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DrugsArentAlwaysBad t1_iy5mqx4 wrote

Good for them. It sounds like they had a gruelling plan and schedule to adhere to, and followed it perfectly.

Hard work always pays off. The taliban are living proof. Well done, lads!


RadicalPenguin t1_iy5rarh wrote

Say what you want about their terrorist ways, but their business acumen is second to none.


Rosebunse t1_iy68y09 wrote

Does the money even go to the actual Taliban at this point? Most of it just goes towards making these few guys rich while the actual people on the ground live in squalor..


slapstickshemp t1_iy6guzv wrote

One would think that equipment could be better used to rebuild their own country instead of profiting from sports in another country. But hey, nothing says legitimate government like insiders profiting while people suffer.


minnesotaris t1_iy6psq7 wrote

The whole WC outcome of winners has no influence on anything in the real world. It’s all a skim operation and Qatar knows it.


OffendedByMyInnuendo t1_iy75qhh wrote

Just another great reason for me not to watch a single minute of this farce


4354574 t1_iy7cv28 wrote

I thought the World Cup was associated with the heathen and heretical outside world.


PrecursorNL t1_iy7hb5s wrote

Ironic how they quote someone saying that the world doesn't care about oppression if it is entertained... Only to post a piece themselves on taliban funding followed by a piece on how Portugal won a game in the world cup. Absolutely pinnacle of clickbait fuckery.


FewImprovement6877 t1_iy7ua5e wrote

Based on the amount of spelling errors in the article, I think this is not true


morgulbrut t1_iy7vdnk wrote

The Taliban are amateurs, the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas made millions from Qatar during the same time, without the need to provide construction equipement.


Swedishboy360 t1_iy8i3ar wrote

This article reads like a child wrote it. I'm calling bs


spydersens t1_iy8xboe wrote

Is anyone ever surprised to hear that big money meddles in politics and feeds it back?


Woopigmob t1_iydi30n wrote

If Joe forces a contract on us that we don't want any strike will be a wildcat strike. A wildcat strike means we are liable for damages. Our union will be dissolved and we will have liens put on our homes. We can also face jail time. Railway Labor Act.