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anengineerandacat t1_jb58czx wrote

Eh, the dedicated games more than make up for it; Pokemon Go was fun for a bit to go outside and walk a bit but weirdly the stopping to do battles / etc slowed down the actual exercise portion of the thing.

I would much rather it just simply tracked where I went and then I could replay Pokemon encounters when I got home that I could just slowly churn through.

Still encourages folks to go outside, but now you don't have to stand around somewhere to wait for an encounter to pop up.


IrNinjaBob t1_jb59roe wrote

I admit I only played a little bit when it released, but man that would really defeat the purpose for me. It already felt like a game with no gameplay. The “go explore and discover Pokémon” was quite literally the only little bit of fun I was able to find, and you are proposing you get rid of that entirely.

I’m obviously not the target audience as I stopped playing pretty quickly. But I really don’t know what the point of the game would be at that point of exploring to find Pokémon wasn’t part of it.


anengineerandacat t1_jb5c3th wrote

Initially yeah, I generally agree with you; but at some point you start using tools to target and farm what you actually need and that exploration feeling largely gets lost pretty quickly once you start tapping into Pokemon Go Nest maps and such.

Then you start studying how spawning works, tap into some glitches there, etc.

Pokemon Go has like 700+ Pokemon... so you aren't going to catch them all by simply just walking around your town; in fact at some point all you get is your regional spawns until you actually fly abroad or utilize and tap into events.

Then you'll generally start using Bluestacks and some GPS mock tool to get whatever you need in different countries.


GyakuBoop t1_jb5euyr wrote

Thats the point of my comment, they knew people are using tools to play the game after a while and haven't even considered tapping into that market in the slightest.

Like, imagine a fully open world mmo pokemon game. Theres absolutely a market for this, but the only thing even close to it is PoGo on emulators or Minecraft mods. Nothing official


anengineerandacat t1_jb5h55i wrote

Hard to really call Pokemon Go an "MMO" it's a lite version for sure but I agree that a fully fledged Pokemon MMO is an untapped market.

The older Pokemon games had some great mechanics where at least duo'ing could easily be a thing for PvE content and obviously the whole PvP aspect would simply be what we have today (except wandering the world).

I think what? TemTem is the only real one in this space? I haven't played it so I don't know how good it is but perhaps Nintendo might one day partner-up to offer a spin-off if their engine is decent enough.