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trucorsair t1_iupf2q0 wrote

This article clears it up for me. When Elon said “ won’t be a free-for-all hellscape”, he meant it will be a paid hellscape.


rvmiv t1_iupcm34 wrote

This entirely misses what I always saw as the point of the blue check (as someone who barely looks at twitter) to distinguish a real public person's account from a fake account (like all those fake elon musk accounts...)


FriedScrapple t1_iupjc7b wrote

Yeah I’m starting to think maybe he isn’t a genius after all


overtimeout t1_iupo4pa wrote

He bought the Tesla brand. He didn't invent shit. People keep forgetting this.


FriedScrapple t1_iuposi6 wrote

I’m too distracted by his hair plugs and how he can’t keep a woman.


Uncynical_Diogenes t1_iur2pzi wrote

Do not forget his freakish, block-shaped torso.

Ribs like a fucking pet crate.


FriedScrapple t1_iur79aj wrote

Some people are saying his real mother was one of the enslaved trolls his father bewitched to run his diamond mine, who forced him to adopt Elon in order to escape a terrible curse. I’m not saying it’s true, I’m just saying that people are saying it.


Shorty604 t1_iut6xz2 wrote

Lol you're on that train too? The only thing Tesla had was a name when he joined up with them. They had no car, no protype, the founder and CEO eventually got ousted by the board for assembling a car that costed more to build than it was being sold for.


TricksterWolf t1_iuq5d3j wrote

B-but white rich man in tech sector means smrt?


RonnarRage t1_iurlnxm wrote

I know im in an echo chamber here.... but I'd assume the wealthiest man in the world probably has a bit more insight than most (Why is that a controversial statement?). But that's just me. Also, way to keep racism alive and well and bring up race where it doesn't belong.


TricksterWolf t1_iurnvio wrote

It isn't controversial, it's incorrect. Most of the wealthiest people in the world are wealthy from inheritance plus the fact that power and wealth consolidate very rapidly. And race is absolutely part of the equation when it comes to the mythology of tech gurus.


RonnarRage t1_ius081z wrote

Ahh yes, like Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai. The biggest tech CEOs in the world.

Can you give some REAL examples of someone increasing thier wealth by a factor of what... 100,000x while not being intelligent?

Because you're so caught up in your weird hate boner bias you can't even acknowledge "The guy I dislike is smart".


TricksterWolf t1_ius1yhq wrote

  1. Never said nor implied I "dislike" him, and you're definitely projecting said "weird hate boner bias".
  2. Winning the lottery? Extremely wealthy parents dying? Can you actually not think up examples like this on your own?
  3. Believe it or not, the biggest tech CEO's in the world are not remotely "most of the wealthiest people in the world" as I mentioned. My statement is still correct.

RonnarRage t1_iusdb6q wrote

Just to clarify, you think the world's wealthiest person, who has owned/operated multiple innovative companies so successfully is not only a dumb person, but is in fact nist really lucky.

You are the definition of arguing in bad faith.


GetlostMaps t1_iusxljs wrote

You can be smart at scamming people, just not tech smart. Like Elon.


RonnarRage t1_iutmgna wrote

Did he trick people into buying Teslas? Did he trick the US goverment/military into giving Space X contracts?

I'm not pro Musk, I'm anti echo chambers. You guys are making insane wild claims.


GetlostMaps t1_iuts8w5 wrote

The exception proves the rule. Tesla semis are a scam, so even Tesla itself is inconsistent.


TricksterWolf t1_iuu4xj6 wrote

I don't think you know what arguing in bad faith is, you just don't agree with the facts I'm laying down. Elon made a fortune with PayPal stock but they kicked him off the board for gross incompetence. He didn't invent anything; he bought Tesla. He routinely makes the worst business decisions imaginable hence being forced to buy Twitter for a highly overvalued price, as does Zuckerberg, who I must assume you also worship. Neither of them would get away with it if not for the mythology pushed by people like yourself. It's seriously embarrassing.


RonnarRage t1_iuu69qm wrote

I don't think you know what the term "fact" means. Enjoy living in your little echo chamber imagination land where wealth is a roll of the dice lol.


TricksterWolf t1_iuu7fzz wrote

Once again, I never said anything of the kind. Warren Buffett, for one, earned his wealth by working hard and being a financial genius, though even he admits it was only possible because he had access to privileges most people didn't.

Try listening instead of imagining a fictional opponent you can "win" against. People aren't the stereotypes you make us out to be.


greetz_dk t1_iuws60u wrote

Buy 20 companies for daddys money. 15 go under. 3 do well. 2 make you billions.

Getting rich is all about a thousand factors coming together and working out. A good idea can fail horribly and a bad idea can ride a fad to success. Being unbelievably rich makes it much, much easier to piss money into investments and getting even richer.

You or I can't do that. Someone whos parents owned diamond mines during the apartheid can do that a thousand times over till they get lucky.

Musk has no merit. He's just born rich.


BJntheRV t1_iupo646 wrote

That was the entire point. But, if they stick with that how will they convince us the bots aren't real people?


YuanBaoTW t1_iuq5101 wrote

Now you'll be able to distinguish the real fake accounts from the fake accounts.


Core1989 OP t1_iupbnem wrote

Seriously, who is going to pay $20 a month for a blue check?


OscarMike1911 t1_iupf26a wrote

In a world where some people will do anything for a camera and comments good or bad, lots of people


YuanBaoTW t1_iuq55mb wrote

Just wait until Musk unveils the $40/month red check.

"You buy the blue check... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You buy the red check... you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."


Linktank t1_iupup1g wrote

A MONTH!? I was here thinking $20 ever was a bad price. Holy fuck.


[deleted] t1_iupo1ck wrote



King_Ofroad t1_iuqiqg8 wrote

This article does a good job summing it up

He used Tesla and SpaceX stock to back his purchase. If Twitter loses money, he loses power at his companies.

Over the last couple years Twitter has operated at a major (read billions of dollars) loss.

Musk is almost certainly not smart enough to figure out a way to make Twitter operate at a profit and as it becomes more of a cesspit, advertisers (the only source of income) will continue to bail.


Khemith t1_iuquq7f wrote

Once Twitter becomes Twittler again, the investors and the ad revenue will evaporate.


Shorty604 t1_iut7of1 wrote

lol not smart enough...

Stephen King one of the richest most successful writer is bitching about $20 for a platform he's been using for free. I don't care for cheap ass rich people.


King_Ofroad t1_iut7z9l wrote

I'm sure musk will come and personally thank you for your valiant defense of his dipshit decisions any day now


KristinSaysGah t1_iurdvmo wrote

And very wealthy celebrities are also moaning about paying a bill. 🙃


herewego199209 t1_iurgee4 wrote

How are they moaning? They're saying it makes no sense that they need to pay for verification, which they're right. The entire point of being verified is for the followers to know they're following a legit person. The celebrities, journalists, entertainers, etc are the commodity on twitter. They're the draw. Asking them to pay to promote your product when they're the draw of the product is hilarious.


Shorty604 t1_iut8039 wrote

Then they can go to another platform. Instead a bunch of millionaires are bitching about $20. It eliminates so much fake accounts and bot farms.


KristinSaysGah t1_iurhmvc wrote

I’m not saying that I agree with the new verification rule but when they write a tweet that says that Twitter should pay them to write a tweet, I’d file that under “moaning about paying a bill.”


basics t1_iusrfgk wrote

Why would they pay when they are providing the content? That's not how you get rich. Rich people already know that.

Asking Steven King to pay to be verified on twitter is like asking Tom Cruise to pay for the opportunity to be in the new Top Gun movie.


BugsyMcNug t1_iupenim wrote

I like kings books. Most of his opinions.. gosh is he loud about them.. but that is what twitter is for. I agree with him when he snapped back, not necessarily seriously, that he should be paid for using it.

I stopped using twitter when i had to delete a responce to a musk tweet where i was critical of him. I was not able to use my account in the regular way until i did. I thought to myself 'as much as i enjoy engaging with comedians, gamers and cooks like myself; its not worth it if this idea of free speech was just some bolted on catch phrase that didn't actually have anything to do with the reality, the literal definition, of those words.'


JoeTheFingerer t1_iuph39a wrote

wait, Twitter suspended your account because you were critical of Musk in a tweet?


Qlinkenstein t1_iupllln wrote

I was suspended for 12 hours for calling him a dickhead.


JoeTheFingerer t1_iuppbrg wrote

It's going to be wild if the only thing that could possibly get you banned or muted is if you are critical of him.


Qlinkenstein t1_iuqxjl5 wrote

Next time I'm going with "fuckface"...


basics t1_iusrlgg wrote

People are going to be twitch streaming "get banned on twitter for insulting musk" speedruns.

Its going to be great.


BugsyMcNug t1_iupha1s wrote

In a response to his tweet. Regarding the rona and his workers.


Shorty604 t1_iut8elc wrote

He literally just took over Twitter... it would be the previous management team...


BlooperHero t1_iuq3oil wrote

That's not what free speech means, though.

It's what he meant what he said it, but he was lying. Part of the lie is that that's not what it means at all.


BJntheRV t1_iupo2i4 wrote

The good news is that he was already down to just charging $8 today. By tomorrow we'll be back to the $4 Twitter Blue currently costs.


GyakuBoop t1_iuq790b wrote

Spend less on nitro basic, and enjoy a platform with 900% less cancer


CallMeBruceGold t1_iuqy9gs wrote

I never understood Twitter. I tried it years ago, but the space limitations were so annoying. Trying to craft a statement that fits, and having to cut words out of a sentence, hoping it still made sense when chopped up. Why?!?

Then, I tried it again, solely because I kept hearing about all these wild and crazy Trump tweets. But using Twitter didn’t add anything, as the tweets were always discussed on the news, anyway.

Seems people mainly use Twitter hoping to get news a minute or two before it breaks through official channels, despite the reduced reliability of the information. It’s all about speed.


azuresegugio t1_iuuj954 wrote

Eh I find it's good for artists. Post art with a little blurb about what they made, it's a big enough platform you can get a lot of viewership of it, you can add direct links to Patreon at the top of your page


Zian64 t1_iur8r44 wrote

I mean blue check losers will pay that in a heartbeat. Double even. So maybe the shakedown will work?


[deleted] t1_iupbn35 wrote



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CalRipkenForCommish t1_iuph0bb wrote

There was a lot of conjecture about this before the takeover - that Musk was going to implement an subscription tier, and, as grifters have been so successful in the GOP lately, will easily take money out of their voters’ pockets. They won’t even see (or acknowledge) the irony - they’re being made to “pay” for the free speech they rail about.


rdkilla t1_iupowj1 wrote

why do you think they aren't releasing the bot data publicly?


[deleted] t1_iupqigc wrote



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Jace_Te_Ace t1_iuqzh6b wrote

If it doesn't pay the bills already then it wasn't worth $44B


rededelk t1_iur4j28 wrote

I was verified but recently saw it disappeared, don't really give a crap, don't use it much because it sux


Simplyobsessed2 t1_iur8yoy wrote

If a business or public figure was using my Twitter-sized platform to sell/advertise products I'd charge them a fee too and for the big guys like Netflix and Amazon it would be more than 20 dollars.


Core1989 OP t1_iure7u7 wrote

That's not all the verification check is for though, public services use them all the time to send info that can be trusted. Most of the people selling and advertising products are already paying for thier post to be promoted anyhow.


MichaelNC19 t1_iut7lb6 wrote

Using Twitter to get/share information has to be one of the worst media vehicles around today. I place 90% of all social media platforms in the 7th grade fanboy box of useless apps.

It's nothing more than a megaphone for keyboard warriors.


c0rzaaa t1_iupbqx4 wrote

You understand nothing


Shorty604 t1_iut8pyj wrote

Hi I'm super rich from writing books. I can't afford $20. I'm going to cry about it on Twitter now.


list0chek t1_iuqkgvp wrote

I thought lefties should love this? He is literally taxing the rich
