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Chasman1965 t1_iux5dsc wrote

It's a pretty good idea. Associate humans with negative things, and they will avoid humans. This is the exact opposite of feeding them.


Amiiboid t1_iux9xw6 wrote

My state department of environmental protection recommends shooting bears in residential areas with paintballs for the same reason. It’s harmless but annoying, so they will go someplace less annoying.


the_clash_is_back t1_iuxpf6w wrote

Its like shining a spot light on the meth head that’s pooping in your lane way. Harmless, annoys them, they poop on the next street over


semiomni t1_iuxsg5z wrote

And the end result of them becoming too comfortable around humans is them being put down, which makes a few paintballs seem a lot more merciful.


Gyoza-shishou t1_iuzpvkw wrote

Wouldn't we just be redoing dogs anyway if we keep feeding them? I don't see the harm in that?


Snizl t1_iv0d403 wrote

Well there is a reason most civilized countries are pretty keen on not having stray dogs around.