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plemur t1_iwk435d wrote

A mink farmer stands astraddle a chest high metal cow gate overlooking an undulating sea of shiny fur. A bead of sweat rolls down his face, cutting through dust and dirt. He wipes it away with the back of a mink gloved hand holding a mink fur cowboy hat that matches his mink fur coat.

"Hmmm... 25 to 40,000, I'd say"

An older, grizzled mink farmer draped in even more mink fur apparel stands some way back looks into the distance, sure not to look at the hypnotic sheet of tangled, squiggling minks.

"Yuh, sounds about right." As he nods to an eager, fresh-faced teen who dutifully writes the numbers down in a mink fur bound notebook with a mink fur pom-pom adorned pencil.


Screamingholt t1_iwkme20 wrote

I swear I have seen this scene in my brain before. Right down to the hairy pencil topper