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cgrisG t1_iwj5y53 wrote

I don't care what someone once said on the Internet. I've never once heard of a woman being described as going "Balls out", and if I did it would not sound right at all. I've never heard my mother use the phrase, even though it was apparently used in a nonsexual easy her entire life. Balls out, dicks out, rock out with your cock out, jam out with your clam out... If you wouldn't expect to hear it in a Sunday sermon, it just might mean something lurid.


FateLeita t1_iwjl1kn wrote

I mean I'm a woman and use the term 'balls out', but I'm crass and no, it would not be accepted in polite company.


bernmont2016 t1_iwjuxl2 wrote

"Going balls out" is easy to use a more polite substitute for, at least - "going all out".