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One-Relative5556 t1_irw0pwd wrote

These are the kinds of headlines that the right wing sees, and then uses as their argument. “Crazy liberal countries like New Zealand tax cow burps… What’s next? Are they gonna tax me when I fart? Snort snort”


czs5056 t1_irwe4r5 wrote

Oh goodness, if they taxed me per fart, I would be taxed into homelessness while the IRS garnished all of my wages.


productofpainnz t1_irwp28t wrote

I am a new Zealander and this is absolutely ridiculous. We already get fucked from beingtaxed through the roof for everything. They are just going to screw small farmers. It's not like any of us in this country can get ahead we are being taxed so much. Just look at our male suicide rates and work out how come that mite be. There is nothing to work towards here


ends_abruptl t1_irx2ng9 wrote

I am a New Zealander, and unfortunately we have right wingers like the wally above me, who would rather see the world burn than do something about climate change.


moabthecrab t1_irx4jbj wrote

Most people's philosophy these days is "let's do something about climate change without changing anything about my lifestyle".


102la t1_irxp7ir wrote

Headlines about taxing cow burps w/o fining the corporations will always be treated as ridiculous and meaningless. People are so concerned about future. What about now? Wealth inequality is through the roof than ever before. Not everyone has the luxury of thinking about climate.


cbf1232 t1_irx4ldf wrote

There are ways to reduce cow methane output...apparently feeding a small amount of seaweed makes methane output drop dramatically.

So this may just provide a financial incentive for farmers to actually do the things that we already know will help.


marcus_centurian t1_irxhehb wrote

The red seaweed used for this is very difficult to grow. I think there has been an Australian startup on the books since the early 2010s trying to commercialize this. Nobody can figure out how to make it at scale and to get the cows to eat it, since it is salty and they seem to not eat as much on a mixed ration.


IAFarmLife t1_irxvjyx wrote

I don't see how the red seaweed being salty would turn the cows off since they crave salt. We add salt to nearly every cattle diet on my farm. On pasture they have free choice salt provided too.


marcus_centurian t1_irxw3qq wrote

They have a small level of aversion which can be overcome. The researchers at UC Davis used it in a molasses lick. I'm actually working on similar technology at work also in a molasses lick.


corizano t1_irxx25z wrote

Asparagopsis is the name of the seaweed, cows in Australia are eating it no worries (actually controlling how much they eat is the problem) as for the growing of it; it’s been possible for them to grow it on oyster racks in the ocean and they are about to start mass cultivation indoors on the eyre peninsula in SA. It’s already had huge results and proven to work with CSIRO studies


FilthyTerrible t1_is0l1tm wrote

...complained the guy who lives in paradise. You are so hard done by. It's a tribute to your fortitude you've held on this long having the misfortune of having been born in New Zealand as one of the globes top 2% of wealthiest humans on the planet. Thank God you have a supercomputer in your pocket that enables you to post your plight and reach out to the rest of the world. Where do we send the emergency humanitarian aid?


pressedbread t1_irwvtxy wrote

> the right wing sees, and then uses as their argument. “Crazy liberal

Where we tax green house gas instead of regulating it, then let the market reduce emissions on their own? I'd think right wing would agree if they were sincere on their conservativism or willingness to address climate change.

Real problem is that conservatives aren't sincere, they are corporate stooges who aren't addressing catastrophic man-made global climate change.


Tryignan t1_irwh5z6 wrote

These are the kind of headlines that news sites belonging the uber-rich capitalists write to make the right wing stop the rich being taxed. Don't attribute things to incompetence, when they should be attributed to malice.


Sgozzy t1_irxau7z wrote

In all fairness, this is pretty crazy. How do you even measure and quantify that?


LupusDeusMagnus t1_irxjajl wrote

You can make pretty good estimates by what cows are eating, the number of cows, and their breed.


marcus_centurian t1_irxhwu9 wrote

There are three ways- a satellite company out of Canada has a GPS style grid of small satellites that has been able to detect methane plumes from space. The other is a mechanical device that uses the RFID embedded in the cow's tag to identify the cow and then measure the methane output. Lastly, you put the cow in a neatly sealed cell and monitor all gases going in and out of the cell.


Sgozzy t1_is6672d wrote

lol that is sweet. I have all kind of questions about how accurate it would be but I love that people are actually measuring this


marcus_centurian t1_is66lzd wrote

The whole cell is accurate, but quite expensive and awkward. The ground device is also expensive but not as much and only is cost effective if part of a carbon credit project and the satellites are good enough, but most of their focus is on fossil fuel plumes and other than a proof of concept, they don't seem to monitor cattle on a regular basis, even if they could.


mattyandco t1_irxnxo3 wrote

You measure a few cows, get some averages and use that average with the number of cows a farmer has.


gh0stbrain t1_irzay6w wrote

Crazy liberal countries with their 6 month waiting list for basic hospital procedures.

Crazy liberal countries with their 2 years waiting list to see a therapist.

Crazy liberal countries being top 3 for suicide rate on the planet.

Crazy liberal countries being top 5 for domestic violence.

Crazy liberal countries being top 5 for child molestation and rape.

Crazy liberal countries forcing a stay-at-home mandate that skyrocketed unemployment.

Crazy liberal country forces population to get injections and low-key admits afterwards they don't really do shit.

Crazy liberal country finds way to tax poor people even further, by taxing the food they grow which is round-house subsidized by the same people taking their money to meet trade obligations with China.


Dude there's a lot of reasons why NZ is a liberal shithole, now piss off.