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Flux83 t1_iv5jokm wrote

You must be running out of wallets, just head over to costco and buy in bulk.


rainbow_bro_bot t1_iv5zy2i wrote

Buy a cheap $5 wallet and put $1 in it.

Each time you get robbed you are basically paying $6 to suck on her tits. If she has nice tits it's a good deal.


-maffu- t1_iv5texa wrote

Top tip. (if you'll excuse the pun)


TmanGvl t1_iv5zwrb wrote

You probably built tolerance for sedative by now.


digitaldigdug t1_iv66mhm wrote

Better idea, leave your real wallet in your car and get a wallet loaded with fake cards and some monopoly $ before hitting her up


Flux83 t1_iv66rac wrote

You think she is going to check your wallet before knocking you out?


digitaldigdug t1_iv69e15 wrote

If she grabs your wallet and runs she won't know until it's too late. If the robbing happens just outside the bar she has to move quickly before she gets noticed.


Menown t1_iv6qug3 wrote

Yeah but if anybody asks, those aren't my wallets.