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t1_jae58os wrote

Data tracking I assume brosive lol


t1_jae6pxa wrote

Says the country with a completely free and open policy on all media content - NOT


t1_jae8p9v wrote

If China making fun of US over the app then US should definitely ban it. Don't act like Marty when called chicken and fall into bully trap.


t1_jaeb694 wrote

Ah yes, "we'll prove we're more free by BANNING stuff", clearly you thought this through.


t1_jae6i54 wrote

I rather have my data exploited for financial gain by an American company.


t1_jae7j93 wrote

Funnily enough, trying to exploit the culture war as a wedge is exactly what I'd do as China in this situation.


t1_jaep6fr wrote

- Sent from across the great firewall


t1_jaewrwf wrote

Damn, China trying to act tough but let’s see if they’re big enough to ask their citizens for honest feedback.


t1_jaezgcd wrote

Yo, China, get down off the big ol' firewall before you fall and get hurt.


t1_jaf2lwr wrote

dafuq does a political person need tiktok for anyway, ban it.

If it didn't matter...why ask? Ffs China.


t1_jae8b99 wrote

Because most US adults are extremely immature..


t1_jaeyc83 wrote

has nothing to do with immaturity.

it has everything to do with not allowing programs with known backdoors onto government devices.

you want to watch tiktok on your personal iphone? knock yourself out. you want to take that iphone anywhere near a SCIF? GTFO.

pretty simple really.


t1_jae8dz3 wrote

In America we send F-35s after amateur weather balloons.

Do not test us on this.


t1_jaebl14 wrote

It's because TikTok is being used to educate and organize progressive and anti-establishment movements, proliferate news and ideologies that are a threat to US business interests, and expose corruption and malice within the US/western Hegemony. The kids are thinking too much, gotta ban the clock app!


t1_jaeyqml wrote

literally only applies to government devices.

you're free to have it on your iphone if you want. this is about preventing a program with known backdoors onto devices that aught to be kept secure.

pretty ridiculous that this is even controversial considering that china does the exact same thing (and so much more) in regards to US based apps (like they're trying to threaten twitter with atm).


t1_jaf41m8 wrote

They've also been considering a nationwide ban, but decided to just start with Gov't devices. The more you can say "evil bad china is spying on us" the more dipshits you can hoodwink into banning it universally. Regardless of how US based social media sites also spy upon us, sell our data, and cooperate with law enforcement to harass leftist movements and organizers.