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dice_away t1_jbe751n wrote

Considering the source, i do wonder if this is being accurately portrayed or not


noes16 t1_jbe9fjx wrote

It's not very accurate, it's activism, within a legal exclusion zone outside abortion clinics. They're just making it seem like their "right" to pray somehow supersedes other people's rights.


HDSpiele t1_jbegdxo wrote

Silently praying alone can not be considered activism. Actism aims to change something be it laws or public opinion, this necessitates to be loud, to be big this is the absolute antithesis of what the woman did. If their was a group praying that would have been activism if the woman was loudly praying that would have been activism. The only reason we even know about this is because the police arrested her if nobody bothered her nobody would haven even known about this "illigal activism" heck people passing on the street wouldn't even considered this to be activism at the time.


dice_away t1_jbeit4k wrote

Activism doesn't have to be loud at all lmaoooo


HDSpiele t1_jbekbf8 wrote

It needs to show off an opinion to do that you must draw attention a woman alone standing there because this is what it probably looked like from the outside is the opposite of drawing attention if she brought friends or was loud than that would have been a protest. But what is the point of activism if you are not drawing attention? I would genuanly be curious. How something that doesn't draw attention that doesn't send any kind of message can be considered activism. As praying infront of an abortion clinic doesn't send a clear message. It could send the message that you are praying for the souls of the children like the woman did but you could also be praying that the woman make a speedy recovery you could have a friend in their any you are praying for her or you could just be passing by and gotten a call that a family member is now in a hospital so you pray for them. All of that is just as likly an explanation when you walk bye. If this is to be considered a protest that it should be considered objectivly the worst protest in the history of protests.


noes16 t1_jbjz0ne wrote

She is the director of "March for Life", and clearly an anti-abortion activist. She is very literally trying to change laws and public opinion.

The zone literally forbids any action and specifically says "verbal means or writings, prayers or advice". People who tape their mouths shut are not activists, according to your definition. You do not have to be loud to be an activist!

Why is the person in question not praying outside the zone? Why is the person not praying in a church?! If they prayed anywhere else it would not be a problem. It's a conscious decision, and an action against the clinic, its employees, and users.


HDSpiele t1_jbkadsd wrote

Taking your mouth shut draw attention. Holding up a blank piece of paper draws attention. If you are standing on a streat with you eyes closed does that draw attention? Honest question if you saw a person on the street with they eyes closed would you even notice? would the cops have known she was praying if they didn't ask? Again if you are protesting you whant to draw attention you whant to be metaphorically loud wich she wasn't. If I stand in a corner in a concentration camp eyes closed would you think I am protesting? If no that why would anybody think she was protesting. From what I know she wasn't even there an unusual amount of time if you stand somewhere for hours that can be a Form of protest. But again she wasn't.