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mriabtsev t1_j9u4uc8 wrote


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9u5co9 wrote

“iT’s FuNnY”


mriabtsev t1_j9u5kfd wrote

Sorry about your shitty sense of humour, ig


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9u5oy5 wrote

Right back at you ;) you think you’re doing something by typing out random non witty retorts with differently capitalized letters


mriabtsev t1_j9u5tua wrote

Yes, mocking you in a way you clearly understood. Glad we're on the same page.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9u68zw wrote

You’re corny and bitter, step outside. If you think it even remotely made me feel anything other than chuckle you’re trippin


mriabtsev t1_j9u6k8c wrote

Imagine being so mad about trans folks and not being funny you edit in some word salad like 'made me feel anything other than chuckle' lel


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9u7889 wrote

What are you talking about? I have trans friends you bozo. And I only edited bc I accidentally posted it before finishing my sentence. You’re seriously sad and screaming bitter about your life through the screen


ViscountessKeller t1_j9ubgxj wrote

No you don't.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9ucj5a wrote

Yes I do, your choice to not believe me but she’s very much trans. Introduced me to him doing it by telling me he was gonna get circumcised, good friends to this day :)


-foxy-lad t1_j9uiw9o wrote

I hope your friend recovers from her internalized transphobia, and you with your externalized.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9ulqvx wrote

Neither are true, I hope you recover from your delusions


ViscountessKeller t1_j9uphcy wrote

Nah, you're a liar.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9upv0m wrote

Haha you’re hilarious, sad how much you wish I was lying. I’d easily offer proof but you seem bitter and weird and like you’d stalk me online so I’m good staying private. Her name is Nicole, used to be Nick. Also it’s so weird how insistent you are that I’m lying, why are you in denial so hard it’s weird 😂


ViscountessKeller t1_j9us46x wrote

If this person exists you are not her friend, given that you're repeatedly deadnaming and misgendering her. More likely you're just completely full of shit.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9v00kz wrote

You’re the one asking for proof so I’m providing some background. Nicole and I are mad chill, stay hating. You think bc you spend all day on Reddit with a lot of karma what you say matters?? How many trans people are you close friends with


ViscountessKeller t1_j9v2c1x wrote

You're not proving shit. You're just lying more to cover your lies. Badly.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9v2j9g wrote

Stay mad, you’re so damn pissed about Nicole. Nick, went by Nicholas, went to middle school with her, high school too. In the PNW, don’t want to get any more specific bc you’re a weirdo but by all means believe whatever you want to believe, I’m simply not lying


ViscountessKeller t1_j9v3jht wrote

If you were her friend you wouldn't be casually deadnaming her. You're not a convincing liar, and repeating the same lies over and over is rarely effective.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9v4179 wrote

You’re asking me for proof!? Im trying to help provide some. I’m not doing it with any disrespectful context or intent as I love and support my dear friend Nicole, quit being such an ass


ViscountessKeller t1_j9v4z5e wrote

Your proof is more lies. You are not going to convince me, because you're lying, and you're shit at it.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9v55em wrote

I’m literally not but I’m done wasting my time. Me and Nicole are deadass laughing at you rn bc of how corny you look


ViscountessKeller t1_j9vahw0 wrote

Well, now I'm convinced you're not a lying piece of shit.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9x15pc wrote

Isn’t it weird that you expect a trans person to behave a very particular way or else you simply don’t believe it, shocking isn’t it


ViscountessKeller t1_j9xs93t wrote

No, it's just you're an obvious liar, and the more you come back to whining about being called out as an obvious liar the more obvious it is that you're a liar.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9ypbub wrote

Bruh I am literally friends with Nicole you moron. You have one sad sad life. Bitter behind your screen. 52k karma doesn’t mean you’re cool or smart, it just means you waste your life on reddit


ViscountessKeller t1_j9z6wpw wrote

Nicole isn't a real person, and nobody cares about my karma except you.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9z78p2 wrote

Dude she literally is, how come a trans person has to behave exactly a particular way or else you don’t think they exist, but transphobic. Also clearly not about the karma if you online chronically enough to rack that much up 😂 she literally is though you fucking moron, I could tag the insta if you want


ViscountessKeller t1_j9z7ofc wrote

Shrek, loudly proclaiming that you totally have a trans friend who approves of your bigoted bullshit and doing it over and over again isn't convincing anyone, and it never will.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9z8voe wrote

I said I’d tag her if you want but it’s obvious you know you look like a clown now


ViscountessKeller t1_j9z9b19 wrote

Why don't you tag your Canadian girlfriend while you're at it?


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9z9glu wrote

I said I’d tag her 🤷🏻‍♂️ clear you know you in the wrong buddy, I’m offering proof and you’re looking like a clown. Stay chronically online buddy


ViscountessKeller t1_j9za3o9 wrote

You go right ahead, buddy. I can't wait. I look forward to meeting this ghost.

Wasn't she already watching and laughing at this thread, or did you forget you already said that? I assume if she was actually interested she'd have posted already. You know, if she actually existed.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9zbc2s wrote



ViscountessKeller t1_j9zce4m wrote

That's not how you tag someone on reddit, and nobody on reddit has that username.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9zdmb4 wrote

I said insta bozo


ViscountessKeller t1_j9zfbte wrote

Why the hell would you tag someone on instagram for a conversation on reddit?


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9zvz3k wrote

I told you I’d link their insta, she don’t use Reddit


ViscountessKeller t1_j9zw7p7 wrote

Yeah, you linked some random woman's instagram. Good job.

You're not very good at this whole 'lying' thing, are you? And why the hell would you give your friend's private account to a complete rando?

I mean, obviously because this woman isn't actually your friend, although she -might- be your stalking victim.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_ja0ax4k wrote

That’s literally my friend you bozo! 😂 I don’t know how to make it any clearer without giving away my identity to a weirdo obsessed with saying I’m lying and I do NOT want to open that can of worms 💀 went to school with her my whole life, Liberty Middle School you flaming idiot. Also wdym why would I give you the insta???? You asked for proof 800 times like a repetitive robot that can’t say anything else


mriabtsev t1_j9u7k6m wrote

'I have x friends' wowzers going for sad troll bingo ig


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j9u89ve wrote

Don’t believe me I guess, i was just hanging with her yesterday 😂


mriabtsev t1_j9u8wrh wrote

Cool hope she's 'one of the good ones' that doesn't mind your unfunny transphobic 'jokes'