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CascadianExpat t1_jako52v wrote

I get all that. That’s why it’s stupid to protest green energy over fucking reindeer grazing. If you tell someone that you think everyone will die off they don’t give up their cheap, reliable electricity, but then throw a fit about windmills because of fancy elk, you lose credibility.


Vegetable_Foot3715 t1_jamejol wrote

You can chew gum and walk at the same time. I disagree with you wholeheartedly. It’s simply not stupid to protest about such things. Why? Because respecting indigenous people matters. Because preserving ecosystems and respecting wildlife matters. It’s possible to prevent/reverse climate change and also do those things. You’re drawing a false equivalence and letting your hate boner for Greta cloud your vision. You’re oversimplifying the issue and trying to make it seem like Greta is undermining peoples efforts to save the climate because of some petty issue she has; while in my view she’s doing the opposite, she’s showing that it’s morally important to her and many others (including myself) that, in the process of creating green energy and getting the planet back on track, we don’t continue to fuck over indigenous people and local wildlife that we have fucked over throughout all of history.


charshine t1_japqw86 wrote

Respecting the earth AND the human beings on it are both equally, and incredibly important