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Mental_Cut8290 t1_jeen73a wrote

Difference there is the teachers and administration do see the instigation. Same outcome though.


SherifGames t1_jeepckw wrote

Once a student filmed himself getting bullied to show evidence to his principle. The principle was on the side of the bully and the victim got punished for filming him without his consent. The principle was afraid that they'd get sued by the parents of the bully for having been filmed.


acc060 t1_jef8962 wrote

A lot of the time, in my personal experience being bullied, admin and teachers love the bullies. I once had a girl crash into my car and drive away in our school parking lot. A different girl who was walking to her car had caught it in a Snapchat video and sent it to me. The police officer we had on campus said the girl was “a good kid and would never do that” even after I showed her the video. They completely refused to help me or even look at the security cameras until my dad came to school with his lawyer on the phone and suddenly everything became “a misunderstanding”


NerdyToc t1_jefld7k wrote

Pro tip for life: never talk to the police. Always talk to your lawyer.