Submitted by horrorwritingguy t3_zojn10 in nosleep

I've always wanted to have a child. Ever since I was little I've been a natural caretaker, praised for my responsibility and maturity. So, when I found out I was pregnant with my husband I was overjoyed. My husband was too, and for a while our life was perfect. Hudson and I had been high school sweethearts and we had always dreamed of having a kid together. My dad, on the other hand, was angry. He refused to help us with the baby in any way. I hate to say it, but I knew it was because he didn't like Hudson. I expected him to react angrily, but he was my only remaining family and it stung to see him so unsupportive of my life.

Despite the circumstances I was still so excited to be a mother, and began to prepare for our new life. I bought parenting books and studied them for hours, I took prenatal classes to prepare myself for the birth and I bought everything a baby could need. It put some strain on the relationship between Hudson and I, as we were supposed to be on a tight budget. Back then I was still employed as a receptionist for a dental practice, but I was planning to quit when the baby was born. Hudson wasn't super supportive of that, but he was resigned to the fact I wasn't going to budge on this. I wanted to give our baby the best life possible, and I wanted to be around for them at all times.

Everything changed when that thing was born. I went into labour two weeks before I was due, so it came as a shock when my water broke halfway through date night. Hudson rushed me to the hospital. I spent the next 47 hours in labour. I was prepared for pain before i got there, but not this level of agony. And I when I say agony, I mean the worst pain you can possibly imagine. My whole body burned and stung and throbbing with stabbing pains like thorns being pulled across me. I had refused any kind of pain medication when we first arrived, as I wanted to do it naturally. I immediately regretted my decision but was too stubborn to take it back. I felt blood running down my chin as I realised I'd been biting my lip. Blood, sweat and tears pooled on the bed.

The nurses assured me it was nothing they hadn't seen before. I was in prolonged labour, but this was pretty common and I should try not to worry. However I knew this was different. I didn't care what the nurses and doctors had to say I could read the truth on their worried faces. They knew just as well as I did that this was not ok.

Nearly two days of pure agony later I entered active labour. And IT was born. I knew as soon as they pulled that thing out that it wasn't my baby. I can't explain it. Maybe it was the way it looked at me with ratty little eyes. Maybe it was the way it snarled with it's toothless jaws. Or maybe it was how it reached for me with hands that seemed more like claws. Hudson stood by the bed holding it and smiling. Telling me we did it, I was a mother. I couldn't even look him in the eye. Then the thing let out a scream. Not the kind of scream you'd expect from a newborn, but a shriek. I blocked my ears and started to weep.

I begged Hudson not to bring it home. Pleaded with him. That was when he lost it. Shouted at me that I was being a horrible mother, and completely delusional. Those words stung me. Being a mother had been so important to me, but now it seemed insignificant. Without a word I stormed inside the house. I ran into my bedroom and cried.

Every night the thing would scream that ungodly shriek. It was driving me insane. Hudson would get up and try his best, but it seemed that nothing would work. It went on like this until Hudson too refused to get up for it at night. I couldn't bear it. I knew I had to do something.

I walked into the nursery that should have belonged to my child. Approaching the crib for the first time since leaving the hospital I noticed the claw and bite marks that covered it. Black liquid oozed out of it and pooled on the floor, corrupting the pastel rug that belonged to me as a child. I looked inside the crib to see a monster. It had black eyes and the palest skin I had ever seen. It's teeth were sharp and jagged like fangs and it smirked at me when It saw my horrified face.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I ran. I left the room, the house and my family. I had known that thing was wrong, and this was my proof. I ended up at my parents house, sobbing into my father's arms as the night wore on. He didn't even ask me why I had left, just told me he would prepare the guest room.

I've been staying here at my fathers for the past few months, and haven't heard a word of news from Hudson. I hope to god he's ok, but there's no way I'm going anywhere near that house again, near that THING again. I haven't told anyone I know what happened, and I don't plan to. I thought I should share my story here, and maybe someone can make sense of it.

But before I go, there's one thing I have to mention. While browsing through my father's old books, I stumbled across a set of picture books from my childhood. Looking through them I discovered one I remember being gravely afraid of. "The Changlings" was the book in question. I'm not ready to read it again and I doubt I ever will be. However the title alone was enough to reignite my fear. I hope to God every night that thing isn't what I think it is, but I know my prayers are wasted.



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walkingsideways81 t1_j0nzzg7 wrote

Could possibly be Postpartum psychosis..Might want to seek out a therapist that specializes in it.


Awkward-Working-2235 t1_j0o71y3 wrote



KickTotheCrotch t1_j0pb7f6 wrote

Everything up to the black ooze, teeth and smirk sounds like PPD...beyond that psychosis (or a perspective on reality that most of current society doesnot share)


Orange__Moon t1_j0vq471 wrote

That's what I was thinking too. I was scared of my baby when she was born. Nothing like this and I didn't have postpartum depression or anything, but I definitely didn't have an angelic moment and wasn't that thrilled.

More women need to be told it's not wrong to not cry and instantly fall in love with baby. Too many tell those fantasy stories of love at first sight and it can make a young mother feel like something is wrong. I was induced and I've heard that the pitocin can interfere with your natural oxytocin, the love hormone.

When I saw her first she was grey and ugly. I did not have a happy face. The first picture of me holding her I look like I'm fighting a grimace and trying very hard to smile but was unable to succeed. She was cute once they cleaned her and brought her back wrapped up, which pleased me, but she screeched like a baby goat or pig which disturbed me. I was fine letting the nursery keep her over night and when friends came to visit I was fine with them holding her for 2 hours. Didn't think I would be but I was. I was scared that I had created human life. Responsible for this person for as long as they live.

When I had a moment alone with her it began to pass. I didn't let these feelings overcome me and assumed many women experience them but just keep silent. I tell women it can happen and hopefully for most it passes. This needs to be common knowledge though. I wonder how many of the ladies that say they burst into tears of joy are actually lying?

My daughter is almost 16 now. I've told her about this. I made it sound nicer though. More that of a, "I was overwhelmed by the realization that I'd created life and fear of my capacity to be the mother she deserves" sorta thing so she wouldn't think something was wrong with her. All babies are ugly when they first come out. She was pretty cute cleaned up. I knew what they were supposed to look like but it was still such a terrible shock and she cried and then we had trouble nursing for a bit and my legs swelled up so much I could barely get the shoes and maternity pants I came in with on which upset me cause I've always been naturally thin. It was alot to deal with and we didn't even have anything serious go wrong.


ravenous_unicorn_7 t1_j0nnz8y wrote

maybe dad doesn’t like hubby for a good reason. if he’s truly the father of that little critter then he’s likely hiding something.


Maleficent-Ad9860 t1_j0nw4px wrote

Or dad knew that when daughter got pregnant she would spawn Satan, so he looked at Hudson as a means to an end & just hated him knowing what his daughter would go through just having a child.


Maleficent-Ad9860 t1_j0nwle5 wrote

I also need to know more, If your husband did his best, & couldn’t comfort the demon spawn, what’s going on at your house all these months?? Is he alive? Does he know you gave birth to Pazuzu?? Wonder if he sees Junior the same way you do, or if he takes a different form? Either way, my curiosity would have gotten the better of me, & I hope you find out, for my sake.


Amtrak_Lover t1_j0nmsbk wrote

Heres what I have to say to this Who was the father, an eldritch horror lookin entity of a humanoid 4th dimensional being?


Bruh_columbine t1_j0oxxl3 wrote

I’m due in 5 weeks maybe I shouldn’t read this


Dreamersverse t1_j0qob1i wrote

As a mother birth isn't as scary as she said either. Just if you change ur mind on meds take them. Don't just say no because you want to. It will hurt so don't feel bad if you need some pain meds


Bruh_columbine t1_j0qp0cm wrote

Thank you! I’ve already had one so I’m wondering why the hell I signed myself up for this again


Dreamersverse t1_j0qsq5m wrote

That is a mod my toddler is 2 and never again lol. I love him so much. But never will I give birth again. To me it was honestly kinda gross


imacowmooooooooooooo t1_j0nx2n2 wrote

ngl, i think ur just a bad mom


Awkward-Working-2235 t1_j0o595c wrote

She could honestly be hallucinating from lack of sleep


Bowser7717 t1_j0rsnzy wrote

No, she's given birth, went home, husband got up every night while she slept so no, she's not lack of sleep but post partum psychosis for sure


Awkward-Working-2235 t1_j0ryna0 wrote

What’s that?


Bowser7717 t1_j2172bu wrote

It's psychosis brought on from being preg/giving birth. When you hear news stories about a mom who dismembered her 1mo old baby cuz the voices told her to but shes never had any other mental health issues , that's post partum psychosis.
You can look it up and find out more details


[deleted] t1_j0q9pvx wrote



Orange__Moon t1_j0vqsp4 wrote

My first picture with my daughter I'm making a grimace, I couldn't even force a smile. She was weird looking till they cleaned her up. She was so loud too. It made me distressed though I was lucky to think myself through it and realized it's not abnormal to not be that excited those first days. But many women may get sent into a downward spiral by thinking they are bad for having such feelings. Women need to be told it's ok if you don't have a heavenly experience when you first see your child. Maybe that would save at least a few from depression.


Erza88 t1_j0ny3vk wrote

You're a horrible person. You left your husband with a demon spawn and didn't bother to check on him for months. Instead of trying to figure out wtf is wrong with the thing, or if it's all in your head (does your husband even see the baby the way you do?) you just ran away and left that unholy burden on your husband.

I hope karma bites you in the butt for that.


Crafty_Editor_4155 t1_j0q8lpc wrote

i mean…don’t call OP a horrible person and at the same time call the baby a demon spawn and unholy burden.


Erza88 t1_j0qesjp wrote

Why not? That's what the story is about and the way OP described it it seems the thing isn't a baby at all. Why shouldn't I call it it what it (apparently) is?


Crafty_Editor_4155 t1_j0qfpk3 wrote

you can call it what you want BUT it makes you look like either a hypocrite or an idiot to berate OP for being a horrible person AND acknowledging that her newborn baby is indeed a hell spawn.

OP refers to her baby as a unholy burden because she is terrible. you calling the baby the same thing makes you at least half terrible.


Orange__Moon t1_j0vsmo5 wrote

The husband sees it as a baby. They'll be no convincing him. Plus I think a man is more likely to physically defend himself from danger than I am. I've tested my physical strength against men I trust before. The difference is laughable, and pretty unfair. Maybe I'm particularly weak but I'm 5'8.5" and 165 lbs and still fit enough, so I have to be stronger than most woman who are 5'1 and 95 lbs. If he wants to stay with the obviously demon baby, I'd let him. I mean for OP. I'd probably like a demon baby personally, if it was the right kind of demon.


epicstoicisbackatit t1_j0rzzj7 wrote

OP, what if YOU are a changeling, and that's why you can't have a human offspring? Also, what happened to your mom? Did she run away too when you were little?


Apart-Option-1243 t1_j0omg2y wrote

You left your beloved husband alone with the Little Satan 🤒😢


metalfacesteez t1_j0oadf7 wrote

I dont know but arent there technologies to know if the baby is ok or not some months before the baby gets out?


69_69x t1_j0u7s4o wrote

There are, and they can even see the baby before it is born. Yet I don't understand, why no one heard that scream?


godofwolves_7 t1_j0oraaa wrote

I want what ever drugs this chick is on


SuzyW0o t1_j0qse1y wrote

YTA. For leaving your husband with a demon baby…


randauum t1_j0oojlb wrote

My lizard brain is struggling to understand here...


Mollieisgreen t1_j0oxthf wrote

Hate to break this to you OP but I’m pretty sure Hudson isn’t the father.


Realistic_Event_6086 t1_j0pb449 wrote

Why didn’t Hudson say anything? Maybe you were seeing things?or maybe you just thought it would be different that you didn’t like how it look because you had high exceptions!


PointlessSemicircle t1_j18oy6c wrote

I’m not sure it’s a changeling OP, I’m sure the fae only switch babies after birth.

I’d suggest checking in with your healthcare provider just to make sure you’re all good first, and then if you need to, maybe speak to a priest.

Also just a thought but, how WELL do you know Hudson? Have you met his family? Does he have childhood pictures and things like that?


Eleven_eyes t1_j0qqrvh wrote

Hudson is a asshole. Good thing you left him. Your dad must have known you getting married and having a kid wouldn’t work.