
Vegetable_Foot3715 t1_jamejol wrote

You can chew gum and walk at the same time. I disagree with you wholeheartedly. It’s simply not stupid to protest about such things. Why? Because respecting indigenous people matters. Because preserving ecosystems and respecting wildlife matters. It’s possible to prevent/reverse climate change and also do those things. You’re drawing a false equivalence and letting your hate boner for Greta cloud your vision. You’re oversimplifying the issue and trying to make it seem like Greta is undermining peoples efforts to save the climate because of some petty issue she has; while in my view she’s doing the opposite, she’s showing that it’s morally important to her and many others (including myself) that, in the process of creating green energy and getting the planet back on track, we don’t continue to fuck over indigenous people and local wildlife that we have fucked over throughout all of history.


Vegetable_Foot3715 t1_jakemvc wrote

I replied to your comment first but then decided to reply to the other guy. But basically, stop making bad faith dumbass arguments. It’s not our job to handhold your baby smooth brain to the truth, which often has nuance and layers to it. Of course climate change is an existential threat—doesn’t mean that you should just cover the world in wind turbines without thinking critically about where to put them.


Vegetable_Foot3715 t1_jake8bn wrote

Yeah I mean you can make a bad faith dumbass argument against anything. Shouldn’t be the job of the people actually trying to change things to handhold you towards the plain truth. Climate skeptics have google and can read the basic facts of climate change themselves. I would call them more like “climate conspiracy theorists.” It’s hard to convince a conspiracy theorist that they’re wrong about anything, as they’re always bending the truth and moving the goalposts. While the skeptics are googling climate change, they can also google why it’s important to respect/protect indigenous peoples’ lands and the wildlife that live on those lands. I’m sure there’s other places that they can put the windfarm.

Climate change is an existential threat. Full stop. It’s not an immediate “right now” threat to the lives of those who live in non coastal, non equatorial countries with modern infrastructure and relative economic stability. Unless you count the lives lost in the increasingly intense storms that are caused by warming waters. We’re already seeing “climate refugees” ie people displaced from their homeland because of the unlivability of their current situation. People are already dying because of climate change. It’s going to get worse and worse if we don’t do anything. It’s that simple, just look it up and read about it