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t1_j5ji7m1 wrote

Oh, good, the fucker is into his sister and decided to kill women. Lovely.


OP t1_j5jiv4g wrote

You didn't have to spell it out, I feel, like, really gross now.


t1_j5jk0xb wrote

I am sorry. That was terrible of me. I completely forgot that he... is still your baby brother. Mmm, I think that you should make a mental list for next time you have dealings with Nick. You need an offswitch or control over anything and everything he gives you to use.

I am sorry about the miller.

Something however is bothering me. Why did Nick respond so negatively towards the miller helping you out. Considering he has had him for more than a decade and 0 interaction between you two, you are a threat to Nick. Please do some additional reading on control and manipulation of the supernatural variety. Are you friends with any of the white hats? Angels? Saints? Maybe poke a bit around, you need to be able to protect yourself against Nick.


t1_j5jl5fg wrote

I have the feeling that Fiona trying to protect herself from Nick may do more harm than good. I mean, he is concealing her land from the public and lending her a soul to take care of the bies, and he can undo the first one at any time if he so chooses. I'd say it's kinda necessary for Fiona to maintain a working business relationship with Nick (as unpalatable as that might be) because the alternative is worse.


OP t1_j5jz0yw wrote

It's okay, you don't have to apologize. Jeremy is a monster, pain and simple. He used to be different. He was a great kid. But that doesn't matter anymore.

Thank you.

I don't know if I'm acquainted with any angels or saints... I don't think so. Would be kinda cool tho. I'd sure like to be able to protect myself.


t1_j5ka6l7 wrote

My assumption is Nick is playing a game to get Fiona to bear the miller's children and carry on the line.


t1_j5m16kb wrote

I mean… probably. Jacek needs to get his heart back though, I think 🤔


t1_j5ntrnq wrote

Jem isn't 'into' his sister. He's stuck in the sphere of envy, remember? He's envied his sister all these years because of how their mother favored Fiona and showered her with love, affection, friendship, and attention. Plus she's the heiress of their home and forest.

Essentially those women represented Fiona which is why he killed them....killing Fiona over and over again. Which is why Jem said he'd dreamed of killing her when held the knife to her throat.

I can't wait for the installment. This is a fantastic read. Thanks GFTC!


t1_j5kp8qb wrote

Thanks I hate it 😩


t1_j5kpkx4 wrote

However... something is bugging me. Nick got him killed because he was overdoing it that much? The fuck did Jem do?? It can't be JUST serial killer shit.


t1_j5ktzsn wrote

Totally agree with you there. I feel like Jeremy may have been leveraging powers that weren’t his to frivolously use on his own “revenge”.


t1_j5nem3m wrote

And also, why is he in envy in particular if it was serial killing? Nick had so much hatred for the guy, it seems. You're right, there is prolly something more...


t1_j6cf11t wrote

He's in envy because he's always been envious of Fiona and their mother's close relationship. All of his victims represented Fiona and/or possibly their mother. Also, 'overdoing it'? Are you serious? Killing forty-two innocent women is 'overdoing it'? You're actually sick.


t1_j5l95bt wrote

Guess that's why he was in Envy, maybe. Ugh. Fucking nasty.

Fiona, I hope you took a long hot shower. I know you probably felt like you needed one...