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t1_jefse9y wrote

You were the one making a point, not me. You came here to say that “craft beer” can’t be made by a major corporate brewery. That statement isn’t correct as a matter of industry practice. That’s all. You’re the one bothered by that. Like, apparently you’re genuinely emotional about that.

> Everyone except you, internationally, has a defined accepted standard for what constitutes craft brewing but fuck all them.

I highly doubt that’s true considering your inability to parse internet opinions from legal statutes previously. I didn’t bother reading the journal article you sent because frankly who fucking cares. I’m certain Blue Moon is probably called a craft beer in Europe too even though it’s made by Coors. And also, just as a reminder, the world is more than just the US and Europe. I highly doubt Afghanistan has stringent regulation on brewing classifications, but maybe you’ll prove me wrong. But hey, being edgy about America is the classic Reddit pass time, so good on ya I guess.