Submitted by meat_rainbows t3_yacqjv in nottheonion
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r t1_itai77l wrote
What the fuck did they expect? and warnings???
sanesociopath t1_itaibcl wrote
sampjennings t1_itaj88c wrote
Well, they seemed trustworthy. I mean, they were in jail for breaking and entering, not breaking and leaving
freemason777 t1_itakgwz wrote
Well I suppose if we live in a world where it needs to be written down, then it's better that it be written down than it not be written down.
mdlinc t1_ital4nh wrote
You need to see yourself out. Or in. Or well shit.
standardtrickyness1 t1_itao0jg wrote
I'm going to let you all out to see my team play the hockey game if you promise to return to your cells.
Acrelorraine t1_itarc5q wrote
What kind of Andy Griffith prison is this?
seriousbangs t1_itarp5i wrote
We put so many people behind bars that don't belong there (usually on nonviolent drug offenses) that you can have an entire jail full of them.
RancidMustard t1_itaxwn1 wrote
why would you give prison inmates the keys was the question
Todd-The-Wraith t1_itb0kov wrote
RoboticJello t1_itb6bdc wrote
"Sergion Williams was fired and faces charges after he’s accused of taking money from inmates through a cash app and giving them food from the jail kitchen"
Maybe feed your fucking inmates enough. It's unacceptable that people in prison are not given enough food.
Shiny_Deleter t1_itb6e16 wrote
Wow, someone actually posted something onion-y!
Crap4Brainz t1_itb8br1 wrote
>Why on earth would you give inmates keys?
So they can open doors, duh!
Jokes aside: Treating prisoners humanely has been shown to significantly reduce recidivism rates.It really does help let them out of their cells as a reward for good behavior. In Germany, almost all non-violent criminals get keys to their own cells.
Being "tough on crime" makes things worse and benefits no-one except for-profit private prison corporations.
Jackalodeath t1_itbjren wrote
I spent 5 days in that jail for a $75 traffic ticket I paid on time; the clerk fucked the paperwork. Lost 10 pounds in there and I ate every pitiful tray of slop they gave me.
The entire time I just paced, walked about, or slept; burning significantly less calories than normal - aside from shivering all the godsdamned time.
I have a special wad of hatred buried deep in my heart for that prison and that corrupt crumb of dickcheese Victor Hill.
GeneralMe21 t1_itbpv7r wrote
Seems like something that would be part of day one training.
ConstantFwdProgress t1_itbrvv6 wrote
I mean, that's pretty common for low-security places in the US too. They don't give you a key, but your cell is unlocked through the day so you can go from there to the common area for your cell block.
cas13f t1_itbxlly wrote
Depending on the age of facility and security level, they do give inmates keys to their cells.
At the facility I worked at, the minimum-security and minimum-trustee annexes were configured such that inmates had a key to their cells. They couldn't lock or unlock the primary security lock, but they could secure their cell to a degree. Two locks, one only works with the key on the guard's set, and a handle lock that works with both the (cell-specific!) inmate key and guard key.
Healthy-Upstairs-286 t1_itc8xud wrote
They asked nicely
smitty1ky t1_itcb4s0 wrote
Did you get any type of compensation?
oh_io_94 t1_itcbxm9 wrote
Welp after reading the article it’s kinda the exact opposite
TexasBrand t1_itcdlid wrote
Lol, he got let out
Me_Krally t1_itcfw37 wrote
You didn't hear the story where a guard sold key access to an inmate?
Jackalodeath t1_itchvqz wrote
Fuck no. I was out of work due to an injury, was homeless, and scared to Death missing the temp work I could do would drop me for 3 no call, no shows. Thankfully the four cops that were sent to collect my gimped ass stopped by my job first which gave them a heads up.
I didn't have the money to simply pay the ticket again - with an added fee of course - to gtfo and and get it sorted, much less what it would've taken to try and get some sort of compensation; and knowing ClayCo they'd've made my life a living Hell for doing it. Just wanted to put the bullshit behind me.
In case the context helps any; that sheriff Victor Hill fucker shot a real estate lady when viewing a model home; leaving her in critical condition. The woman's father called him to apologize for her getting shot.
I shit you not. Forgive me for not linking the stories, but if you're curious just fling "Sheriff Victor Hill accidentally shoots woman" and look for articles around 2015. I will link one below though because its so fucking blatantly... "weird."
Then because of reasons, after the woman healed up from being critically injured from the shooting, she fucking goes and tries to get a job working for the guy.
Idgaf who you are, unless your trauma counsellor is the eternal spirit of Mother-fucking-Teresa; if someone nearly kills you while fucking around, usually the last thing you want to do is call them BOSS.
That is, of course, unless it was a shady-ass way to handle "settlement" payments without the fucker having to admit he did anything wrong. That's purely speculative on my part, yet the scent of utter bullshit clinging to the whole ordeal sure as shit doesn't make it that hard to believe.
seriousbangs t1_itco002 wrote
You didn't understand my answer.
My answer was (to put it bluntly), we put people who shouldn't be in jail in jail.
Those people are honest and harmless. They're not criminals. Often they're just people self medicating with drugs we've made crimes out of for political reasons (google Richard Nixon and Drug War).
So you can give them the keys and they'll come right back because they are honest citizens made criminals for political reasons!!!
Remarkable_Year3152 t1_itcpwjx wrote
Money and sex corrupts any human being no matter how good of a person you are. Honesty is rare this days with fakeness and lies being tolerated by society.
Brewing_Tea t1_itcwno3 wrote
Can we give them security codes?
SnooRobots8906 t1_itcym6r wrote
This is like the key n Peele sketch.
ConstantFwdProgress t1_itd5fqi wrote
Well, there you go then.
Such-Wrongdoer-2198 t1_itdjrwx wrote
Didn't Key and Peele do a sketch about this?
Nazamroth t1_itdq5v0 wrote
I was so gonna post that sketch...
Thehardwayalltheway t1_ite1rge wrote
How did I know this was in the South?
RancidMustard t1_ite89p8 wrote
No I got the answer, not sure how that's a relevant answer as what I read your answer as, is that some inmates are fine to give keys too. It's like you're trying to convince your 5 upvoters that drug dealers & junkies are to be trusted. Explain that away einstein.
AlanShore60607 t1_itegf48 wrote
Tell me you're bad at your job without telling me you're bad at your job.
AurumArgenteus t1_itf39o7 wrote
Faces charges for taking bribes in an easily traced manner. We expect our peacekeepers to break the law properly.
AurumArgenteus t1_itf3gqd wrote
Kind of reminds me of Pursuit of Happyness without the finance job to look forward to. Maybe we can primary more progressives and get a labor party instead of the current pro-corporate Dems. Would help protect others at least.
Wiley_Applebottom t1_itpfyxz wrote
Well, for starters, we literally don't care if people who don't belong in jail escape from jail. I don't need to go any further than that Mr. Hawkinson.
RancidMustard t1_itwgulg wrote
You want people who poison people for money, free from prison? They kinda deserve it, no?
Mindless_Money590 t1_itah1jj wrote
Why on earth would you give inmates keys?