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dizietgurgehsma t1_itbbkua wrote

Can we in the UK borrow it for the PM job?


natty1212 t1_itbcrrd wrote

Don't you guys already have Larry?


fuzzydogpaws t1_itbf25g wrote

He’s more of a figurehead. The real mouse-catching happens behind the scenes.


SunStriking t1_itc5goj wrote

I don't think anyone cares for Charles so how about Larry becomes King and Miao becomes PM


LaureGilou t1_itcww3g wrote

I don't care that much about it, but really can't stand Charles' smug, stupid face. I wish they had some "pupularity rule," something so they could have skipped Charles and gave it to Willie and Katie.


SocDemGenZGaytheist t1_itda8fa wrote

> I wish they had some "p[o]pularity rule," mean like an election?

Yeah, I wish they had that too! Or just get rid of the monarchy like most civilized countries already did


rlnrlnrln t1_itfnrvp wrote

I'm fine with "pupularity". Put a corgi on the throne.


WahaHawa t1_iuhvhht wrote

He'll no, that's a diva disaster waiting to happen

Put a husky


kdlangequalsgoddess t1_itlfgiv wrote

Now, for rats, you want a ferret or a Jack Russell. I Jack Russell, properly trained, is a rat's worst nightmare.


Groomsi t1_itfstj7 wrote

US tried getting a monkey a monkey (2016), didn't work. :(


zoicyte t1_itww0yc wrote

Less of a monkey, more orangutan


svr34 t1_itbak7e wrote

Later that year the cat resigned due to his catnip abuse.


nsk_nyc t1_itbfio6 wrote

I'm sure he'll claw himself back up though.


Majesty1985 t1_itcc599 wrote

After a few setbacks from grooming itself every couple steps


Janus_The_Great t1_itd5icv wrote

I heard he got blackmailed with pictures in risqué positions licking his balls. What dark and scandalous day.


LilG1984 t1_itbn8vu wrote

"The Cat is known as The Mogfather & will grant favours in exchange for catnip "


Daveaa005 t1_itbyow2 wrote

His idea was a republic, without privileged orders, but with a hereditary royal family at the head of it instead of an elective chief magistrate. He believed that no nation that had ever known the joy of worshiping a royal family could ever be robbed of it and not fade away and die of melancholy. I urged that kings were dangerous. He said, then have cats. He was sure that a royal family of cats would answer every purpose. They would be as useful as any other royal family, they would know as much, they would have the same virtues and the same treacheries, the same disposition to get up shindies with other royal cats, they would be laughably vain and absurd and never know it, they would be wholly inexpensive; finally, they would have as sound a divine right as any other royal house, and “Tom VII, or Tom XI, or Tom XIV by the grace of God King,” would sound as well as it would when applied to the ordinary royal tomcat with tights on. “And as a rule,” said he, in his neat modern English, “the character of these cats would be considerably above the character of the average king, and this would be an immense moral advantage to the nation, for the reason that a nation always models its morals after its monarch’s. The worship of royalty being founded in unreason, these graceful and harmless cats would easily become as sacred as any other royalties, and indeed more so, because it would presently be noticed that they hanged nobody, beheaded nobody, imprisoned nobody, inflicted no cruelties or injustices of any sort, and so must be worthy of a deeper love and reverence than the customary human king, and would certainly get it. The eyes of the whole harried world would soon be fixed upon this humane and gentle system, and royal butchers would presently begin to disappear; their subjects would fill the vacancies with catlings from our own royal house; we should become a factory; we should supply the thrones of the world; within forty years all Europe would be governed by cats, and we should furnish the cats. The reign of universal peace would begin then, to end no more forever.... Me-e-e-yow-ow-ow-ow—fzt!—wow!”


General_Jeevicus t1_itda5mj wrote

I mean the cats ruled Ancient Egypt for like 4,000 years, so they are on to something here.


Jman50k t1_itcz5y7 wrote

Press: Sir, will you address the allegations that you were caught licking your own butthole in front of women and children!?

Cat: Licks butthole


stjack1981 t1_itbcm6j wrote

Holy crap, she's cute


Staticoli t1_itbhpym wrote

The mayor is a dude... The mayor is also a huge advocate for proper pronoun usage.


stjack1981 t1_itbi53w wrote

> Black and white moggy Miao spent her first day in office as ‘mayor of the animals'

> deputy mayor Matteo Di Fabio swore Miao into her role by placing an Italian tricolore ribbon around her neck,


PotOPrawns t1_itc7mk7 wrote

Can we have one of his family members as PM for the UK please? Will undoubtedly do a better job than the last dregs.


thatoneasshole-_- t1_itck7g7 wrote

I think that you need UK citizenship to be elected, so it'll take a long time, but maybe it'll be worth it Idk


Rosebunse t1_itbn1xe wrote

Awww! She looks like my kitty!


bstowers t1_itbnkqq wrote

“Susan! The mayor’s litter box needs changed again!”


A1rh3ad t1_itckkot wrote

Is she actually mayor or "Mayor of the animals?" I smell clickbaity headline.


MEDBEDb t1_itcp0yo wrote

I read the article. “Mayor of Animals”


A1rh3ad t1_itd0maw wrote

Yeah, that's far from what the headline reads. The headline reads like it was the south park episode where they elect a rabbit as pope.


KazkaFaron t1_itcarz0 wrote

better than that fascist lady


anthXO t1_itcpcz4 wrote

I want to see a movie where they do this and then the cat starts talking and becomes a political monster.


imnotknow t1_itceo5u wrote

Why do you Italians keep electing fascists? Please vote for dog next time


Cayfish t1_itelick wrote

This cat is a centrist, and plans to legalize catnip


PenlessScribe t1_itbxvlz wrote

Sorry, the mayor can't meet with you right now. It's feeding time and she has a lot on her plate.


hedgerow_hank t1_itd6is3 wrote

Expect a year of sane legislation.

Expect a year of having your glass knocked off the table while the mayor looks you in the eyes.


Millera34 t1_itda1ve wrote

Can he replace the next president in the U.S?


the_amatuer_ t1_itdiv5f wrote

Recent news is that he had to stand down. Some tweets from 2011 have resurfaced.


twoaspensimages t1_itealru wrote

For: food and naps, preferably in dappled sun

Against: birds, mice, loud noises, unexpected zucchini


LarYungmann t1_iteupeq wrote

Mayor Cat Nabbed With Some Nip --- News At Eleven


[deleted] t1_itbcnyf wrote



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No_Match1529 t1_itbd0m2 wrote

italy is going to sixty dahyes


Urgullibl t1_itcvyas wrote

That's longer than a head of lettuce.


Strude187 t1_itcyn2x wrote

I think our lettuce PM is a better leader.


norcalnomad t1_itcz1ct wrote

Better than the new fascist president


panetero t1_itd8d4k wrote

Still better life expectancy than Berlusconi.


AmethystOrator t1_itdai98 wrote

That's meowtivational for future feline political opportunities.


Kwestionable t1_itdfe11 wrote


Cmon man, it was right there in front of you!


trollsmurf t1_itdbwf9 wrote

The best responsibilities are those you are not aware of.


bannacct56 t1_itddenv wrote

Must be a facist cat, they needed the vote


texasguy911 t1_itdo5zd wrote

Mostly an honorary position, pays only one can of cat food a year.


bacon_n_legs t1_itehu4u wrote

In power longer than most Italian Prime Ministers.

Bravo, Gatto.


Mrdrprfr t1_iterpdf wrote

Talkeetna, AK respects you for continuing the legacy of Mayor Stubbs.


Mtndrums t1_itfdhym wrote

It IS Italy, so the cat is probably the least corrupt politician there.


pugs-and-kisses t1_itfgpnl wrote

The only politician I’d reckon that will actively get rid of their city’s vermin.


therunnypublisher t1_itfiwb0 wrote

The cat was replaced by a dog, who was also replaced by a cat.


shania666 t1_itip8pk wrote

I vote the cat over trump.


[deleted] t1_itm52r8 wrote

The local dog parks are now marked as permanently closed, but at least the local mouse problem is under control.


soultrayn t1_itnod7f wrote

“There are question marks regarding whether Miao’s appointment to the position of mayor was rigged, as she is reportedly the pet cat of Dio Fabio’s young daughter.”

Meowpotism? I’m struggling for a cat pun to underscore the collusion here


hatetheinternet-88 t1_itdg3le wrote

Word has it mr. kitty has made more head way in one week then Justin Trudeaus has in his entire term
