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0110010001100010 t1_iwj7e7o wrote

I live in Ohio and this might be the most Van Wert thing ever, lol.


nviousguy t1_iwjgvxd wrote

Grew up there. Can confirm.


Personmanwomantv t1_iwlam2s wrote

Me too. This is a town that is proud of their invasive black squirrels. Some random person imported them from Canada or Michigan and they have run off the native squirrel population.


palabradot t1_iwlneeu wrote

They're an entirely different species? We have those around here, and I thought they were just a melanistic version of the same standard species. (their numbers peak during summer then get hammered in autumn-winter by the cats and birds of prey when there's no foliage to hide beneath and they stand out against the snow)


Personmanwomantv t1_iwmuxkd wrote

It is my understanding that the natives were fox squirrels and the invasives are black colored eastern grey squirrels. I think those are different species.