindrops that were starting to fall. I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything. I ran, through puddles that kicked up rainwater to soak my jeans, through the stinging raindrops, mindlessly running away from there without any idea of where I was going.

Why is this so hard? I have three years to figure my entire life out and isn’t that plenty of time? I grew up around the inhuman, so shouldn’t I be able to handle this? Why does everything feel so overwhelming all the time?

I found myself at the student union. I was breathless and my heart pounded in my chest like it would burst. I found myself drawn to the second floor for reasons I don’t fully understand. I hadn’t been there since the end of the spring semester. The hallway seemed to twist in front of me, like it wasn’t there or perhaps I wasn’t there, and I knew it wasn’t anything unnatural, it was just because my mind was in a strange place and I knew this was wrong, that this wouldn’t help, that looking at the room where the Rain Chasers all sat and talked and where Patricia convinced all of them to follow her to their deaths wouldn’t do a damn thing for me.

I went anyway. And when I reached the room with the windows opening into the hallway, I stopped dead in my tracks and stared.

It should have been empty. Maria hadn’t renewed the club’s paperwork and this room and this timeslot wasn’t in demand enough that it would have been taken over by another club.

Yet there were a handful of students in there and from the handful of words I could hear through the thin walls I could tell they were talking about the graveyard and whether they could get inside after dark to see what might be lurking inside. I didn’t recognize any of them but I knew exactly why they were here.

Someone had found new recruits and rebuilt the Rain Chasers. [x]

Keep reading.

Read the first draft of the rules.

Visit the college's website.



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Supermarket_Haunting t1_iz7x31t wrote

Prof knows exactly what’s up, and he has found that studiously ignoring (“acknowledge the thought, then set it aside and don’t give it any more space in my head”) is the key to long-term survival. That’s why he would watch but not accompany you - it would not do to be right beside you and have you look up and freak out when it inevitably followed you both.


jackietwice t1_iz87nt1 wrote

I find this an intriguing idea. Like what if he does actually see the being on ceiling but also has an in depth knowledge about its behavior in such a way that while he doesn't actually control it, he can interfer with it in a way that might be helpful in small moments. The questions are, what would happen if he had to engage with the entity directly or had to actively protect multiple people?


Supermarket_Haunting t1_izcj6cr wrote

I feel like it is a broader pattern. At the river he noticed her reaction with the kelpie and became concerned, even though no one else saw it, but he played it cool. He also is the only professor who does not cancel class when it rains, despite it obviously making him look like a jerk and requiring him to slog in from the parking lot in the rain. It may be a delicate thing in which he must act totally as if nothing were happening, or it breaks the spell and butter knife guy or rain guy or whoever is up next gobbles him up when he tries to show up for work.


jackietwice t1_izck1iu wrote

Hrm. Also very good points. Which also makes one wonder if he, too, might have a deal with the devil 😅


Nijajjuiy88 t1_izomei4 wrote

Probably the admin has set the rules that staff are not the game. Only the students are. So Prof has immunity.


spacetstacy t1_iz9wnis wrote

Just like acknowledging something makes it stronger? The prof ignors it so it doesn't gain power?


QzinPL t1_iz91qsw wrote

Oh he's been teaching there long time alright. Few centuries at least.


TheElevatedDerp t1_iz87oc5 wrote

I'm gonna say something that was in the back of my mind this entire time - What if the Rain Chasers aren't entirely... "student-run"?

The administration doesn't touch them. They were basically human sacrifices for the Eye. And now after their abandonment, they're back for more.

There has to be some kind of inside force keeping a group of people ready to be used as needed.

You should probably join the new Rain Chasers more inconspicuously than you might want to. Genuine ideas about how to disrupt the inhuman might not give the best impression of you, especially when you're directly in the spotlight administration-wise.


DawnSleeper t1_izdbvcm wrote

^^^^THIS^^^^ I started to think the same thing after the whole Rolliepollieeyeballfromhell incident. It was a weapon of the administration and they needed it fully built with the students. Someone is tricking these poor kids from the higher up positions.


Fairyhaven13 t1_iz7o0ai wrote

Don't worry, you're doing your best. If that ghoul thing hasn't killed Prof yet, maybe it won't for whatever reason. Because of his ignorance or because it's not immediately malicious at the moment. I don't know if that extends to you, though.

The Rain Chasers being back is very, very bad though. They're never going to believe you if you try to warn them. Even if you get your friends to help, they'll think you're trolling them or something. But, there must be some way to get the warning across somehow. Inviting someone to see the possums or the library ghost or something to show your credibility maybe? If something isn't done, they're fodder for whoever started the club back up. And you need to find out who did it.


skatingangel t1_iz7t8vt wrote

I'd say figuring out who that student is might be first on your priority list. Definitely up there with monitoring RC 2.0 and dealing with the scratching.

That said - you've got this Ashley! The second year is always easier than the first.


LifeBegins50 t1_iz8t3va wrote

Not at all. My second year at uni almost killed me. Definitely the worst of all four.


skatingangel t1_iz9hxna wrote

My second year (aside from the health problems) at my first college was easier because I had settled in to where I fit. Second year at second uni was covid... So


MamaOnica t1_iz8637o wrote

Ash I love you. The whole time I'm sitting here imagining L from Deathnote as your professor. Oh and he can totally see Stabby McGee.


Elajz t1_iz8jffv wrote

I didn't think about L. Now I'm gonna imagine it's him everytime, jeez


SpongegirlCS t1_iz9pggp wrote

Stabby McGee. 🤣


fainting--goat OP t1_izbyijo wrote

I'm about ready to give up on not naming these things.


non_depressed_teen t1_j1tgyma wrote

Calling Beau "Sippy Cup Bae" didn't seem to give him any power, so maybe jokes are exempt fro the names-give-power thing.


RobynFitcher t1_iz8xnl7 wrote

I’m not sure that ‘student’ was a student.

I’m wondering whether it was (or is) a possum. A possum with a butter knife stabbed into every mouth-freckle.


RolyPoly1320 t1_iz7wme9 wrote

There is a thought here.

This entity in the Geology building didn't just show up. There's no way it's anything new and there's no way it's always been there either. Odds are you'd have seen it by now if it had always been there.

This thing might be tied to the scratching in some way.

As for the RC being restarted, you should be able to see who filed the paperwork to start the club back up. Daniel and Maria wouldn't have done it for sure. Was there any other member of the original rain chasers who didn't go to the old power plant building?


jackietwice t1_iz88h5z wrote

I dunno about its tie to the scratching. The butter knife reference (which I can't recall the exact location of) doesn't correlate to the other scratching incident. It almost seems more coffee house/possumy in some ways. Like where would you die by extreme acts of butter knife? Probably not in your dorm. Or in a geology building to be honest. But you might be buried in a cemetary from those wounds.

As for the RC, given that we know ot wasn't K Boy or Maria ... have we considered it could have been the faculty sponsor herself?


Fragrant_Thought6636 t1_iz886jc wrote

Ooh yeah! If it’s the same prof from the first RC group maybe that’s a sign they’re involved.


Elajz t1_iz8jazv wrote

I may be crazy but what if the Upside Down Man that jumps between the raindrops is the one who somehow has a hand in restarting the club?


BirdPuzzleheaded5040 t1_iz8bmns wrote

I think it would be neat if she was able to go back home and get some tips from Kate.


Fairyhaven13 t1_iza3i4c wrote

Or, the Lady, as Kate is now.


itsmandymo t1_iz97wih wrote

Ashley, do you think acknowledgement of these things affecting their power over people might also be a clue about the reason for their existence and why they don't follow the normal rules? It seems as if your professor refuses to acknowledge them and therefore can't see them and they can't affect him. But a college campus breeds rumors easily in general, so any creatures affected by even the simplest beliefs or fears could easily grow in strength and overtake things. And considering that there are so many different beliefs surrounding urban legends, it makes sense that a single set of rules wouldn't apply to these things.

You already know dark and unnatural things exist so it was easy for you to believe in the creatures on campus too - and you're clearly affected strongly by their presence. But if you hadn't turned toward the stabbed student to confirm it was there, could it have ever harmed you? And when you escape the thing that eats students in the halfway place, by refusing to acknowledge it, isn't that the same thing as what the professor is doing?

Edit: And I meant to add that perhaps the Rain Chasers are funded because whoever is behind this needs the belief of the creatures and the rumors of them on campus to continue in order to give the creatures the power that they need.


SkyGreen8 t1_iz836jn wrote

I’m thinking you need to do a deep dive into Grayson and his family ASAP. Go around town and ask questions, scour the internet, whatever you can find on them.


Elajz t1_iz8iygx wrote

I'm thinking you should maybe try asking the Folklore prof or checking library archives for the ceiling-dwelling schoolmate. I mean being stabbed to death by utensil knives isn't a very common death, is it? Or maybe try to find out if there's a graveyard keeper of sorts and ask them about it?

I know we shouldn't name these but always describing him as the stabbed student is gonna get tiring. I propose: Walking Pincushion, Knife Holder, Butter Fingers, Roof Cutter

Also who else is imagining him in the good ol' "I have a knife! NO!" vine?


noneOfUrBusines t1_iz8luxr wrote

>I know we shouldn't name these but always describing him as the stabbed student is gonna get tiring.

TITID flashbacks.


cinekat t1_iz8rb29 wrote

I wonder which professor sponsored RC2.0? And have you considered befriending someone who works in maintenance? They always have the scoop, and could probably point you towards the cemetary caretaker and gossip about the butter knife blood spillage.

Good job on staying sane - and alive!


ComprehensiveAd5340 t1_iz86w8f wrote

Oh the student in the geology building is absolutely terrifying. But seems to not be harmful as of right now. I would look into the paperwork for the new RC club.


VyePuwahi t1_izmm5kp wrote

Yeah, but then why was it on the ceiling? That feels malevolent. Sneaky.


ExaminationFast8773 t1_iz86xkh wrote

i say deal with the rain chasers first, they seem to pose the most threat at the moment. no matter what, stay safe you got this Ashley!!! 💗


IvaPK t1_iz8vbgf wrote

Ah yes. The good 'ol "if I ignore it, it will go away" tactic. Seems to be somehow working for your professor though.


cavelioness t1_izdhkz6 wrote

I bet it's because he's a professor and has that link to the administration. I think ignoring wouldn't work for an ordinary student, at least not this many times.


TRES_fresh t1_iz8lpjn wrote

Does your university have a club listing on its website somewhere with officers? Maybe you can use that to find out who started the rain chasers again, if they're even official. Also, maybe check the discord for it to see if it's active again?


ybnrmlnow t1_iz8n1zb wrote

Thank you Ashley, for giving us another glimpse of your everyday life! I also would like to commend you for the way you're handling these terrifying situations! It wasn't too far in there recent past that you had no idea how to survive these incidents and would freeze in fear but look how far you've come! Now you face these fears and have figured out how to not get yourself killed as well as how to save your friends and other members of the student body! You should be proud of yourself and your achievements! Great job Ashley!


VyePuwahi t1_izmkupb wrote

Is there a campus map available?


Rangermatthias t1_izmp5dx wrote

Right? I would love to see the layout.

Come to think on it, I'd like to see a rough layout of the Campground.


Fragrant_Thought6636 t1_iz8810t wrote

Seems like it’s a cycle that’s destined to repeat. Does that mean we’ll have another eyeball monster? lol or maybe the rain chasers are meant as a distraction ? Or food


JCtheWanderingCrow t1_iz9qu65 wrote

My theory is that professor L killed the student. It fits common folklore, especially common folklore in colleges. The dead fearing the thing that killed them but also watching them. The killer getting little hints at retribution coming, but not really believing it to be true. The student could have stuck to the professor because of that. Why follow you when the professor is the one that killed them? But the watching you… maybe it was a warning. Maybe it was trying to scare you away. Too bad we didn’t catch the gender. If it was female, what with the professors… attitude…. Towards women, then…


Think about it Ashley.


Darky821 t1_izd7yg3 wrote

What if the Rain Chasers are required to keep up belief in the beings at the university? So the administration makes sure that they always exist...


SpongegirlCS t1_iz962hz wrote

Seen on the cafeteria menu: Butterflied filet of Uni Student, blood pudding, broccoli florets in cheese sauce, and lava cake for dessert.


CleverGirl2014 t1_izaftkg wrote

I hope Grayson isn't involved in getting the RC going again 😕


mysavorymuffin t1_izfnl39 wrote

Ashley you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for, sweetie. You've got this! We are all rooting for you and sending you our strength! You keep that chin up, because you will come out on top! ❤️


BeardedCuttlefish t1_izqs7tx wrote

>Does he not look up?

Software problem, we're all playing modern games he's stuck in OG Doom.

There is no Y axis to aim on.


Infinity_Cobra t1_j096v1g wrote

Hi Ashley! I know you've got a lot on your plate right now what with katana boy's scratching problem, the revived RC, and actual university stuff, but something to ponder on for when you have the time (ha!). I was going through Kate's old posts and in one talking about idiocy of townsfolk she describes a memory where her father offhandedly remarks to her mother "not all of us chased off a devil in highschool." I know they're sadly gone (Kate included) but might be worth connecting with Kate's brother and getting access to their parents old notes? Might help with your own shoulder devil, so to speak. Hopefully you can find a roundabout reason of how to ask without alarming anyone. Maybe a school project for folklore?


Nigerundayo_smokeyy t1_j1hu2lc wrote

Between this horrifying new imagery and the Lady in Chains,we have some of the few monsters which seem straight out of a Japanese,Ring-type horror movie,and not something utterly unique and otherworldly.

Just the mental image of that....thing...skittering around on the rooftop sets my teeth on edge.


prawnpaella t1_izaambo wrote

Ooh my gawdddd! This one has given me the creeps. Like I can't walk an empty hallway without looking up or turning back. 🫣


cavelioness t1_izmodeq wrote

IF ignoring it entirely works, maybe it could work for the scratching?


mossgoblin t1_izmsyts wrote

Oh hey screw you Ashley, this was terrifying.


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Sablesgirl t1_iz8ymtk wrote

You aware 4 college students in Moscow, Idaho were brutally stabbed to death last month? Havent caught the killer yet either…
