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Boobsiclese t1_iwl1ytc wrote

SC here. We used to get duck eggs from a friend but he had to get out of the game cause his relationship imploded.

I hate Walmart. šŸ˜’

And MtD and I've never had a Little Debbie so I can't comment on that... I have had a Nutty Buddy tho, so guilty as charged there I guess... šŸ˜…


thatswherethedevilis t1_iwmuhas wrote

I have heard ducks are terrible at relationships, so Iā€™m not surprised your friend broke it off with his duck.


digd0g t1_iwmxhnf wrote

Ah, the old reddit duck-a-roo!


COinAK t1_iwqgb6b wrote

Hold my tail feathers, Iā€™m going in


phezhead t1_ixy8uwu wrote

"Th-aat's wha-at sheeEEee sai-d"... ... šŸ‘»

I think ASSGHOST is getting weaker the farther it gets from it's original timeline


JibJabJake t1_iwl2ne0 wrote

I don't eat sweets much but it's hard to pass up a Swiss roll and definitely can't pass up a nutty buddy


Boobsiclese t1_iwl33mb wrote

I'm Canadian...I fixed it. Lol

So Little Debbie makes them all I take it? It's not it's own thing like a Twinkie? Lol.

I never grew up with that stuff in Canada. I tell you what though, after my seventeenth package of Nutty buddy's I knew I needed to stay far away from anything closely resembling that packaging so when I see them in the grocery store my eyes glaze over and I flit right past them! Lol There's a lot of different iterations!


JibJabJake t1_iwl3hm6 wrote

If you're feeling squirrely buy a box of their christmas tree cakes. They should be out in stores by now. Good for a treat with coffee once a month or two. Absolutely nothing healthy in it whatsoever.


Boobsiclese t1_iwl4a7q wrote

I absolutely refuse.

Lol, I'm off excess sugar. I mean, it's in all our food now, I don't need to add to it. šŸ˜…