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Shatter_Their_World t1_j2dnqva wrote

It depends very much on your spiritual path. If you are Christian, I would suggest going to a priest of your own confession. If your faith is different, it depends of it. What I can tell is that, at least in normal circumstances, Demons can not read your mind. They can only guess from the outside, being old spirits, not bound to a body, they have a lot of experience.


Perhaps somebody in your family has performed some black magic or harmed someone really bad. (I do not imply that yourself did something like that, you do not need to tell us that, of course.) Perhaps you or someone in your family granted unknown spirits power over themselves, being naive. I hear of people doing things like that sometimes. Regardless of those things, you need to find out, probably pretty fast.


DataNo2065 OP t1_j2dp1c0 wrote

Thank you very much. I'm pagan but yes I shall seek help. Thank you very much. And well with my family it would not shock me I cut all ties with them when I left home as they were a bit let's say physically aggressive toward me and my siblings so very likely.

Anyway thank you again