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Tren-Frost t1_jaypu2z wrote

The real surprise is that this is from Fox News.


Opus-the-Penguin t1_jaysqog wrote

I'd bet the biggest factor is that they're more active, walking to train stations, seeing sights.


beerbaconblowjob t1_jayt785 wrote

Haven’t you heard, being fit is now republican and being overweight is now liberal. There’s no body positivity movement on the right, and the left is has taken personal responsibility out of the equation.


Psychomadeye t1_jayuru7 wrote

For me (and my family) it's because as Americans we walk around a lot in Europe when we find out something is just a 2 mile journey instead of a 20 mile journey. In addition we're there to see stuff and walk through streets in cities that aren't at all like ours. Every time I go to Europe I end up walking over a hundred miles a week.


sleepingwiththefishs t1_jayuu9p wrote

A lot more walking and bicycling in Europe too. American food is poison though, which is odd because they have access to a lot of ingredients. When it comes to food I think Americans accept a lower standard for convenience sake, it’s the convenience that lets the whole run crooked.


HiddenPalm t1_jayv2iu wrote

Not true. Most Colombians get fat when they move to Europe.


DangerStranger138 OP t1_jayw1fz wrote

I love the idyllic cobblestone and backstreets full of rich cultural history. I've been to England, Finland (visited fam lots in my childhood), Estonia. I love the pedestrian friendly cityscapes and efficient public transportation when sight seeing.


dvdmaven t1_jaywaku wrote

Restaurant meals tend to be smaller than in the US and more expensive.


bluethecat12 t1_jaywjlm wrote

Except in Italy. I gained weight in Italy from all the eating I was doing lol


IgnoreIfOffended t1_jaz0byp wrote

I find the same thing happens when I travel to Europe. It isn’t all about how the food is made or the ingredients used (though that is part of it), it’s also because portion sizes are reasonable compared to the platter-sized dishes used by most American restaurants.


fiya79 t1_jaz0g8b wrote

We lost in March. Lots of walking. Portions were more reasonable. Not much for breakfast.

Meals we ate out were generally about the right size to kill the hunger but not leave stuffed or have leftovers to eat again in 2 hours.


bluethecat12 t1_jaz10mo wrote

We did a lot of walking too haha. My best friend said if we didn’t gain a little bit of weight then we did Italy wrong and I have no regrets. That was some of the best food I’ve eaten in my entire life.


EmptyKnowledge9314 t1_jaz3t1n wrote

WTF is this reasonably well written fact based article making references to positive contributions governments can make doing on Fox News?


Cyber_Dan t1_jaz6iik wrote

Because they walk a lot in Europe and their diets are healthier.


boersc t1_jaz8d86 wrote

For me (Dutch) , it was the same when I visited China. No fast food, lots of activities, and weightloss was enormous in just 3 weeks.


StahlHund t1_jazh3q4 wrote

You'ed eat less too if you saw the food.


meat_good_old_rub t1_jazth0v wrote

Every food item isn’t enriched with high fructose corn syrup probably


rainer_d t1_jb00w1j wrote

A few villages away, people have decided to run the school lunchroom themselves.

I can’t imagine how you can hate your kids so much as to expose them to the kind of food they often get there.


ButterscotchSure6589 t1_jb02faf wrote

I spent a week each in Key West and New Orleans a few years ago, ate and drank like a king, still lost weight due to the amount of walking. Although New Orleans was full of the fattest people I have seen, all wearing incredibly tight clothes. Didn't see a single lardarse in Key West.


[deleted] t1_jb02nue wrote

I was hungry AF in Europe. The portions were so small and the options were much more limited than the US.

Noticed that immediately. A few places did alright but generally speaking I remember being hungry.

I am fit with a decent appetite. Have never been overweight.


No_Lie_6694 t1_jb071t6 wrote

Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s due to activity and good. The FDA grandfathered in so much toxic items, some we put in our food or on our crops. Europe is super strict about what is allowed. Like how America’s eggs are frozen because they’re sprayed with stuff to keep them fresh longer but in Europe they’re not refrigerated.


LauraUnicorns t1_jb07mzn wrote

Portion size becomes irrelevant when you start eating proper food, the appetite returns to normal and it becomes increasingly unpleasant to overeat after a while. All you have to do is stop adding artificial crap, salt, sugar and high-glycaemic index fillings. It does wonders, you actually start feeling proper nausea when you eat too much.


MmmmmmmBier t1_jb0i0p8 wrote

It’s our food additives. I lived in Europe for 10 years, and when we returned, a lot of the foods we “craved” just didn’t taste good anymore. We could taste the chemicals used to process our foods. Also most meals you order in Europe come with a salad, giving you a balanced meal where here in the states you get meat and potatoes, and twice the amount you should be eating in the first place.


Keregi t1_jb0kzh2 wrote

Smaller food portions and more walking/activity. It has nothing to do with food additives.


jortzin t1_jb0ld4r wrote

I think they are referring to Europe not the US. In Germany it's not uncommon for breakfast to consist of meat and cheeses on different kinds of rolls. Edit: rereading, it's clear they're referring to the US.


umpteenth_ t1_jb0rngh wrote

You're right that "people can't afford healthy food," but not in the way you think. The less that is done to a food, the cheaper it is. That's why boneless chicken thighs are more expensive than bone-in legs, and the fried version even more so. Grains, veggies, whole fruits, etc, are much cheaper than sugared cereals, fruit juices, and prepackaged meals. The New York Times did a comparison several years ago that came to this point.

However, because less has been done to the food, you have to spend more time cooking it. And time is exactly what most low-income people don't have enough of. Time is the most costly ingredient in making healthy meals, and paradoxically, the more money you have the more time you can buy. You also have to buy smaller quantities of fresh food more frequently, rather than a large quantity of packaged or processed food that will keep for longer. Given that American cities are designed such that you can't just walk to the store to pick up what you need, but must instead drive and spend time in traffic just to go get groceries, people (especially those struggling with their finances) are incentivized to make fewer grocery trips, and thus to seek out the packaged and processed foods that allow them to do so.


umpteenth_ t1_jb0t62u wrote

>Like how America’s eggs are frozen because they’re sprayed with stuff to keep them fresh longer but in Europe they’re not refrigerated.

Sorry, but this is just wrong. American eggs are refrigerated because they're washed after coming out of the chicken (yay factory farming!), and washing removes the protective cuticle that keeps out bacteria from the egg. In Europe, where they don't wash the egg after it comes out of the chicken, the egg can be stored at room temperature with no problems.


Ansible42 t1_jb1c68n wrote

Moved to Germany at 18, started drinking beer. Still lost 10 kg.


spectre_ertceps t1_jb1eg2y wrote

The US is the only place I've been outside of Europe and it was the best food I ever had in my entire life. Everything except the milk (which tasted like melted butter and ice cream blended together) and the desserts (which tasted like warm solidified pepsi or sprite or fanta... but sweeter


BroForceOne t1_jb1z78e wrote

TLDR: A trip to Europe typically involves a lot of walking.


prefer-to-stay-anon t1_jb2hdi4 wrote

The no personal responsibility thing is so funny to me, because articles like this show demonstrably that societal changes can create massive differences in outcomes.

Differences in food culture, walkability, having more free time where you are interacting with the world, they all make significant differences in the outcome of healthy weight.

Sure, personal responsibility does matter, I lost 50 pounds when I needed to, but on a population level, forcing systemic change is far easier than just wishing people would be better. In Europe, people get exercise through the gym of life, here, we take our car from garage to parking lot because there aren't safe and comfortable sidewalks and bike paths. That difference matters.